Political Compass 2060

Create an image of a futuristic political landscape, depicting diverse groups of people discussing in a vibrant, urban setting filled with technology and greenery, highlighting themes of debate, progress, and cooperation.

Political Compass 2060 Quiz

Discover where you stand on the pressing political issues of 2060 with our engaging quiz. Answer ten carefully crafted questions about refugee policy, carbon mitigation, cybernetics, and more to get a clearer picture of your political beliefs.

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  • Explore your stance on key global issues.
  • Engage with thought-provoking questions.
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10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ThinkingTree42
Refugee policy
We need to meet our international committments of accepting 5 million refugees. But many will want to return home if it is ever possible and good relationships with democratic war torn states is necessary to make this possible.
We need to meet our international committments of accepting 5 million refugees and this can be best done by integrating refugee populations widely throughout the country, not overloading the infrastructure of refugee areas
We need to meet our international committments of accepting 5 million refugees, but the EU is not playing its part in this and we must continue emergency refugee camps and processing until the world's excess refugee population is also homed.
China, India and Africa are suffering a brain drain because their best and brightest are coming to the West. Without border controls the world will never recover from the war
We need to meet our international committments of accepting 5 million refugees while securing our food supplies to ensure the country is not struck by a Third Hunger
This country should be preparing to take in at least 10 million refugees by 2070 to save the lives of people in Occupied Africa
It is dangerous for Refugees to travel, we should aim to prevent refugees from making dangerous journeys to Europe by funding refugee camps in Africa and Asia
Carbon mitigation
Use the global reconstruction period to invest in the economy. Return to carbon neutrality by 2075.
Return to carbon neutrality by 2070, use the reconstruction period to achieve energy and food neutrality.
Return to carbon neutrality before the end of the 60s and prioritise international aid to jumpstart carbon mitigation in war-torn regions.
Carbon neutrality targets are artificial and our priority should be investing in the geoengineering sector to achieve a negative carbon footprint while investing in the economy
Carbon neutrality targets are artificial because they include offsetting from geoengineering. Carbon output and carbon capture should be measured separately and we should aim for true carbon neutrality by 2080
Invest heavily in the global target of carbon neutrality by 2075 rather than setting domestic targets
Scrap carbon neutrality targets and aim to bring back prosperity and jobs
Mind-Machine Interfaces are dangerous and any commercial computing technology that relies on brain surgery should be the domain of medical professionals
Mind-Machine Interfaces are dangerous and technology developers in the sector should be properly accredited and certified under international law
Discrimination against people with mind-machine interfaces should be covered under the Equality Act in a specific provision rather than just under the provision for platform neutrality.
Mind-Machine Interface is safe and the industry is creating jobs. Over-regulation is unnecessary and is killing the self-modding sector.
Mind-Machine Interface should be legal only where there is a medical or accessibility need for it.
The central issue with Mind-Machine Interface technologies is that they create a two tier system. Pre-emptive measures need to be taken to protect the rights of people to not need to use invasive technologies
Global regulation of Mind-Machine Interface Technologies is a threat to sovereignty and Britain should use its influence to ensure that the UN does not overstep its authority
Extensive geoengineering projects must be undertaken under the auspices of the UN but with British interests in mind
Extensive geoengineering projects must be undertaken under UN control with a priority on rebuilding post-war
Extensive geoengineering projects must be undertaken but Britain must lead the way in ensuring that all projects are quality checked and do what they are meant to
Extensive geoengineering projects must be undertaken under the supervision of the UN and the private sector should be able to profit from this sector, creating badly needed jobs
Geoengineering remains as dangerous as it was pre-war and should not be implemented unless new safety measures are in place to prevent the catastrophic mistakes of the past
To meet the UK's geoengineering commitments we need to implement the most massive stimulus project in history. We should not waste this opportunity. A nationalised, worker controlled geoengineering service can save the world and reinvigorate the economy
The UK is in a lucky position due to the jet stream, healthy rain levels and insulation from the worst effects of nuclear war. Geoengineering must first and foremost protect the needs of the UK and working under the UN undermines this
We must ensure that freedom of speech and assembly is protected so that fascism and communism can be argued against
Education and national service are the best tools for rooting out extremism. With criminal prosecutions and court mandated anti-radicalisation classes as a last resort
We must ensure that freedom of speech and assembly is protected but fascist events and media should be discouraged by private individuals
We must ensure that freedom of speech and assembly is protected, even for people we personally disapprove of
Fascism is a response to poor living conditions and a lack of hope, it should be countered by a society wide programme of cultural and economic revival alongside strict punishments for hate crimes.
Fascism must be rooted out without mercy, through criminal prosecutions, protests and divestment
Maoist communism has killed hundreds of millions, yet its spies and apologists are still free in this country and are attempting to regroup. Former Maoist spies and their fellow travellers must be rooted out and prosecuted.
Universal Basic Income should be implemented to ensure that nobody enters poverty due to automation of their employment sector
There should be a National Dividend Scheme paid for through corporate taxation, including a tax on automation
There should be a UBI and NDS, with the NDS paid for through a tax on automation. It should be illegal for companies to imply that a product is zero automation if it was produced through automation.
Automation is harmful because it relies on kiloqubit computing, which is unaffordable to small businesses. Small businesses should be tax exempt and tax cuts should be offered to businesses which provide SMEs with kiloqubit computing
We should fund an NDS through taxation and tax automation to encourage the low tech zero automation sector
There should be a National Dividend paid for through taxation. Automation Tax should be used to buy up automated industries so that the automated means of production can be publicly owned for the public good
Members of the indigenous British population should be offered a National Dividend to share in the rewards of the modern economy
An end to food rationing is desirable in the long term. Rationing should be relaxed gradually and the government should make a plan to end rationing at some point before 2080
Food rations should be increased to meet nutritional needs to guard against profiteering and inflation
Food rationing should be relaxed to allow off ration meals out, to improve the economy
Food rationing has lead to starvation and the rise of the black market. It should be abolished
Increased investment in cooperative farming structures should allow us to reach food sovereignty by 2080, however food rationing must remain forever to prevent a Hunger
There are too many loop holes and black market venues which allow the rich to abuse rationing and hoard more than their fair share. We must tighten up rationing and encourage community allotments to prevent starvation
The food ration is a fact of life in an overpopulated country however priority should be given to UK citizens
Genetic modification
Genetic modification of human embryos should be allowed only when there is a medical need and registration of GM humans is necessary to understand how illegal modifications impact the gene pool
Genetic modification of human embryos should be allowed only when there is a medical need and we must work with the UN to stamp out the practice everywhere
Genetic modification of human embryos should be allowed only when there is a medical need however the privacy and wellbeing of GM humans must be protected as a priority
Genetic modification of humans is both a reality and a potential opportunity, Trying to turn back the clock is costly and impossible while GM humans live among us.
Genetic modification of humans should be treated as criminal unless there is a valid medical need.
Genetic modification of humans should be treated as criminal unless there is a viable plan to remove genetic illnesses, when it should be allowed as long as it is freely available.
Genetically modified humans bring dangerous new genetic combinations into the gene pool and this can lead to unexpected dangers. For this reasons, genetically altered humans should be kept out of the breeding pool
We must begin the switchover to make fusion power our primary energy source by 2100
The UK is ready to construct its first fusion reactors
The end of nuclear twilight means that solar and wind power can meet all of Britain's energy needs. No new fusion reactors are needed beyond those already under construction
Massive investment in energy projects is unnecessary, however fusion power companies should receive tax breaks to assist with the construction projects if there is consumer demand
Fusion power is dangerous, relies on fuel we don't have, and makes it far too easy to construct nuclear weapons. It should be banned until the technology improves.
Fusion power is a red herring. With investment, all of society's domestic energy needs can be met with renewables and extending these networks will create the most jobs for the investment.
Fusion power should be implemented as quickly as possible so that we can provide free energy for all.
National service
National Service should be implemented within the military with civilian options available and the priority should be employability and training citizens to prepare for natural disasters
National Service should be implemented in mostly civilian sectors with an option of military work and the priority should be employability and training citizens to prepare for natural disasters
Optional national service years should be offered to those aged 18-25.
National service is an expensive way to create jobs that don't need doing and the modern, automated, army is too overstretched to be repurposed into a babysitting service for teenagers.
National service is immoral and restricts freedom, young people should receive funding to establish companies in the low-tech, zero automation sector where their skills and jobs will be most secure.
National service is immoral and restricts freedom, a job guarantee for 18-25s within environmental sectors is a better use of resources
National service will help foster discipline and employment skills and should include peacekeeping front line military work.
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