WS final

What are the five touchstones of the Jewish faith?
Yahweh, The people, the covenant, The Torah, the Land
What is Yahweh?
Belief in one god
The covenant is..
God and peoples agreement
What are the key Tenets of christianity?
The trinity, justification by faith, prayer, the church, baptism, eucharist, and the bible
The US funded muhajadeen in the fight against the Soviets in the 80's. This is an example of a ____________ war.
Where are ISIS's roots from?
Al Qaeda
Who supports ISIS?
Private donors with their own money
What were the 4 reasons the US entered the war in Iraq in 2003?
Saddam's human right violations, spread democracy, WMD's, and to liberate the Iraqi people
When was Abu Ghriab/Guantanamo Bay and what happened?
2005, prison scandals by troops who were abusing and treating prisoners poorly.
Obama proopses _________ from Afghanistan in 2014
Complete withdrawl
What happens from 2004-2006?
Saddam is on trial: proven guilty
The _________ resurges in 2007
When does the war in Afghanistan end completely and how?
In December 2014, at a ceremony
October 2015: Taliban control has been strongest ______________.
Since 2001
What were some of the causes of imperialism (list at least 4)
Economic motives, political motives, social darwinism, technologiacal and military superiority, special interest groups, and civilization of non-western people
What kind of control tactics did France use? What policies are within this and what do they mean?
Direct control: paternalism (governed in a fatherly way but denied rights) and assimilation (absorbed in culture)
What is indirect control? Who used this in Africa?
Councils traning local leaders with the British method of government, Britain
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
To avoid fighting
What is the ANC? ANC Youth League and what were there approaches?
African national Congress, mass-based
Early protests in South Africa were ______.
What happened at Sharpeville?
A large crowd gathered outside a police station that were against passed laws, and the police opened fire, killing 69 people and wounding 80.
After Shareville, the government started using ________.
Acts of sabotage
What was the Rivonia Trial?
South african leader are sent to prison
After the ANC, who was the new leader?
Steve biko
What law caused the Soweto uprising?
Law passed that half of the student is year 7-8 had to be taught in Afrikaaner
What happens in 1990 and 94 in south africa?
90: unbannig of political organizations, release of Mandela. 94: first democratic elections
Name 3 major groups that wanted power in south africa.
British, Dutch, Zulu, Bantu
King Leopold was associated with the colony....
Congo free state
Mandela was the leader of the
What are the key driving forces in Hindu belief and what do they all represent?
Brahman: power beyond the universe. Atman: your eterna;/ spiritual self. Dharma: the power that upholds the universe, your purpose in life. Kharma; Your actions that upholds dharma. Samsara: reincarnation. Moksha: higher being after reincarnation
Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma are parts of the
Vishnu is the ________ of the universe.
Brahma is the _____________ of the universe.
Shiva is the ___________ of the universe.
What are the 5 vetas?
Untouchables, shudra, vaishyas, rajanyas, and brahmins.
What are the positions in society for the 5 vetas?
Untouchables: work unworthy of other castes. Shudra: Peasant, farmers, artisans. Vaishyas: merchants, shopkeepers. Rajanyas: warriors. Brahmins: priests
How did britain come to control india?
British east india company
When did the sepoy rebellion happen and what happened?
1857, indians in the british army had the last straw when the guns were supposed to be loaded by biting pig/beef fat, against religion. Outbreaks started.
What massacre was when a law was passed that you couldn't have a meeting with more than 3-5 people, and the Indians broke this rule, so the British opened fire (date also)
Amritsar, 1919
Gandhi resisted by...
Peaceful protests, hunger strikes an wearing homespun
When was the salt march?
Story of partition
India majority Hindu and Pakistan majority Muslim, were having fights at borders and needed to seperate. DID, but had to reditribute 12 million
Who were the major players in partition?
The cabinet mission (britain), the congress party (gandhi), the muslim league (pakistan), the unionist party (punjab, the sikhs (punjab)
Confucias was born in...
5th century BC
5 key relationships in confucianism?
Ruler -> ruleed, father -> son, husband -> wife, elder brother -> younger brother, friend <--> friend
Taoism founding and founder?
6th century BC, Laozi
What is the Dao and what is breath?
Absolute being, QI
Taoism holy book?
Tao Te Ching
5 practices of taoism?
Alchemy, body and spirit, recitation, sexual energy, and talismans
Buddhism founing and founder
6th century BC, Siddhartha Gautama
What are the 4 noble truths?
1. Life has inevitable suffering 2. There is a cause to our suffering 3. There is an end to our suffering 4. The end of suffering in continued in the 8 fold path
8 folds in the 8 fold path?
Right vie - know the truth. Right intention - free you mind of evil. Right speech - say nothing tha hurts ohers. 4. Right action - work for the good of others. 5. Right livelihood - respect me. Right effort - resist evil. Right concentration - practice meditation. Right mindfulness - control your thoughts
Dynasties in the dynastic cycle?
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan (mongols), ming, Qing
Important moments in each dynasty?
Shang- writing system. Zhou: promoted mandate of heaven. Qin: built great wall. Han: opened silk road. Tang: rebuilt bureaucracy, Song: flourished in foreign trade, Mongols: excellent army. Ming: arts and literature revival. Qint: extended chinese rule into central asia
Effect of lord macartney meeting Qianlong?
Could cause conflict
Opium was traded for ____, but was becoming a ______ for the british
Tea, problem from being addictive
Who led the Taiping rebellion?
Hong Xiuquan
The boxers were _________ and provoked by...
Peasants and members of a secret society in northern china, provoked by drought and unemployment from foreign economic activity.
The boxers rebelleed by....
Attacking forgeign residents in Beijing
The ideology ________ added to the cause of the fall of the Qing dynasty
Marxism is the idea that the country will go from _____ to ______ to ______.
Capitalist, socialist, communist
*go study the communism flash cards k*
{"name":"WS final", "url":"","txt":"What are the five touchstones of the Jewish faith?, What is Yahweh?, The covenant is..","img":""}
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