Which teacher from fiction are you?

What would your classroom be like?
Cold, plain and uncomfortable, with a nice big window for throwing naughty children out of.
Well-equipped with the latest technology.
Filled with posters and well-thumbed books, with the desks pushed out of the way.
Practical and orderly.
A student is misbehaving in your lesson – what would do you do?
Throw them out the window. Obviously.
Try to reason with them – punishment isn’t always the answer.
Ask them what they’d like to do instead – you're lesson is obviously boring them.
Order them out of the classroom – you don’t tolerate any messing about.
What is the most important lesson a student can learn?
Adults are ALWAYS right.
Embrace who you are and treat everyone with respect.
Make life extraordinary.
There are times to follow rules, and times to break them.
What is your pet hate?
Text books.
Where would you take your class for a school trip?
Nowhere. School isn’t meant to be fun.
An outdoor adventure centre, where they can test their skills and teamwork.
A creative writing workshop, where they can learn to express themselves.
The Scottish Highlands – the most important lessons aren’t always learnt in the classroom.
You see a student crying in the playground – what do you do?
Ignore them. The snivelling idiot is probably doing it just to annoy you.
Question them to find out who upset them.
Encourage them to stand up for themselves.
Gently try to get to the bottom of the problem.
What would you do with your summer holidays?
Invent novel new punishments for your students.
Work on your science experiments.
Something different every year.
Watch your favourite sport.
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