GUI Quiz 2

A detailed and colorful illustration of a computer screen displaying RegEx patterns and coding snippets, with visual examples of Regular Expression syntax next to JavaScript code, creating a blend of learning and tech aesthetics.

Regex Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge of Regular Expressions (RegEx) with our engaging quiz designed for both beginners and advanced users. Dive into the world of pattern matching and JavaScript programming as you tackle various questions that challenge your understanding.

In this quiz, you will explore:

  • RegEx syntax and capturing groups
  • Common character classes and their meanings
  • JavaScript snippets and their modifications
  • Applications in data extraction
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CodingWizard782
1. Whenever I want to create a RegEx capturing group, my 'format', otherwise known as syntax, will be:
2. What will the group <num> return in this regex line?
"VRGL almost has thirty employees."
3. What are some common character classes that RegEx uses and their meaning?
\d = decimal
\w = word
\s = string
. = any character (except new line)
+ = one or more
\g = gold
4. Check the box if the RegEx expression will match something and not return a blank/null value.
I had 3 sandwiches from KFC.
Did you know that VRGL almost has 30 employees?
OMG wait! That's superman!
5. A good way to think of how to use JavaScript in our GUI tool is a 2-step breakdown: Define the variables we plan to use, and then create the desired outcome we want to achieve.
6. Suppose we are working in the Market Value column and we wanted to create a JS script.
We know we would (most times) use this line below as the first line, but what does this line represent?

const value = propertyContext.ExtractedValue.value;
This line represents the value that is being extracted on a entry-to-entry or row-to-row basis in the Market Value column.
This line represents the value of the entry in the Price column.
This line represents the extracted sum of all of the market values in the Market Value column. 
I'm not sure.
7. Suppose we are working with a JS validation snippet (below) that we will copy and paste.
How would I modify and/or change the snippet, after I paste it, to make it work on a different format that:

- Capitalizes everything
- Has a Cash table
JS Snippet:
const value = propertyContext.ExtractedValue.value;
if (value.includes('Stocks')){
return EHoldingTableType.Stocks;
else if (value.includes('Mutual Funds')){
return EHoldingTableType.MutualFunds;
else {
return EHoldingTableType.Other;
I would add another 'else if' block for the new Cash table, and place it before the 'else' block.
I would only remove the EHoldingTableType.Other, and replace it with EHoldingTableType.Cash.
I would add another 'else if' block for the new Cash table, and place it before the 'else' block.
I would also capitalize 'Stocks', 'Mutual Funds', and 'Cash'.
I would add another 'else' block for the new Cash table, and place it before the 'if' block.
I would also capitalize 'Stocks', 'Mutual Funds', and 'Cash'.
8. How would a RegEx expression look in a JS snippet?
Const regex = gmi\(.+);
Regex = /(.+)/gm
Const = /(.+) /;
Const regex = /(.+)/gmi
9. In transactions, we now have two tabs for descriptions, one called 'Security Description' and another called 'Transaction Description.
A good way to think of each is that the:
- Security Description is how we would extract for mappings (clean).
- Transaction Descrtiption is just the raw description.
10. In the RGL tables, one of the tabs that we have to extract is called 'Is Long Term'. What do we extract in this tab?
In this tab, we extract a value found on the table that either says "Short Term", or "Long Term".
In this tab, we return a value in the JS editor as either 'true' or 'false'
I'm not sure.
{"name":"GUI Quiz 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of Regular Expressions (RegEx) with our engaging quiz designed for both beginners and advanced users. Dive into the world of pattern matching and JavaScript programming as you tackle various questions that challenge your understanding. In this quiz, you will explore: RegEx syntax and capturing groups Common character classes and their meanings JavaScript snippets and their modifications Applications in data extraction","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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