At the American Restaurant

A cozy American restaurant setting with a friendly waiter serving happy customers at a dining table, showcasing diverse dishes on the table and a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Dining Etiquette Quiz

Test your knowledge of dining etiquette and customer service in American restaurants! This interactive quiz will guide you through various scenarios a server might encounter, helping you understand proper responses and behaviors.

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Focus on interactions between waitstaff and customers
  • Ideal for restaurant staff training and etiquette learning
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ServingStar42
Les clients se sont assis, vous êtes leur serveur/-se, vous arrivez et vous dites:
What do you want to drink?
Hi! How are you? My name is ...... and I will be your waiter/waitress today! Can I get you anything to drink while you are looking at the menus?
Hello! What's your name? What would you like to eat?
Waitress: What would you like to drink?
Customer: No thanks.
Customer: Yes, please.
Customer: I would like a cup of coffee please.
Customer: I want coke.
Tu es le serveur/la serveuse et tu as vu que le client t'appelait. Que lui dis-tu?
May I help you, sir?
Do you want a dessert?
Sorry I am busy at the moment.
What's up?
Le client vient de te dire son choix mais tu n'as pas compris son accent. Tu lui dis:
Ok! No problem!
Can you change your accent?
Euuuuh.. hum...
I'm sorry, could you repeat your order please?
Tu apportes le menu aux clients.
Tu le déposes et tu repars
Tu le déposes en disant "Here it is!"
Tu le déposes en disant "Here it is! I highly recommend our specials of the month. It is a chicken salad with fries on the side."
Tu leur donnes et attends avec ton crayon pour prendre note.
Tu es le client et tu as soif. Que fais-tu?
Tu attires l'attention du serveur en faisant de grands gestes et tu lui cries "WATER!!!!"
Tu attires l'attention du serveur en sifflant et tu lui dis: "Can I have water?"
Tu attires l'attention du serveur en levant la main discrètement quand il passe et tu dis: "Excuse me. Could I have some water please?"
Tu attends qu'il reviennes et quand il arrive 10 min après "OK. I waited for 10 minutes just to ask for water. The service here is awful. I'm leaving!"
Tu attires l'attention du serveur en levant la main discrètement quand il passe et tu dis: "Excuse me sir. I'm thirsty!"
Tu as fini maintenant et tu veux l'addition. Tu dis:
Excuse me, could I have the check please?
Sir? Can I have the check please?
Can you bring me the check please?
How can I pay in this restaurant?
Excuse me, we're finished with our meal. Could we have the check please?
I want to pay!
Tu as fini ton dessert, le serveur vient te voir et te dit "Could I get you anything else?". Tu as une grosse envie de café, tu réponds:
No, thanks.
Yeah! Why not? Bring me coffee!
Bring me coffee now!
I want coffee.
Yes, I will have a cup of coffee please.
Customer: "That's not what I ordered!"
Waiter: Oups sorry!
Waiter: Hahahaha. That's funny.
Waiter: So what? You don't like it?
Waiter: I apologize for the inconvenience! I will come back with your meal right away.
Waiter: Ah..euh.. ok.. Do you want me to bring back the food?
Waiter: Aaargh.. I'm so stupid!
Tu es très mécontent(e) du service et tu veux parler à son supérieur:
OK. The food was awful. I want to talk to the manager immediately.
Excuse me, can I talk to the manager?
You were too long and too slow. I hate you. I want to talk to the manager.
Tu pars directement en cuisine sans demander: "I want the manager! Where is he?
Le client est très hésitant et ne sait pas quoi choisir, que fais-tu?
Tu attends.
Tu lui dis "I will come back in 5 minutes to give you time to make your choice."
Tu lui dis: "Hurry up, sir! I have a lot of other customers waiting!"
Tu lui dis: "Can I suggest you to try our specials of the month?"
Tu souffles un bon coup et tu lui montre ta montre avec un sourire.
Tu prends la commande de ses amis mais pas la sienne. Tant pis pour lui!
Tu lui prends le menu des mains, tu regardes et tu montres du doigt ton plat préféré et lui dit: "Take this! It is so so so good! I love it!"
Oups: Envie d'aller aux toilettes! Tu dis:
Tu veux absolument que tes clients dépensent plus d'argent et tentes de leur faire prendre un dessert.
Come on! Take the cheesecake.. I know you want it...
Would you like a dessert? If I may, I highly suggest you to try our delicious strawberry cheesecake.It is the chef's specialty and usually our customer's favorite!
Please.. I need you to take a dessert or my boss will be angry...
You want coffee? No? Ok.. Then you want a dessert? No.. Come one.. Try the cheesecake! It is so good! Please! Please! Please! Take it!
If you take the cheesecake your coffee will be offered. And can I tell you a secret? If you take 2 cheesecakes, you have have a candy!
Well.. You didn't spend a lot of money. I hope you give me a good tip(pourboire)
Il y a un insecte dans ton dessert...
Aaaargh! (tu pars en courant)
Yuck! What is this? I'm not hungry anymore. Please take my dessert away..
Ok. I am going to tell everyone about this horrible restaurant. I will file a complaint to the police. I will make sure that your restaurant shut down.
Hmm.. Excuse me Miss? Is it a modern experimentation? Should I eat it?
Oh my god! I love surprises! I always wanted to try to eat an insect! It's awesome!
{"name":"At the American Restaurant", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of dining etiquette and customer service in American restaurants! This interactive quiz will guide you through various scenarios a server might encounter, helping you understand proper responses and behaviors.Multiple choice and checkbox questionsFocus on interactions between waitstaff and customersIdeal for restaurant staff training and etiquette learning","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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