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New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 1 Mar 22
[2202.12908] Stefan Birnkammer, Alvise Bastianello, Michael Knap: Prethermalization in confined spin chains
[2202.12919] Ritesh Jagatramka, Chu Wang, Matthew Daly: An analytical method to quantify the statistics of energy landscapes in random solid solutions
[2202.12920] Dario Fiore Mosca, Leonid V. Pourovskii, Cesare Franchini: Modelling Magnetic Multipolar Phases in Density Functional Theory
[2202.12952] Yves Noat, Alain Mauger, William Sacks: Superconductivity in cuprates governed by topological constraints
[2202.12953] Zhuolin Ye, Federico Cerisola, Paolo Abiuso et al.: Optimal finite-time heat engines under constrained control
[2202.12964] Satoru Hayami: Skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric triangular magnets under hexagonal and trigonal single-ion anisotropy
[2202.12971] Mainak Saha: Grain boundary segregation in steels: Towards engineering the design of internal interfaces
[2202.12974] Takuya Okugawa, Tanay Nag, Dante M. Kennes: Correlated Disorder Induced Anomalous Transport in Magnetically Doped Topological Insulators
[2202.12976] Dmitry Grinev: On the Boltzmann type equation for the contact force distribution in disordered packings of particles
[2202.12990] Arash Samaei, Santanu Chaudhuri: Role of Zirconium Conversion Coating in Corrosion Performance of Aluminum Alloys: An Integrated First-Principles and Multiphysics Modeling Approach
[2202.13009] Julia Westermayr, Shayantan Chaudhuri, Andreas Jeindl et al.: Long-range dispersion-inclusive machine learning potentials for structure search and optimization of hybrid organic-inorganic int...
[2202.13012] Dinesh Chintha, Shivanand Kumar Veesam, Emanuele Boattini et al.: Modeling of effective interactions between ligand coated nanoparticles through symmetry functions
[2202.13019] Lucas Foppa, Thomas A. R. Purcell, Sergey V. Levchenko et al.: Hierarchical symbolic regression for identifying key physical parameters correlated with bulk properties of perovskites
[2202.13030] M. K. H. Ome, Huaxin He, A. Mukhopadhyay et al.: Lattice dynamics in an emergent Zeeman lattice
[2202.13038] Mikhael T. Semaan, James P. Crutchfield: Homeostatic and Adaptive Energetics: Nonequilibrium Fluctuations Beyond Detailed Balance in Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
[2202.13045] Yonglun Jiang, Daniel M. Sussman, Eric R. Weeks: Effects of Polydispersity on the Plastic Behaviors of Dense 2D Granular Systems Under Shear
[2202.13069] Kaiying Dou, Wenhui Du, Ying Dai et al.: 2D magnetoelectric multiferroics in MnSTe/In2Se3 heterobilayer with ferroelectrically controllable skyrmions
[2202.13087] George Stephen Thoppil, Alankar Alankar: Predicting the formation and stability of oxide perovskites by extracting underlying mechanisms using machine learning
[2202.13135] N.A. Usov: Magnetostatic interaction in oriented assembly of elongated nanoparticles
[2202.13160] Ashot Matevosyan, Armen E. Allahverdyan: Lasting effects of static magnetic field on classical Brownian motion
[2202.13175] S. Mukherjee, A. S. Bradley, D.W. Snoke: Steady-state theory of electron drag on polariton condensates
[2202.13194] Alexander A. Balandin, Fariborz Kargar, Tina T. Salguero et al.: One-Dimensional van der Waals Quantum Materials -- State of the Art and Perspectives
[2202.13195] Andrea Amorese, Dmitry Khalyavin, Kurt Kummer et al.: Investigation of metamagnetism and crystal-field splitting in pseudo-hexagonal CeRh$_3$Si$_2$
[2202.13201] Martin Sundermann, Andrea Marino, Andrei Gloskovskii et al.: Quantitative investigation of the 4$f$ occupation in the quasikagome Kondo lattice CeRh$_{1-x}$Pd$_x$Sn
[2202.13204] K. A. Simula, J. E. Muff, I. Makkonen et al.: Quantum Monte Carlo study of positron lifetimes in solids
[2202.13207] James L. Monroe: The location of the Fisher zeros and estimates of yT = 1/ν are found for the Baxter-Wu model
[2202.13211] Ankit Jain: Single-channel or multi-channel thermal transport? Effect of higher-order anharmonic corrections on the predicted phonon thermal transport properties of semiconductors
[2202.13217] Fei Wang, Yi-Fan Zhao, Zijie Yan et al.: Evolution of Dopant-Concentration-Induced Magnetic Exchange Interaction in Topological Insulator Thin Films
[2202.13218] Mohammad Ali Mohebpour, Bohayra Mortazavi, Timon Rabczuk et al.: Mechanical, optical, and thermoelectric properties of semiconducting ZnIn2X4 (X= S, Se, Te) monolayers
[2202.13223] Emilio N.M. Cirillo, Vanessa Jacquier, Cristian Spitoni: Metastability of synchronous and asynchronous dynamics
[2202.13241] Devilal Dahal, Stephen R. Elliott, Parthapratim Biswas: Extended-range order in tetrahedral amorphous semiconductors: The case of amorphous silicon
[2202.13262] Keita Kishigi, Yasumasa Hasegawa: De Haas-van Alphen oscillations near the Lifshitz transition from two electron pockets to one electron pocket in the two-dimensional Dirac fermion systems
[2202.13264] Luis E. Young-S., S. K. Adhikari: Supersolid-like square- and honeycomb-lattice crystallization of droplets in a dipolar condensate
[2202.13267] Xuechao Zhai: Layered Opposite Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in Bilayer Graphene: Loss of Spin Chirality, Symmetry Breaking and Topological Transition
[2202.13268] Domenico Di Sante, Matija Medvidović, Alessandro Toschi et al.: Deep Learning the Functional Renormalization Group
[2202.13311] Liu Ziyin, Masahito Ueda: Universal Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation in Non-Equilibrium Dynamics
[2202.13315] Kento Uchida, Satoshi Kusaba, Kohei Nagai et al.: Exciton-coherence generation through diabatic and adiabatic dynamics of Floquet state
[2202.13324] Olivier Bouaziz, Yuri Estrin, Roman Kulagyn et al.: A self-similar morphology detected in a composite produced by densification of co-crumpled metallic thin foils
[2202.13332] Toshiki Shimizu, Dominik Lungerich, Koji Harano et al.: Time-resolved Imaging of Stochastic Cascade Reactions over a Submillisecond to Second Time Range at the Angstrom Level
[2202.13343] J. T. Schneider, L. Sanchez-Palencia: Entanglement spectrum and quantum phase diagram of the long-range XXZ chain
[2202.13346] Younghoon Lim, Yangheon Lee, Junhong Goo et al.: Vortex shedding frequency of a moving obstacle in a Bose-Einstein condensate
[2202.13349] V. V. Ryazanov: Influence of entropy changes on reactor period
[2202.13366] Ranjan Kumar Patel, Krishnendu Patra, Shashank Kumar Ojha et al.: Hole doping in a negative charge transfer insulator
[2202.13371] Alireza Kokabi, Shoeib Babaee Touski: Hydrogen Storage Performance Enhancement and Bandgap Opening of M-Decorated ($\mathrm{M}=\mathrm{Li}$, Na and K) III\textsubscript{4}-V\textsubscript{4} ...
[2202.13375] Ning Xi, Rong Yu: Dynamical signatures of the one-dimensional deconfined quantum critical point
[2202.13384] Luis F. Elizondo-Aguilera, Tommaso Rizzo, Thomas Voigtmann: From sub-aging to hyper-aging in structural glasses
[2202.13391] Moumita Patra: Effect of spin-orbit interaction on circular current: Pure spin current phenomena within a ring conductor
[2202.13397] Jerome A. Cuenca, Thomas Brien, Soumen Mandal et al.: Superconducting boron doped nanocrystalline diamond microwave coplanar resonator
[2202.13432] Yu Liu, Zhixiang Hu, Xiao Tong et al.: Electrical and thermal transport in van der Waals magnets 2H-M$_x$TaS$_2$ (M = Mn, Co)
[2202.13435] Yu Liu, Aifeng Wang, V. N. Ivanovski et al.: Thermoelectricity and electronic correlations enhancement in FeS by slight Se substitution
[2202.13438] Yu Liu, Zhixiang Hu, Xiao Tong et al.: Thermal transport and mixed valence in ZrTe$_3$ doped with Hf and Se
[2202.13442] Asaf Hershkovitz, Elangovan Hemaprabha, Doaa Khorshid et al.: Is ferroelectric polarization spontaneous? The hidden effect of oxygen vacancies
[2202.13443] Abhishek Aggarwal, Supriyo Naskar, Prabal K. Maiti: Molecular rectifiers with very high rectification ratio enabled by oxidative damage in double-stranded DNA
[2202.13479] D. E. Feldman, Bertrand I. Halperin: Robustness of quantum Hall interferometry
[2202.13494] Fengdeng Liu, Tristan K Truttmann, Dooyong Lee et al.: Hybrid Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Ge-based Oxides
[2202.13508] Jiajun Li, Rong Wang, Hao Luo et al.: Nitrogen decoration of basal plane dislocations in 4H-SiC
[2202.13523] Mehmet Dogan, Marvin L. Cohen: Nanopores in Bernal-Stacked Hexagonal Boron Nitride
[2202.13530] Haoxiang Li, G. Fabbris, A. H. Said et al.: Conjoined Charge Density Waves in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5
[2202.13539] Lei Chen, Steven M. Anlage: Use of Transmission and Reflection Complex Time Delays to Reveal Scattering Matrix Poles and Zeros: Example of the Ring Graph
[2202.13551] Ryuichi Okamoto: Fluctuating hydrodynamics of dilute electrolyte solutions: systematic perturbation calculation of effective transport coefficients governing large-scale dynamics
[2202.13571] Hiroshi Noguchi, Caterina Tozzi, Marino Arroyo: Binding of anisotropic curvature-inducing proteins onto membrane tubes
[2202.13582] Y. J. Zhang, Z. Y. Nie, R. Li et al.: Suppression of ferromagnetism and influence of disorder in silicon-substituted CeRh6Ge4
[2202.13609] Abid Ali, Farhan Saif, Hiroki Saito: Phase separation and multistability of two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity
[2202.13646] David Zwicker: The intertwined physics of active chemical reactions and phase separation
[2202.13671] Yan-Qi Wang, Roman Rausch, Christoph Karrasch et al.: A minimal one-dimensional model of "bad metal" behavior from fast particle-hole scattering
[2202.13672] Firoozeh Babayekhorasani, Maryam Hosseini, Patrick T. Spicer: Molecular and colloidal transport in bacterial cellulose biofilms
[2202.13674] Martin Speight, Thomas Winyard, Egor Babaev: Symmetries, Length Scales, Magnetic Response and Skyrmion Chains in Nematic Superconductors
[2202.13701] Piero Gasparotto, Martin Fitzner, Stephen J. Cox et al.: How do interfaces alter the dynamics of supercooled water?
[2202.13726] Wen Qiao, Deyou Jin, Wenbo Mi et al.: Large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of transition metal dimers driven by polarization switching of two-dimensional ferroelectric In2Se3 substrate
[2202.13742] Pietro Bonf , Jonathan Frassineti, John M. Wilkinson et al.: Entanglement between a muon spin and $I>\frac{1}{2}$ nuclear spins
[2202.13745] Guillaume Hachet, X Sauvage: Influence of hydrogen vacancy interactions on natural and artificial ageing of an AlMgSi alloy
[2202.13753] Ziyuan Rao, PoYen Tung, Ruiwen Xie et al.: Machine learning-enabled high-entropy alloy discovery
[2202.13769] Johan Saltin, Adam Elwailly, Hiu Yung Wong: FinFET and Nanowire SRAM Radiation Hardness Studies using Ab initio-TCAD Simulation Framework
[2202.13770] Han-Ling Li, Yang Shen, Yu-Chao Hua et al.: Thermal spreading resistance of GaN HEMTs with heat source heating studied by hybrid Monte Carlo-diffusion simulations
[2202.13773] Michelangelo Domina, Matteo Cobelli, Stefano Sanvito: A spectral-neighbour representation for vector fields: machine-learning potentials including spin
[2202.13780] Wenjie Liu, Zhoutao Lei, Yongguan Ke et al.: Anomalous bulk-boundary correspondence of topological magnon excitations in a spin chain
[2202.13781] Benhour Amirian, Hossein Jafarzadeh, Bilen Emek Abali et al.: Thermodynamically-consistent derivation and computation of twinning and fracture in brittle materials by means of phase-field app...
[2202.13789] Adamantios Anastasiadis, Georgios Styliaris, Rajesh Chaunsali et al.: Bulk-edge correspondence in the trimer Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
[2202.13811] Agnieszka Cichy, Konrad Jerzy Kapcia, Andrzej Ptok: Connection between the semiconductor--superconductor transition and the spin-polarized superconducting phase in the honeycomb lattice
[2202.13820] Léo Régnier, Maxim Dolgushev, Sidney Redner et al.: Complete Visitation Statistics of 1d Random Walks
[2202.13827] I. Yahniuk, G.V. Budkin, A. Kazakov et al.: THz ratchet effect in HgTe interdigitated structures
[2202.13831] Rok Venturini, Anže Mraz, Igor Vaskivskyi et al.: Ultra-Efficient Resistance Switching between Charge Ordered Phases in 1T-TaS$_2$ with a Single Picosecond Electrical Pulse
[2202.13836] Tonghua Yu, Ryotaro Arita, Motoaki Hirayama: Relativistic topological molecular crystals
[2202.13845] K. J. Kapcia, V. Tkachenko, F. Capotondi et al.: Role of electronic excitation, relaxation and transport processes for X-ray induced ultrafast demagnetization within magnetic multilayer systems
[2202.13848] Xun-Jiang Luo, Xiao-Hong Pan, Chao-Xing Liu et al.: Higher-order topological phases emerging from the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger stacking
[2202.13857] M.J. Calderón, A. Camjayi, E. Bascones: Mott correlations in ABC graphene trilayer aligned with hBN
[2202.13858] S. J. Zhang, Q. M. Liu, Z. Sun et al.: Out-of-plane nonlinear optical responses of superconducting cuprates detected by Terahertz pump-Terahertz probe spectroscopy
[2202.13879] Matteo Bottacchiari, Mirko Gallo, Marco Bussoletti et al.: Topological transitions in fluid lipid vesicles: activation energy and force fields
[2202.13895] Chul-Ung Woo, Heiko Rieger, Jae Dong Noh: Suppression of discontinuous phase transitions by particle diffusion
[2202.13896] Hiroki Hayashi, Daegeun Jo, Dongwook Go et al.: Observation of long-range orbital transport and giant orbital torque
[2202.13902] Cui-Zu Chang, Chao-Xing Liu, Allan H. MacDonald: Quantum anomalous Hall effect
[2202.13917] Farid Hassani, Matilda Peruzzo, Lucky N. Kapoor et al.: A superconducting qubit with noise-insensitive plasmon levels and decay-protected fluxon states
[2202.13918] Abigail Rendos, Daryl W. Yee, Robert J. Macfarlane et al.: Chemically-adhesive particles form stronger and stiffer magnetorheological fluids
[2202.13923] Gabriele Di Bona, Leonardo Di Gaetano, Vito Latora et al.: Maximal dispersion of adaptive random walks
[2202.13933] Danilo B. Liarte, Stephen J. Thornton, Eric Schwen et al.: Universal scaling for disordered viscoelastic matter II: Collapses, global behavior and spatio-temporal properties
[2202.13944] Karol Kawa, Tilmann Kuhn, Paweł Machnikowski: Coherence limitations in the optical control of the singlet-triplet qubit in a quantum dot molecule
[2202.13966] Suman Mondal, Ashirbad Padhan, Tapan Mishra: Realizing symmetry protected topological phase through dimerized interactions
[2202.13971] Gyorgy Szenes: Composition-independent temperature induced by swift heavy ions in insulators and its relation with track formation
[2202.13992] Matthew P. Leighton, David A. Sivak: Dynamic and thermodynamic bounds for collective motor-driven transport
[2202.13994] N. V. Leppenen, D. S. Smirnov: Optical measurement of electron spins in quantum dots: Quantum Zeno effects
[2202.14016] Mark A. Mathis, Amey Khanolkar, Lyuwen Fu et al.: The generalized quasiharmonic approximation via space group irreducible derivatives
[2202.14027] Ricard Alert: Fingering Instability of Active Nematic Droplets
[2202.14033] Madhumita Saha, B. Prasanna Venkatesh, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla: Quantum transport in quasi-periodic lattice systems in presence of Büttiker probes
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 1 Mar 22","img":""}
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