Which friend are you?

What Kind of Friend Are You?
Discover your unique friendship style by answering a series of lighthearted questions! This quiz is designed to bring out your personality traits and quirks while keeping things fun and engaging.
- 11 entertaining questions
- Multiple choice answers
- Find out who you truly are as a friend!
You enter an abandoned house. It's old and creaky. The lights don't work and you sense something is wrong. What do you do?
I turn on my flashlight and search the house. It's obviously the home of a communist.
I sleep in the corner and eat the floor almonds even though there is a perfectly good bed next to me.
I would explore because it's interesting, but then probably.. I would leave the house? Not the best place to be.
No. The abandoned house means that there is someone out there that's homeless and it's disrespectful to even think about going in.
I would go in because I'm not a bitch, but I would probably whimper the whole time because I'm scared.
I fucking love green because it just makes sense.
Yes <3
Ehhhhhhhhh see it depends of the type of green because some times are just awful
Um..yea so...um well you see.. Green is a great color right..
Do you like D&D?
HAH. Do I like D&D...do I like cigarettes? Do I like pretending I don't like gay tinder? HAH.
Sorry...I only speak tree.. You said something about a game? Halla go tell them off.
Yea! You said I can punch monsters?
Hmm..well if you define "like" as something that I would very much enjoy doing, then I say yes let's do it! But I have to go to bed at 12, I'm sorry. Let's plan this for a night that we all have time and can drink IPAs.
Oh yes! It reminds me of the time I did this with my theatre group! I was the part of the sexy lead that stole the hearts of a bunch of man children. Let me roll for persuasion.
What's your ideal music?
Pagan music or go home
Something beachy and warm
Hardcore EDM with female pop voices
Classic rock or children's Chinese music
I don't enjoy music..maybe musical theatre? But all the voice actors are the worst I literally hate them.
What's your favourite food?
Is modka a food? MODKA ICE CREAM
Microwave quesadillas
A1 sauce
Honestly as long as I can cook, judge it, fill my plate, then throw it away, I'm happy
What's in here?
Books? Hopefully.. Ohh that would be so nice <3 ohhh
*puts hands on hips and starts shaking a lil* ACTUALLY that's an unfair question that we should bring up at lobby core
*says nothing and cries on the inside because their mind is too much to handle*
Oh shit okay but what if it's an alternative universe in which we are all different brightness levels and if you're too bright no one can look at you and then the bright person falls in love with a lamp shade and it's so great but then they go back in time and they invent the sandwich
*impatiently waits for everyone to speak and holds breath as they wait to say this* I am uncomfortable with this question
Night or day?
Night with rain and/or mist
It doesn't matter I will be up for what I will be up for
Day so I can go on a walk, but night so I can pretend I'm an evil witch that keeps boys as pets, but also day and night are dumb and if you like either then you're wrong
Day because that is when all of the things happen and I like things happening.
Day because I'm the literal sun, but I will also stay up all night. It happens.
You're living as the president and can have any pet you want to live in the White House with you... What would it be?
A gaggle of hyenas so I can laugh with them as I punish my prisoners, but I don't really know about the government enough to have fun talking about this so..can we move on?
What? No! I don't think I should be captivating animals that belong in the wild.
Why stop at one? Think about it.. It's incredible, you could have a giraffe and a rhino living it up in your bedroom with you..
I want to ride on top of an eagle and look down upon my followers.
As president I would want a bunch of wolf puppies and owls that I can train to be my guards and consorts
Someone has to use the restroom?
Go piss girl
Go piss girl hahahahaha
Okay you may use our toilet facility, but don't turn on the shower
You got it!
*uncomfortable smile nod*
I think because it's a beautiful thing that brings joy to people and grows us as humans.
To live bro ah ha ha *starts twerking in jeans with no underwear*
WHY? That. That is an amazing question. One I would like to explore further with you.
*big eyes and silence for a while* SIR I DO NOT KNOW.
Where do you want to live?
A snowy mountain where I can ski everyday to my job of stealing wood.
In a gated house by myself so no one can come in and find out my secrets. Or a "boat" with my dad. Also there are guns.
A house full of lesbian vampires that are not my boyfriend.
A forest cabin full of anthropology books, that's full of natural light.
A couch, apparently (but also a treehouse)
{"name":"Which friend are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your unique friendship style by answering a series of lighthearted questions! This quiz is designed to bring out your personality traits and quirks while keeping things fun and engaging.11 entertaining questionsMultiple choice answersFind out who you truly are as a friend!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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