2. Housetraining a new dog - SP - LIVE
{"name":"2. Housetraining a new dog - SP - LIVE", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QSO9SN6GP","txt":"This lesson is Housetraining a new dog! Do this lesson if you have a puppy, an adult dog or senior dog. Veterinarians recommend applying puppy-level training to adult and senior dogs because you can’t be sure of their previous training. Tap Next to get started!, Tap the matching pairs:, Key ideas Your dog won't just know your house rules. It’s your job to gently and kindly teach your dog those rules. Dogs do best on a regular schedule. Training your new buddy takes patience, commitment, and consistency. Expect mistakes, but stick with it to guide your new family member on the right path.","img":"https://media2.giphy.com/media/vGo2sgzeC8r60/giphy.gif?sz=1200"}