Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Wed, 19 Jan 22
[2201.05638] Yeon-jae Jwa, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Lukas Arnold et al.: Real-time Inference with 2D Convolutional Neural Networks on Field Programmable Gate Arrays for High-rate Particle Imaging Detectors
[2201.05639] Jordi Poblador-Ibanez, William A. Sirignano: Temporal atomization of a transcritical liquid n-decane jet into oxygen
[2201.05640] Yehonathan Drori, Johannes Eichholz, Tega Edo et al.: Scattering Loss in Precision Metrology due to Mirror Roughness
[2201.05644] J. Aguzzi, D. Chatzievangelou, S. Marini et al.: New high-tech flexible networks for the monitoring of deep-sea ecosystems
[2201.05645] Kyung Ha, Brendan Harding, Andrea L. Bertozzi et al.: Dynamics of small particle inertial migration in curved square ducts
[2201.05655] Greg Acosta, Andrew Reicks, Miguel Moreno et al.: Emissivity Prediction of Functionalized Surfaces Using Artificial Intelligence
[2201.05659] P. Brás, F. Neves, A. Lindote et al.: A machine learning-based methodology for pulse classification in dual-phase xenon time projection chambers
[2201.05660] Tomislav Begušić, Enrico Tapavicza, Jiří Vaníček: Applicability of the thawed Gaussian wavepacket dynamics to the calculation of vibronic spectra of molecules with double-well potential energy ...
[2201.05663] Isabell Stucke, Deborah Morgenstern, Achim Zeileis et al.: Upward lightning at tall structures: Atmospheric drivers for trigger mechanisms and flash type
[2201.05670] T. Adkins, A. A. Schekochihin, P. G. Ivanov et al.: Electromagnetic instabilities and plasma turbulence driven by electron-temperature gradient
[2201.05680] A. Koulas-Simos, J. Buchgeister, M. Drechsler et al.: Quantum fluctuations and lineshape anomaly in a high-$β$ silver-coated InP-based metallic nanolaser
[2201.05682] Morteza A. Sharif, M. Shahnazary, M. Pourezzat: Modelling heat transfer in laser-soft matter interaction via chaotic Ikeda map
[2201.05717] Golsa Mirbagheri: Hyperbolic Metamaterial Filter for Angle-independent TM-Transmission in Imaging Applications
[2201.05725] Brian Dincau, Connor Tang, Emilie Dressaire et al.: Clog mitigation in a microfluidic array via pulsatile flows
[2201.05735] Oleg I.Berngardt, Oleg A.Kusonsky, Alexey I.Poddelsky et al.: Wrapped Classifier with Dummy Teacher for training physics-based classifier at unlabeled radar data
[2201.05740] S. Kravitz, H. Chen, R. Gibbons et al.: Operation and performance of a dual-phase crystalline/vapor xenon time projection chamber
[2201.05755] Ryan Sheppard, Cameron Baribeau, Tor Pedersen et al.: A Neural Network Model of a Quasi-Periodic Elliptically Polarizing Undulator in Universal Mode
[2201.05769] J. Zhu, N. M. Lockmann, M. K. Czwalinna et al.: Mixed Diagnostics for Longitudinal Properties of Electron Bunches in a Free-Electron Laser
[2201.05795] F. Bosia, V. Dal Poggetto, A. S. Gliozzi et al.: Optimized structures for vibration attenuation and sound control in Nature: a review
[2201.05801] Tong Yang, Jun Zhou, Xiaoyang Ma et al.: Unravelling Distance-Dependent Inter-Site Interactions and Magnetic Transition Effects of Heteronuclear Single Atom Catalysts on Electrochemical Oxygen ...
[2201.05806] Linjie Ding, Dongchao Yang, LiZhi Yi et al.: Physical Nature of Magnon Spin Seebeck Effect in Ferrimagnetic Insulators
[2201.05823] Volker W. Elling: Van der Waals shock polars with multiple or supersonic critical points
[2201.05836] Esmerando Escoto, Anne-Lise Viotti, Skirmantas Alisauskas et al.: Temporal quality of post-compressed pulses at large compression factors
[2201.05844] Haddi Ahmadi, Amin Khavasi: Babinet-Complementary Structures for Implementation of Pseudospin-Polarized Waveguides
[2201.05853] Pai Li, Xiongzhi Zeng, Zhenyu Li: Understanding High-Temperature Chemical Reactions on Metal Surfaces
[2201.05857] Ahai Chen, David M. Benoit, Yohann Scribano et al.: A Smolyak algorithm adapted to a system-bath separation: application to an encapsulated molecule with large amplitude motions
[2201.05875] Pieter P. Tordoir, Anthony F.J. van Raan: Urban Scaling and Effects of Municipal Boundaries
[2201.05907] Erda Wen, Dia'aaldin J. Bisharat, Robert J. Davis et al.: Designing Topological Defect Lines Protected by Gauge-dependent Symmetry Indicators
[2201.05909] Alexander Aeppli, Anjun Chu, Tobias Bothwell et al.: Hamiltonian engineering of spin-orbit coupled fermions in a Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock
[2201.05925] K.Sveshnikov, Yu.Voronina: Super-critical QED-effects via VP-energy
[2201.05926] MD Shah Alam, Rudra Gnawali, Joshua R. Hendrickson et al.: Photonic Integrated Circuit for Rapidly Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum Generation Using Sb2Se3 Ultra-Low-Loss Phase Change Material
[2201.05942] Matina Gkioulidou, M. Opher, M. Kornbleuth et al.: First comparison of composite 0.52-55 keV ENA spectra observed by IBEX and Cassini/INCA with simulated ENAs inferred by proton hybrid simulat...
[2201.05956] Meng Zhao, Pedro Anjos, John Lowengrub et al.: Numerical study on viscous fingering using electric fields in a Hele-Shaw cell
[2201.05965] Mayank Verma, Ashoke De: Thermal Cooling Enhancements in a Heated Channel Using Flow-Induced Motion
[2201.05968] Mayank Verma, Alok Mishra, Ashoke De: Flow Characteristics of Elastically Mounted Slit Cylinder at Sub-critical Reynolds Number
[2201.06000] Vandna Gokhroo, Fam Le Kien, Síle Nic Chormaic: Rubidium atom spectral lineshapes in high intensity electric fields near an optical nanofibre
[2201.06005] A. Dubey, K. Gustavsson, G. Bewley et al.: Bifurcations in droplet collisions
[2201.06039] Qing Li, Y. Yu, Kai. H. Luo: Improved three-dimensional thermal multiphase lattice Boltzmann model for liquid-vapor phase change
[2201.06058] Annelies Coene, Jonathan Leliaert: Perspective: magnetic nanoparticles in theranostic applications
[2201.06091] David Leitão, Raphael Tomi-Tricot, Pip Bridgen et al.: Parallel transmit PUlse design for Saturation Homogeneity (PUSH) for Magnetization Transfer imaging at 7T
[2201.06092] Zihao Bai, Yibo Wang: On the Question of Synthesis Sequence, the Observation of a New Shell Structure and the Self-Assembly Phenomenon of Gold and Silver Composite Nanocrystals
[2201.06119] Mina Ghanbari, Ghader Rezazadeh: A Physical Perspective to Human Migration Phenomenon
[2201.06139] Gennadiy Burlak, Zhaopin Chen, Boris A. Malomed: Solitons in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric systems with spin-orbit coupling and critical nonlinearity
[2201.06149] Ahasan Ahamed, Cesar Bartolo-Perez, Ahmed Sulaiman Mayet et al.: Reconstruction-based spectroscopy using CMOS image sensors with random photon-trapping nanostructure per sensor
[2201.06163] Michèle Levi: Pushing the precision frontier for gravitational waves
[2201.06193] Samuel Totorica, Amitava Bhattacharjee: Interplay of Three-Dimensional Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection in the Explosive Onset of Magnetospheric Substorms
[2201.06195] Thomas Meier, Florian Trybel, Dominique Laniel et al.: Universal Hydrogen Bond Symmetrisation Dynamics Under Extreme Conditions
[2201.06201] R. Bruce Doak: Focusing of an Atomic Beam
[2201.06214] Anuj Kumar: Optimal bounds in Taylor--Couette flow
[2201.06215] Alexander K. Y. Tam, Matthew J. Simpson: The Effect of Geometry on Survival and Extinction in a Moving-Boundary Problem Motivated by the Fisher-KPP Equation
[2201.06221] Zuolin Liu, Hongbin Fang, Jian Xu et al.: Discriminative transition sequences of origami metamaterials for mechano-logic
[2201.06258] Yishu Huang, Jun Zheng, Bingcheng Pan et al.: Ultra-compact Si/In$_2$O$_3$ hybrid plasmonic waveguide modulator with a high bandwidth beyond 40 GHz
[2201.06263] Yifan Liu, Zhisen Zhang, Panpan Yu et al.: Learning-based multiplexed transmission of scattered twisted light through a kilometer-scale standard multimode fiber
[2201.06264] Lars Bojer Madsen: Nondipole effects in tunneling ionization by intense laser pulses
[2201.06272] Henrik Parsamyan, Khachik Sahakyan, Khachatur Nerkararyan: Analysis of bistability at the coupling between waveguide and whispering gallery modes of a nonlinear hemicylinder
[2201.06287] Kuangchao Wu, Wen-Bin Shen, Xiao Sun et al.: Determining the gravity potential with the CVSTT technique using two hydrogen clocks
[2201.06288] Rustem Ospanov, Changqing Feng, Wenhao Dong et al.: Development of a resource-efficient FPGA-based neural network regression model for the ATLAS muon trigger upgrades
[2201.06291] Ka Ian Im, In Kio Choi, Pak Kio Lei et al.: Optimal Layout Plan of Stands at the Macao Food Festival via Minimizing the Electrostatic Potential Energy with the Effective Charge as Popularity of ...
[2201.06292] Alberto Gubbiotti, Mauro Chinappi, Carlo Massimo Casciola: EH-DPD: a Dissipative Particle Dynamics approach to Electro-Hydrodynamics
[2201.06294] Guo-Jing Tang, Xin-Tao He, Fu-Long Shi et al.: Topological photonic crystals: physics, designs and applications
[2201.06295] Yifei Xu, Zhigang Cao, Zonghao Yuan et al.: Analytical Research on a Locally Resonant Periodic Foundation for Mitigating Structure-Borne Vibrations from Subway
[2201.06301] Matilde Fiore, Lilla Koloszar, Miguel Alfonso Mendez et al.: Physics-constrained machine learning for thermal turbulence modelling at low Prandtl numbers
[2201.06305] J. Borreguero, F. Galve, J. M. Algarín et al.: Slice-selective Zero Echo Time imaging of ultra-short T2 tissues based on spin-locking
[2201.06315] Hannah Price, Yidong Chong, Alexander Khanikaev et al.: Roadmap on Topological Photonics
[2201.06318] Amir Dayan, Yi Huang, Alex Schuchinsky: Passive Intermodulation at Contacts of Rough Conductors
[2201.06323] Dominik Schindler, Jonathan Clarke, Mauricio Barahona: Multiscale mobility patterns and the restriction of human mobility under lockdown
[2201.06324] J. Ruiz Ruiz, F. I. Parra, V. H. Hall-Chen et al.: Interpreting Radial Correlation Doppler Reflectometry using Gyrokinetic Simulations
[2201.06341] David Bold, Felix Reimold, Holger Niemann et al.: Impact of transport models on local measurements in W7-X using synthetic diagnostics with EMC3-EIRENE and comparison to experimental observati...
[2201.06342] Yuke Li, Victor Steinberg: Elastic instability in a straight channel of viscoelastic flow without prearranged perturbations
[2201.06349] Elena Campillo, Almudena Martínez, Jimena de Hita et al.: Hilbert space representation of binary operations on a power-multiplying oscillator
[2201.06356] K. Raspe, M. Müller, N. Iwe et al.: A versatile setup for studying size and charge-state selected polyanionic nanoparticles
[2201.06381] Sven Pfeiffer, Valeri Ayvazyan, Julien Branlard et al.: RF regulation with superconducting cavities and beam operation using a frequency shifted cavity
[2201.06416] Cleaven Chia, Bartholomeus Machielse, Amirhassan Shams-Ansari et al.: Development of new hard masks for reactive ion beam angled etching of diamond
[2201.06421] Nikos Papanikolaou, Giacomo Vaccario, Erik Hormann et al.: Consensus from group interactions: An adaptive voter model on hypergraphs
[2201.06454] Nicolas Wijsen, Angels Aran, Camilla Scolini et al.: Observation-based modelling of the energetic storm particle event of 14 July 2012
[2201.06498] Iwan Morton-Blake, Steven D. Biller: An Alternative Design for Large Scale Liquid Scintillator Detectors
[2201.06514] James E. T. Smith, Joonho Lee, Sandeep Sharma: Nuclear Gradients of Near-Exact Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field Wave Functions
[2201.06516] T. T. D. Dinh, X. Le Roux, M. Montesinos-Ballester et al.: Dispersive wave control enabled by silicon metamaterial waveguides
[2201.06526] Souvik Sil, Anita Pahi, Aman Anil Punse et al.: Trapping multiple absorbing particles in air using an optical fiber by photophoretic forces
[2201.06527] Clodomir Santana, Federico Botta, Hugo Barbosa et al.: Changes in the time-space dimension of human mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic
[2201.06538] Mohammad Bagher Heydari: Hybrid Graphene-Gyroelectric Structures: A Novel Platform for THz Applications
[2201.06549] K. V. Lezhnin, S. V. Bulanov: Laser ion acceleration from tailored solid targets with micron-scale channels
[2201.06571] Saood Ibni Nazir, Christos E. Athanasiou, Yves Bellouard: On the uniaxial static stress relaxation in fused silica at room temperature
[2201.06608] Sundaram Bhardwaj Ramakrishnan, Ravi Teja Addanki Tirumala, Farshid Mohammadparast et al.: Tailoring Mie Resonances in Cupric Oxide Particles for Use as Nanoantennas
[2201.06628] Indu Kant Deo, Rajeev Jaiman: Learning Wave Propagation with Attention-Based Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder Net
[2201.06649] Josselin Garnier, Knut Sølna: Partially Coherent Electromagnetic Beam Propagation in Random Media
[2201.06654] Mihael Eraković, Marko T. Cvitaš: Vibrational tunneling spectra of molecules with asymmetric wells: a combined vibrational configuration interaction and instanton approach
[2201.06671] Josselin Garnier, Knut Solna: Scintillation of Partially Coherent Light in Time Varying Complex Media
[2201.06673] Yuto Yokoyama, Akane Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Tagawa: Droplet impact of blood and blood simulants on a solid surface: Effect of the deformability of red blood cells and the elasticity of plasma
[2201.06675] Nima Mobadersany: Microstreaming by ultrasound contrast microbubble between two parallel walls: shear stress and streamlines
[2201.06676] Kenzo Ogure: Observing how deep neural networks understand physics through the energy spectrum of one-dimensional quantum mechanics
[2201.06684] N. Fang, D. Yamashita, S. Fujii et al.: Quantization of mode shifts in nanocavities integrated with atomically thin sheets
[2201.06690] Wenjie Dou, Joonho Lee, David R. Reichman et al.: Time dependent second order Green's function theory for neutral excitations
[2201.06719] J. Z. Han, R. Si, H. R. Qin et al.: Determination of hyperfine splittings and Landé $g_J$ factors of $5s~^2S_{1/2}$ and $5p~^2P_{1/2,3/2}$ states of $^{111,113}$Cd$^+$ for a microwave frequency...
[2201.06749] Tsumoru Shintake: Proposal of Plane-Parallel Resonator Configuration for High-NA EUV Lithography
[2201.06770] Baptiste Domps, Charles-Antoine Guérin: Storm Surges as Seen by Coastal and Spaceborne Radars: Case Studies in British Columbia
[2201.06788] Len Bos, Michael A. Slawinski, Raphaël A. Slawinski et al.: Modelling of cyclist's power for timetrials on a velodrome
[2201.06809] Laurits Tani, Christian Veelken: Comparison of Bayesian and particle swarm algorithms for hyperparameter optimisation in machine learning applications in high energy physics
[2201.06818] Wim Hordijk: Snooker Statistics and Zipf's Law
[2201.06828] Takahiro Odagawa, Tsutomu Fukuda, Ayami Hiramoto et al.: Design and performance of a scintillation tracker for track matching in nuclear-emulsion-based neutrino interaction measurement
[2201.06830] V. Krumins, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber et al.: The $a^3Σ^+$ state of KCs revisited: hyperfine structure analysis and potential refinement
[2201.06855] Qi Li, Lei Wu: A kinetic model for rarefied flows of molecular gas with vibrational modes
[2201.06879] Thomas Hansen, Simon Vendelbo Bylling Jensen, Lars Bojer Madsen: Correlation effects in high-harmonic generation from finite systems
[2201.06893] Cormac O'Raifeartaigh: Testing General Relativity on the Largest Scales in the Years 1915-1955: the Dawning of Modern Cosmology
[2201.06897] Sauro Succi: The world beyond physics: how big is it?
[2201.06914] Mathias Louboutin, Felix J. Herrmann: Enabling wave-based inversion on GPUs with randomized trace estimation
[2201.06918] Jie Peng, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Shiqi Jia et al.: Topological near-field evolutions bounded by surface topology and symmetry of scatterers
[2201.06920] Luca Gallana, Shahbozbek Abdunabiev, Mina Golshan et al.: Diffusion of turbulence following both stable and unstable step stratification perturbations
[2201.06925] Rajendra Prasad: Precision laser diagnostics for LUXE
[2201.06936] M. Rosner, D. Beck, P. Fierlinger et al.: A Highly Drift-stable Atomic Magnetometer for Fundamental Physics Experiments
[2201.06943] Marie-Sophie Hartig, Sönke Schuster, Gudrun Wanner: Geometric tilt-to-length coupling in precision interferometry: mechanisms and analytical descriptions
[2201.06975] Jon Lasa-Alonso, Jorge Olmos-Trigo, Aitzol García-Etxarri et al.: Correlations between helicity and optical losses within general electromagnetic scattering theory
[2201.06977] B. Zhu, A. Gumberidze, T. Over et al.: X-ray emission associated with radiative recombination for Pb$^{82+}$ ions at threshold energies
[2201.06979] A. Gerakis, M. N. Shneider, P. F. Barker: Raman mass-spectrometry via oscillatory motion in deep pulsed optical lattices
[2201.06980] Laurence Arcadias, Robin H.D. Corbet: An Astro-Animation Class: Optimizing Artistic, Educational and Outreach Outcomes
[2201.06983] Jun Li, Shaofan Li, Xin Lai et al.: Peridynamic stress is the static first Piola-Kirchhoff Virial stress
[2201.07002] Maria Sygletou, Stefania Benedetti, Alessandro di Bona et al.: Doping-Dependent Optical Response of a Hybrid Transparent Conductive Oxide/Plasmonic Medium
[2201.07022] Polina Zheglova, Matteo Ravasi, Ivan Vasconcelos et al.: Target-enclosing inversion using an interferometric objective function
[2201.07028] Wagner Tavares Buono, Jacuqueline Tau, Isaac Nape et al.: Eigenmodes of aberrated systems: the tilted lens
[2201.07031] Isaac Debache, Cédric Sueur, Julie Vallée et al.: Does built environment influence physical activity and body postures in homework journeys?
[2201.07038] Klaus E. Hermann: Polyhedral Metal Nanoparticles with Cubic Lattice: Theory of Structural Properties
[2201.07056] Pablo Valgañón, David Soriano-Paños, Alex Arenas et al.: Contagion-diffusion processes with recurrent mobility patterns of distinguishable agents
[2201.07068] Ahmet Ilker Topuz, Madis Kiisk, Andrea Giammanco: Particle generation trough restrictive planes in GEANT4 simulations for potential applications of cosmic ray muon tomography
[2201.07085] Qiushi Zhang: Characterization of the Magnetism and Conformation of Single Porphyrin Molecules Adsorbed on Surfaces, and Artificial Graphene Nanoflakes
[2201.07095] Qiushi Zhang: Surface Bubble Dynamics in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Suspension
[2201.07100] Yigeng Peng, Tong Wu, Guanglu Yuan et al.: Solid-like high harmonic generation from rotationally periodic systems
[2201.07101] V. I. Klyukhin, A. Ball, C. P. Berriaud et al.: Comparison of the Baseline and the Minimal Steel Yoke Superconducting Magnets for the Future Circular Hadron-Hadron Collider
[2201.07109] Enrico Rubiola, Francois Vernotte: The Companion of the Enrico's Chart for Phase Noise and Two-Sample Variances
[2201.07110] Ana R. Romero Castellannos, H. E. Castellanos, C.E. Alvarez-Salazar: Using homemade spectrometers to perform accurate measurements of discrete and continuous spectra
[2201.07129] Giorgio Domenichini, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld: Alchemical geometry relaxation
[2201.07134] Nazanin Hoghooghi, Sida Xing, Peter Chang et al.: 1-GHz mid-infrared frequency comb spanning 3 to 13 μm
[2201.07143] Jie Cheng, Chenhao Wan, Qiwen Zhan: Generalized spiral transformation for high-resolution sorting of vortex modes
[2201.07145] Neelam Shukla, Harpreet Kaur, Bindiya Arora et al.: Two-dipole and three-dipole interaction coefficients of GROUP XII elements
[2201.07149] Jyoti, Harpreet Kaur, Bindiya Arora et al.: Radiative properties of Cu-isoelectronic As, Se and Br ions for astrophysical applications
[2201.07157] Iker Ortiz de Luzuriaga, Sawssen Elleuchi, Khaled Jarraya et al.: Semi-empirical and Linear-Scaling DFT Methods to Characterize duplex DNA and G-quadruplexes in Presence of Interacting Small Mo...
[2201.07158] Haoran Ren, Jaehyuck Jang, Chenhao Li et al.: An achromatic metafiber for focusing and imaging across the entire telecommunication range
[2201.07161] Khadija Ait Mamoun, Lamia Hammadi, Abdessamad El Ballouti et al.: Optimisation models for Transportation Network Design under Uncertainty:a literature review
[2201.07162] Oscar Sotolongo-Costa, Fernando Guzman Martinez: Propagacion del SARS-COV-2 en Cuba. Una vision cualitativa desde la Teoria de Sistemas Complejos
[2201.07163] Thi Kim Thoa Thieu, Roderick Melnik: Modelling the behavior of human crowds with interacting particle systems in active-passive population dynamics
[2201.07165] Maria Grazia Izzo, Cinzia Daraio, Luca Leuzzi et al.: Worldwide bilateral geopolitical interactions network inferred from national disciplinary profiles
[2201.07166] Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira, José António Filipe: Nanotechnology Applications The future arrived suddenly
[2201.07167] Masahiro Oda, Hiroaki Kondo, Takayuki Kitasaka et al.: Tracking accuracy evaluation of electromagnetic sensor-based colonoscope tracking method
[2201.07175] Rafail V. Abramov: Creation of turbulence in polyatomic gas flow via an intermolecular potential
[2201.07182] Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Amit K Chattopadhyay, Mandar Oak: A model of conflict and leadership: Is there a hawkish drift in politics?
[2201.07183] Muhammad Sajeer P: Unveiling philosophy and social aspects of nanotechnology: A short review
[2201.07184] Samuel Heroy, Isabella Loaiza, Alex Pentland et al.: Are neighbourhood amenities associated with more walking and less driving? Yes, but only for the wealthy
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Wed, 19 Jan 22","img":""}