Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-lat on Tue, 28 Dec 21
[2112.13464] M. Engelhardt, J. R. Green, N. Hasan et al.: Quark spin-orbit correlations in the proton
[2112.13474] Michael L. Wagman: Fifty ways to build a deuteron: a variational calculation of two-nucleon systems
[2112.13501] Jun Yumoto, Tatsuhiro Misumi: Lattice fermions as spectral graphs
[2112.13648] Sadataka Furui, Serge Dos Santos: Monte Carlo simulations of phonon propagation in the Fermi-sea of Weyl spinors and detection of hysteresis effects using Groupoids
[2112.13775] T. Kaneko, Y. Aoki, B. Colquhoun et al.: $B\!\to\!D^{(*)}\ellν$ semileptonic decays in lattice QCD with domain-wall heavy quarks
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-lat on Tue, 28 Dec 21","img":""}
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