Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 19 Nov 21
[2111.09334] Srishty Aggarwal, Banibrata Mukhopadhyay: Dynamics of relativistic electrons in non-uniform magnetic fields and its applications in quantum computing and astrophysics
[2111.09336] Fergus Barratt, Utkarsh Agrawal, Sarang Gopalakrishnan et al.: Field theory of charge sharpening in symmetric monitored quantum circuits
[2111.09347] Colm Bracken, Jonte R. Hance, Sabine Hossenfelder: The Quantum Eraser Paradox
[2111.09358] Ari Mizel, Van Molino: Renormalization method for proving frustration-free local spin chains are gapped
[2111.09428] Song Li, Anton Pershin, Gergő Thiering et al.: Ultraviolet quantum emitters in $h$-BN from carbon clusters
[2111.09435] Brandon A. Wilson, Alexander Miloshevsky, David A. Hooper et al.: Radiation-Induced Dark Counts for Silicon Single-Photon Detectors in Space
[2111.09472] Hamed Mohammadbagherpoor, Patrick Dreher, Mohannad Ibrahim et al.: Exploring Airline Gate-Scheduling Optimization Using Quantum Computers
[2111.09504] Hailan Ma, Daoyi Dong, Ian R. Petersen et al.: A comparative study on how neural networks enhance quantum state tomography
[2111.09506] Dominick J. Joch, Sergei Slussarenko, Yuanlong Wang et al.: Certified Random Number Generation from Quantum Steering
[2111.09540] Heng Wang, Yang Li, Yaodi Pi et al.: Sub-Gbps key rate four-state continuous-variable quantum key distribution within metropolitan area
[2111.09542] Yun Shao, Yang Li, Heng Wang et al.: Phase-reference intensity attack on continuous-variable quantum key distribution with a real local oscillator
[2111.09557] Yue-Xun Huang, Ming Li, Ke Lin et al.: Classical-to-quantum transition in multimode nonlinear systems with strong photon-photon coupling
[2111.09572] Lele Bai, Lulu Zhang, Yongbiao Yang et al.: Enhancement of spin noise spectroscopy of rubidium atomic ensemble by using of the polarization squeezed light
[2111.09582] Jaegon Um, Konstantin E. Dorfman, Hyunggyu Park: Coherence enhanced quantum-dot heat engine
[2111.09583] Claudio Sanavio, József Zsolt Bernád, André Xuereb: Estimation of disorders in the rest positions of two membranes in optomechanical systems
[2111.09595] Mustafa Gündoğan, Thomas Jennewein, Faezeh Kimiaee Asadi et al.: Topical White Paper: A Case for Quantum Memories in Space
[2111.09609] Sheldon Goldstein, Nino Zanghi: Remarks About the Relationship Between Relational Physics and a Large Kantian Component of the Laws of Nature
[2111.09622] Anbang Wang, Jingning Zhang, Ying Li: Error-mitigated deep-circuit quantum simulation: steady state and relaxation rate problems
[2111.09667] Keiji Matsumoto: A Geometrical Approach to Quantum Estimation Theory
[2111.09716] Adarsh Jain, Abhishek Khanna, Jay Bhatt et al.: Development of NavIC synchronized fully automated inter-building QKD framework and demonstration of quantum secured video calling
[2111.09718] Thorsten Haase, Gernot Alber, Vladimir M. Stojanovic: Dynamical generation of chiral W and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in laser-controlled Rydberg-atom trimers
[2111.09730] Adam Burgess, Marian Florescu: Non-Markovian Dynamics of a Single Excitation within Many-Body Dissipative Systems
[2111.09732] Nicola Mariella, Andrea Simonetto: A Quantum Algorithm for the Sub-Graph Isomorphism Problem
[2111.09752] X.-F. Qian, C. Qu, J.H. Eberly: Freezing and Thawing of Entanglement in Lossless Multiparty Systems
[2111.09756] Jens Arnbak Holbøll Nielsen, Jonas Schou Neergaard-Nielsen, Tobias Gehring et al.: Deterministic quantum phase estimation beyond the ideal NOON state limit
[2111.09770] Hui-Juan Zuo, Jia-Huan Liu, Xiao-Fan Zhen et al.: Nonlocal sets of orthogonal multipartite product states with less members
[2111.09772] C. E. Bradley, S. W. de Bone, P. F. W. Moller et al.: Robust quantum-network memory based on spin qubits in isotopically engineered diamond
[2111.09787] Arjan Cornelissen, Yassine Hamoudi, Sofiene Jerbi: Near-Optimal Quantum Algorithms for Multivariate Mean Estimation
[2111.09802] Gian-Luca Schmid, Chun Tat Ngai, Maryse Ernzer et al.: Coherent feedback cooling of a nanomechanical membrane with atomic spins
[2111.09821] Turbasu Chatterjee, Shah Ishmam Mohtashim, Akash Kundu: On The Variational Perspectives To The Graph Isomorphism Problem
[2111.09823] Axel Dahlberg, Bart van der Vecht, Carlo Delle Donne et al.: NetQASM -- A low-level instruction set architecture for hybrid quantum-classical programs in a quantum internet
[2111.09827] Priya Ghosh, Kornikar Sen, Ujjwal Sen: Response to glassy disorder in coin on spread of quantum walker
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 19 Nov 21","img":""}