Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in quant-ph on Wed, 17 Nov 21
[2111.08014] Anatoly Dymarsky, Kirill Pavlenko: Tensor network to learn the wavefunction of data
[2111.08018] Andrew C. Potter, Romain Vasseur: Entanglement dynamics in hybrid quantum circuits
[2111.08035] Roeland Wiersema, Cunlu Zhou, Juan Felipe Carrasquilla et al.: Measurement-induced entanglement phase transitions in variational quantum circuits
[2111.08044] Alan Morningstar, Markus Hauru, Jackson Beall et al.: Simulation of quantum many-body dynamics with Tensor Processing Units: Floquet prethermalization
[2111.08045] Zahra Raissi, Adam Burchardt, Edwin Barnes: General stabilizer approach for constructing highly entangled graph states
[2111.08081] Anne Broadbent, Eric Culf: Rigidity for Monogamy-of-Entanglement Games
[2111.08085] Lukas Broers, Ludwig Mathey: Optimization of Quantum Algorithm Protocols without Barren Plateaus
[2111.08090] Karen J. Morenz Korol, Kenny Choo, Antonio Mezzacapo: Quantum approximation algorithms for many-body and electronic structure problems
[2111.08101] Katarzyna Siudzińska: All classes of informationally complete symmetric measurements in finite dimensions
[2111.08131] Zhengfeng Ji, Anand Natarajan, Thomas Vidick et al.: Quantum soundness of testing tensor codes
[2111.08152] Pedro C. S. Costa, Dong An, Yuval R. Sanders et al.: Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem
[2111.08266] Debarshi Das, Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay: Quantum switch of quantum switches
[2111.08285] Yi-Ru Chen, Hsien-Yi Hsieh, Jingyu Ning et al.: Experimental Reconstruction of Wigner Distribution Currents in Quantum Phase Space
[2111.08288] Zheng-Zhi Sun, Gang Su: Quantum Heaviside Eigen Solver
[2111.08315] Hongyi Zhou, Toshihiko Sasaki, Masato Koashi: Numerical Method for Finite-size Security Analysis of Quantum Key Distribution
[2111.08343] Jacopo Surace, Luca Tagliacozzo: Fermionic Gaussian states: an introduction to numerical approaches
[2111.08376] Zhi-Yuan Fan, Rui-Chang Shen, Yi-Pu Wang et al.: Optical sensing of magnons via the magnetoelastic displacement
[2111.08402] Vimlesh Kumar, Varun Sharma, Sandeep Singh et al.: Imaging inspired characterization of single photons carrying orbital angular momentum
[2111.08474] Zhaoxu Ji, Peiru Fan, Atta Ur Rahman et al.: Entanglement swapping under quantum information masking
[2111.08484] Ramij Rahaman: Asymptotically secure All-or-nothing Quantum Oblivious Transfer
[2111.08525] Felix A. Pollock, Emanuel Gull, K. Modi et al.: Reduced Dynamics of Full Counting Statistics
[2111.08551] Constantia Alexandrou, Lena Funcke, Tobias Hartung et al.: Using classical bit-flip correction for error mitigation including 2-qubit correlations
[2111.08595] Anne Broadbent, Peter Yuen: Device-Independent Oblivious Transfer from the Bounded-Quantum-Storage-Model and Computational Assumptions
[2111.08598] Lukas Heller, Jan Lowinski, Klara Theophilo et al.: Ultra-low noise quantum memory for quasi-deterministic single photons generated by Rydberg collective atomic excitations
[2111.08605] Daniel Valente, Frederico Brito, Thiago Werlang: Quantum dissipative adaptation
[2111.08615] Abdallah Ammar, Arnaud Leclerc, Lorenzo Ugo Ancarani: Multicenter integrals involving complex Gaussian type functions
[2111.08675] Eduardo Arqué López, Valerio Di Giulio, F. Javier García de Abajo: Atomic Floquet physics revealed by free electrons
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Wed, 17 Nov 21","img":""}
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