EMS Legislation Review Quiz - Lecture 3

EMS Legislation Review Quiz
Test your knowledge on the Health Care Consent Act and its implications for EMS professionals. This quiz covers essential aspects of informed consent, capacity, and the roles of substitute decision-makers.
- 28 questions to challenge your understanding
- Multiple choice and checkbox formats
- Immediate feedback on your answers
1. True or False: The requirement for informed consent was codified in Ontario in in the Health Care Consent Act?
2. When was the Health Care Consent Act passed?
A. 1987
B. 1996
C. 1997
D. 2001
3. Which of the following are purposes of the Healthcare Consent Act?
A. To provide rules with respect to consent to treatment that apply consistently in all settings
B. To facilitate treatment, admission to care facilities, and personal assistance services, for persons lacking the capacity to make decisions about such matters
C. To enhance the autonomy of persons for whom treatment is proposed, persons for whom admission to a care facility is proposed and persons who are to receive personal assistance services
D. To promote communication and understanding between health practitioners and their patients or clients
E. To ensure a significant role for supportive family members when a person lacks the capacity to make a decision about treatment, admission to a care facility or a personal assistance service f. To permit intervention by the Public Guardian and Trustee only as a last resort in decisions on behalf of incapable persons concerning treatment, admission to a care facility or personal assistance services
4. True or false: Treatment is anything that is done for a therapeutic, preventative, palliative, diagnostic, cosmetic or other health-related purpose?
5. Which the following that are NOT examples of treatments
A. Pain medication being given as a palliative measure in a terminally ill cancer patient
B. The taking of a person’s health history
C. The admission of a person to a hospital or other facility
D. All of these are examples of treatments
E. B and C are NOT examples of treatments
6. Are health practitioners required to get consent, or refusal of consent, to treatment or other health care decisions BEFORE providing treatment?
7. True or false: A substitute decision maker can make decisions on behalf of a person who is not mentally capable?
8. True or false: A substitute decision maker can make decisions for a patient, even if the patient IS mentally capable?
9. True or false: Express consent is NOT given orally or in writing
10. True or false: Implied consent is the assumption that a person has given permission for an action, which is inferred from their actions, rather than expressly or explicitly provided
11. Which of the following elements must be present for a person to be able to give consent to a treatment:
A. The consent must be related to the treatment
B. The consent must be informed
C. The consent must be voluntary
D. The consent must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
12. True or false: Consent to treatment is considered to be informed if: the person received information that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would require in order to make a decision about the treatment and/or the person receives responses to his or her requests for additional information about those matters if they have questions?
13. In order to be considered informed, the patient must receive which of the following?
A. Information regarding the nature of the treatment
B. The expected benefits of the treatment
C. The material side effects of the treatment
D. Alternative courses of action
E. None of the above
F. All of the above except E
14. True or false: There IS a formal age of consent to treatment in Ontario?
15. True or false: Healthcare practitioners and evaluators should use professional judgement while considered the circumstances and the patient’s condition to determine whether the young patient has the capacity to understand and appreciate the information relevant to making the decision?
16. Which of the following are true statements about “capacity”?
A. Mental health conditions CANNOT impair a person’s ability to make decisions
B. A person lacks capacity if their mind is impaired or altered, which means they are unable to make a sound decision at the time
C. Capacity is the ability to understand information that is relevant to making a decision about treatment
D. Capacity is also the ability to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or lack of decision
E. All the statements are true
F. All the statements, except A, are true
17. True or false: Capacity cannot fluctuate, once a person is established as capable they cannot become incapable to make decisions
18. True or false: An individual has the right to make a decision that goes against medical advice, so long as they have capacity to make that decision?
19. What elements are necessary for a person to have capacity?
A. They need to be able to understand the information relevant to making a decision about the proposed treatment
B. They need to be able to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of their decision or lack of decision
C. Both A and B are necessary
20. True or false: Only when a person is deemed incapable to give consent or refusal can a health care provider look to their SDM to make decisions on their behalf?
21. True or false: In the hierarchy of SDM’s, a court appointed guardian ranks LOWER than a public guardian and trustee?
22. Which of the following SDM’s are considered a “SDM of last resort”?
A. Siblings
B. Court appointed guardian
C. Parents
D. Public guardian and trustee
23. True or false: Two persons are considered spouses if they are living in a conjugal relationship outside marriage and are together the parents of a child?
24. True or false: Two persons are considered spouses if they are NOT living in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage and have cohabitated for at least one year?
25. True or false: Two persons are not spouses if they are living separate and apart as a result of a breakdown of their relationship?
26. True or false: A power of attorney is a legal document giving one person the power to act for another person?
27. True or false: A POA that gives rights to make decisions about a person’s medical care is known as a Power of Attorney for Personal Care?
28. True or false: It is NOT important to document all findings with respect to the patient’s capacity in the remarks section of a refusal?
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