Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 8 Feb 22
[2202.02331] Marcel Golz, Gudrun Hiller, Tom Magorsch: Pinning down $|Δc|=|Δu|=1$ couplings with rare charm baryon decays
[2202.02333] Lina Alasfar, Jorge de Blas, Ramona Gröber: Higgs probes of top quark contact interactions and their interplay with the Higgs self-coupling
[2202.02338] Alessandro Candido, Felix Hekhorn, Giacomo Magni: EKO: Evolution Kernel Operators
[2202.02494] Francesco Capozzi, Ninetta Saviano: Neutrino Flavor Conversions in High-Density Astrophysical and Cosmological Environments
[2202.02513] Andrèe Dafne Bolognino, Francesco Giovanni Celiberto, Michael Fucilla et al.: Hadron structure at small-x via unintegrated gluon densities
[2202.02534] So Chigusa, Shu Li, Yuichiro Nakai et al.: Deeply Learned Preselection of Higgs Dijet Decays at Future Lepton Colliders
[2202.02612] Yizhuang Liu, Maciej A. Nowak, Ismail Zahed: Entanglement entropy and flow in two dimensional QCD:parton and string duality
[2202.02640] Avik Roy, Timothy Andeen: Non-resonant Diagrams for Single Production of Top and Bottom Partners
[2202.02645] Hector Masia-Roig, Nataniel L. Figueroa, Ariday Bordon et al.: Intensity interferometry for ultralight bosonic dark matter detection
[2202.02730] Yi Zhang, Tao Zhong, Hai-Bing Fu et al.: The ratio $\mathcal{R}(D_s)$ for $B_s \to D_s \ellν_\ell$ by using the QCD light-cone sum rules within the framework of heavy quark effective field theory
[2202.02775] Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Trisha Sarkar, Shweta Yadav: NSI effects on the generation of microscopic black hole events
[2202.02913] Jiaqi Chen, Chichuan Ma, Guoxing Wang et al.: Two-loop infrared singularities in the production of a Higgs boson associated with a top-quark pair
[2202.02954] Ting-Kuo Chen, Cheng-Wei Chiang, Ian Low: A Simple Model of Dark Matter and CP Violation
[2202.03076] Francesca Calore, Marco Cirelli, Laurent Derome et al.: AMS-02 antiprotons and dark matter: Trimmed hints and robust bounds
[2202.03095] Luis A. Anchordoqui, Carlos Garcia Canal, Felix Kling et al.: An explanation of the muon puzzle of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays and the role of the Forward Physics Facility for model improvement
[2202.03124] Xiu-Li Gao, Zhi-Hui Guo, Zhiguang Xiao et al.: Scrutinizing $ππ$ scattering in light of recent lattice phase shifts
[2202.03191] Fei Gao, Minghui Ding, Yuxin Liu et al.: A correspondence between the free and interacting field theories
[2202.03216] J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider et al.: The Two-Loop Massless Off-Shell QCD Operator Matrix Elements to Finite Terms
[2202.03219] Jaafar Chakrani, Margherita Buizza Avanzini, Stephen Dolan: Parametrising CCQE uncertainties in the Spectral Function model for neutrino oscillation analyses
[2202.03226] Fan Lin, Kun Xu, Mei Huang: Magnetism of QCD matter and pion mass from tensor-type spin polarization and anomalous magnetic moment of quarks
[2202.03258] Jianpeng Dai, Tao Liu, Daohan Wang et al.: Enhanced Higgs pair production from higgsino decay at the HL-LHC
[2202.03288] Sebastián Andradé, Marat Siddikov, Iván Schmidt: Exclusive photoproduction of heavy quarkonia pairs
[2202.03328] Sidney S. Avancini, Ricardo L. S. Farias, William R. Tavares et al.: Magnetized pole-mass of neutral $ρ$ meson within full RPA evaluation
[2202.03372] C. Cocuzza, W. Melnitchouk, A. Metz et al.: Polarized Antimatter in the Proton from Global QCD Analysis
[2202.03380] V. Bertone, G. Bozzi, F. Hautmann: Perturbative hysteresis and emergent resummation scales
[2202.03419] Antonio Boveia, Linda M. Carpenter, Boyu Gao et al.: DarkFlux: A new tool to analyze indirect-detection spectra of next-generation dark matter models
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 8 Feb 22","img":""}
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