Which planet G-5 character are you?

Which seems most like you with ✨trauma✨
I wish I was go enough for the ones who I love
I do my best to get compliments beacause I feel empty
I don’t care and I let them know that
I lash out at those I love to protect myself
I use humor to cover up my pain and push others away
If I can’t protect everyone what good am I
None of the above
Which personality seems most like you
Chaotic, smart, not the best with emotions, funny
Caring, optimistic, dad jokes, kind, chill
Quiet, kind, innocent, sensitive, creative
Chaotic, funny, caring, flirt, annoying
Judgemental, idc vibez, sarcastic, evil ✨
Hero, asshole✨, caring, quick-wit, emotional, tease, brave
None of the above
If u had a power what would it be
Phasing, invisible
None of the above
I a badass I don’t need powers
Music taste?
Emotional stuff
None of the above
Which do you want most
A bf/gf/partner
A family
None of the above
Someone yells at you what do you do?
Yell back
Listen to what they say
Yell back and try not to cry
Laugh it off
None of the above
Your crush says They like you how do you respond?
Pogrz 😎 starts whipping and nae nae
Idc / ofc u do 🙄✋
I’m confustion
*T poses* 💍?
No <3
None of the above
What would you want to have/be in 10 years
Dead lol ✌️
I want a family! :>
I want a job where I could work on things I’m passionate about
Happy *chad face*
No single <3
None of the above
Which personality do you think you would get along with most
Chaotic, funny, awkward, flirt, caring, romantic
Brave, genius, caring, confident, selfless, protective, funny, emotional
Chaotic, smart, caring,
Caring, kind, therapist, fun, social
Judgemental, gossip gowrl, cool, caring, idc vibez
Quiet, creative, emotional, sensitive, wholesome
None of the above
Who would you be in a movie?
Love interest
Side character
Background character
Side kick
None of the above
{"name":"Which planet G-5 character are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QSQRDN9P8","txt":"Which seems most like you with ✨trauma✨, Which personality seems most like you, If u had a power what would it be","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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