Module 14 Abortion and OCP

Regarding missed abortion, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:
Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis
Immediate evacuation should be done once the diagnosis is made
Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptom
Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation may occur as a sequele of missed abortion
Patient may present with loss of the symptoms of pregnancy
14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
Follow up with β-hCG for one year.
Uterus is usually bigger than date
After complete abortion there is minimal or no pain and minimal or no bleeding
Need to have evacuation of the uterus
Cervical OS is opened with tissue inside the cervix
In patients with three consecutive spontaneous abortion in the second trimester the most useful investigation is:
Chromosomal analysis
Prolactin level
Endometrial biopsy
Post coital test
Regarding cervical incompetence, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
Can occur in patient with history of cone biopsy
May lead to premature rupture of the membrane
Is treated by Shirodkar suture (cervical cerculage) which is best preformed early in the second trimester
Typically causes mid-trimester abortions
Typically causes painful abortions
Causes of first trimester abortion
Chromosomal abnormalities
Bicornuate uterus
Cervical incompetence
Gestational hypertension
Management of a patient with threatened abortion includes all of the following, EXCEPT:
Physical examination
Derailed menstrual history
Dilatation and curettage
A 25-year-old primigravida with 8 weeks threatened abortion, ultrasound would most likely reveal:
Collapsed gestational sac
Empty gestational sac
An intact gestational sac with fetal
Fetal heart motion in the adnexia
Thickened endometrium with no gestational sac
Regarding incomplete abortion, all are true, EXCEPT:
Management include evacuation
Ultrasound shows intact gestational sac non- viable fetus
Ultrasound shows retained product of conception
There is a history of tissue passed per vagina
The cervix is open on vaginal examination
Most common cause of first trimester abortion
Cervical incompetence
Chromosomal abnormalities
Rhesus isoimmunization
Bifurcate uterus
Incompetent cervix
Is best diagnosed by history
Is not encounted with uterine anomities
Is a cause for fetal congenital abnormalities
Can be treated with tocolytics
Is a cause for early pregnancy loss
Of the proposed etiologies for recurrent pregnancy wastage, the least likely is:
Autoimmune disease
Luteal phase deficiency.
Paternal balanced translocation.
Maternal balanced translocation.
Maternal trauma.
The most common etiology for spontaneous abortion of a recognized first trimester gestation:
Chromosomal anomaly in 20-30% of gestations
Chromosomal anomaly in 50-60% of gestations
. Maternal Diabetes
Maternal hypothyroidism
Progesterone deficiency
In threatened abortion, which one of the following items is TRUE?
In the majority of cases pregnancy will continue without any complication
Evacuation is the best treatment
Does not necessitate giving Anti-D for Rh-negative mother
All patients should be admitted
The cervix is open
In case of threatened abortion :
Cervix is dilated
There is a history of passing tissue per vagina
Patients needs immediate evacuation
Fetal heart is present
No need to give anti-D for Rhesus negative mothers
Missed abortion may cause one of the following complication:
Bone marrow depression
Rupture uterus
Skin allergies
High positive serum β-hCG
Management of a patient with threatened abortion includes all the followings EXCEPT:
Immediate dilation and curettage
Detailed menstrual history
Physical exam
In threatened abortion at 15 weeks gestation in a nulliparous patient:
Pain is characteristic
The internal os is often opened
Fainting is characteristic
Absence of fetal movements suggest non viability
Vaginal bleeding is usually mild
Regarding threatened abortion:
Anti-D should be given to Rh- positive mother
Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis
All patients should be admitted to the hospital
Vaginal examination will reveal severe pain
The patient has vaginal bleeding and tissue passage per vagina
Therapy in threatened abortion should include:
Progesterone IM
Restricted activity
D & C
Prostaglandin suppositories
Prolonged bed rest
During the first & second trimester of pregnancy, the most common pathologic cause of vaginal bleeding :
Uterine rupture
Ectopic pregnancy
Hydatiform mole
Abruption placenta
Which of the following items may be associated with a mid trimester abortion:
Uterine anomalies
Recurrent pelvic infection
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Maternal smoking
Sickle cell disease
Which of the following contraceptive methods should NOT be used by a patient with coronary heart disease?
Combined oral contraceptive pills
Spermicidal agent
Female condom
Male condom
Permanent sterilization include all of the following, EXCEPT:
Bilateral salpingectomy
Mirena IUCD
Tubal ligation
The combined contraceptive pills: Which is true?
Pre-dispose to pelvis inflammatory disease
Failure rate is 2 per hundred woman years
Predispose to ovarian cyst
Contra indicated in a patient with history of DVT
Predispose to benign breast cyst
The following is an absolute contraindications to the combined oral contraceptive pills:
Previous history of viral hepatitis
Prosthetic heart valve
Varicose veins
Diabetes mellitus
Age above 35 years
The following conditions are aggravated by oral contraceptive pills
Pre-menstrual syndrome
Genital fungal infection
Regarding Intra uterine contraceptive device (IUCD)
Inhibits ovulation
Reduces pelvic inflammatory disease
Increases incidence of endometrial cancer
Failure rate is 0.1%
If pregnancy occurs there is increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills contain:
Both estrogen and progestin
A synthetic estrogen alone
A progestin alone
Mechanisms of Oral Contraceptive Pills include all of the following EXCEPT:
Ovulation suppression
Altered cervical mucus
Altered endometrium
Altered tubal motility
Enhanced ovarian androgen production
Postulated mechanism of the IUCD include all of the following action EXCEPT:
Cupper has spermicidal effect
Altered cervical mucus
Altered endometrium
Altered tubal motility
Inhibition of implantation
Regarding injectable progesterone contraception, all of the following is true, EXCEPT:
Medroxyparogesterone acetate is the most commonly used
May cause amenorrhea.
May cause irregular uterine bleeding
Does not carry a risk of venous thrombosis
Should not be given to lactating mother
With regards to contraception failure, the pearl index refers to:
Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-year
Number of Pregnancy losses in 100 woman-years.
Number of pregnancies in 1 woman-year
Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-years over pregnancy losses.
Numbers of Pregnancies in years
Contraindication of OCP, EXCEPT:
35 Y, smokes >15 cigarette per day.
Previous CVA
Family Hx of Breast Carcinoma.
Previous DVT
Combined oral contraceptive pills are associated with :
Ovarian cyst
Intermenstrual bleeding
OCP have the following beneficial effects EXCPET :
Decrease endometrial cancer
Decrease benign breast disease
Decrease iron deficiency anemia
Decrease the incidence of renal failure
Decreased ovarian cancer
Side effect of OCP include all the following EXCEPT:
Break through bleeding
The use of OCP reduces the risk of all the following EXCEPT:
Hepatic adenoma
Ovarian cancer
Ectopic pregnancy
Endometrial cancer
Which of the following statements regarding the use of IUCD is TRUE :
. The Contraceptive effectiveness of IUD is similar to that of barrier methods
The risk of Salpangitis in IUD wearer is positively correlated with duration of use
Contraceptive effectiveness of copper-containing IUD is higher than that of the inert devic
Women using progesterone containing IUD have heavier than the women using the inert device
Most IUD were withdrawn from the market due to the financial burden
All are true regarding OCP EXCEPT :
Increase viscosity of cervical mucosa
Can cause venous thrombosis
Can cause mild hypertension
Act by preventing the ovulation
Usually cause amenorrhea
IUCD are relatively contraindicated in the following patient EXCEPT:
With history of C section
With septate uteru
With history of ectopic pregnancy
With Submucous fibroid
With past history of chronic Salpangitis
Complication of IUCD include all the following EXCEPT:
Pelvic infection
Failure rate are twice that expected in the patients taking progestin only pill.
Premenstrual –spotting
Lowest pregnancy rate in 100 women using the method for 1 year :
Spermicidal cream
The use of progesterone only pills :
Ovulation is not regularly inhibited
Protection against is as good as combined pill
There is a risk of DVT
Breakthrough bleeding is rare
The dose of progesterone is much larger than in combined pill
A contraceptive method that prevent transmission of STD is:
The goal for developing a successful contraception include all of the following EXCEPT:
Regulate fertility
Decreasing the prevalence of STD
Diminishing the incidence.
Stabilize population growth.
Reducing maternal morbidity
What is the effect of oral contraceptives on the incidence of DVT & embolism?
Increases the incidence
Decreases the incidence
Increases pulmonary embolism but not deep vein thrombosis
Doesn't affect the incidence
. Increases thrombosis but not pulmonary embolism
The mechanism of action of OCPs include all the following, EXCEPT:
Alter the endometrium.
. Alter the tubal motility
Enhances ovarian androgen production.
Ovulation suppression
Alter the cervical mucous
Postulated mechanism of action of IUD includes all the following, EXCEPT :
Inhibition of implantation
Alter the tubal motility
Inhibits fertilization
Alter the endometrium
Alter the cervical mucous
Which of the following contraceptive methods should not be used by a patient with coronary heart disease?
Spermicidal agent.
Male condoms.
Female condoms
Estrogens commonly used in oral contraceptive pills include
Ethinyl estradiol.
Ethinyl estriol
Estradiol valorates.
The use of Progesterone-only contraceptive pills is governed by the following considerations, choose the CORRECT answer:
Protection against pregnancy is as good as combined pills.
There is a substantial risk in older women with venous thrombus & embolism in their user.
Ovulation is not regularly inhibited
Breakthrough bleeding is rare
The dose of progesterone is much larger than in combined
The goals for developing a successful contraceptive include all of the following EXCEPT:
Regulating fertility
Stabilizing population
Reducing maternal morbidity
Diminishing the incidence
Decreasing the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases
Regarding IUCD, all of the following are INCORRECT, EXCEPT:
Has a failure of 6%.
Inhibition of ovulation is the main mechanism of action
Not suitable for patients with previous delivery
Is commonly associated with excessive menstrual loss
Statistically increases the incidence of ectopic pregnancy
The following are known contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptive pills (COCP), EXCEPT:
Active liver disease
Benign intracranial hypertension
Repeated LSCS
Deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
Cholestasis in pregnancy
The combined oral contraceptive pill, besides being used as a method of contraception, can be used to treat the following, EXCEPT:
Mucinous ovarian cyst
Ovulation pain
Progesterone only pills work as contraceptives by:
Acting as a spermicide
Reducing libido
Producing endometrial hyperplasia
Altering the cervical mucosa
Suppressing ovulation
Combined oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen & progesterone produce the following effects, EXCEPT:
Act by preventing ovulation
Can cause hypertension
Can cause venous thrombosis
Usually cause amenorrhea
Increase the viscosity of cervical mucous
Regarding Progesterone only pills preparation:
Are contraindicated in mild hypertension.
Affect the cervical mucous.
Reliably inhibit ovulation
Are reliable as the combined preparation
Are not suitable for lactating mothers
Which of the following is an absolute contraindication to the use of COCP?
Recent history of deep venous thrombosis
Varicose veins
Seizure disorders
Mild essential hypertension
IUCD may prevent pregnancy by all of the following mechanism EXCEPT:
Destroying sperm
Altering tubal motility.
Inhibiting ovulation
Inducing endometrial atrophy
Creating chronic endometritis.
{"name":"Module 14 Abortion and OCP", "url":"","txt":"Regarding missed abortion, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:, 14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:, In patients with three consecutive spontaneous abortion in the second trimester the most useful investigation is:","img":""}
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