Organizational Health™ Assessment
Our organization clearly communicates about its work in terms of the impact it achieves.
Our organization sets strategy through periodic market research and needs assessments that include all key stakeholders, from board, to staff, to the population it serves.
We intentionally engage our beneficiaries, clients and prospective clients in our project initiation and program development process.
Sufficient resources are allocated to ensure each project/program can achieve the established goals and objectives.
Our organization regularly provides meaningful feedback on performance to all members of staff (from Senior Leadership to Interns and Volunteers) as well as solicits feedback on staff satisfaction.
We regularly assess and meet professional growth needs of our staff as well as build the leadership capacity of team members.
Our organization trains all staff in financial management so that they understand our model, budget, and financial position.
Our organization has a current communications/marketing plan with clear tactics and measurable goals.
Our organization’s brand and style are consistently used in all marketing and messaging.
We evaluate and determine which communications platforms best drive our communications goals as an organization.