Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in math-ph on Thu, 4 Nov 21
[2111.01837] Marco Benini, Luca Giorgetti, Alexander Schenkel: A skeletal model for 2d conformal AQFTs
[2111.01854] Matthew B. Hastings: Gapped Quantum Systems: From Higher Dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis to the Quantum Hall Effect
[2111.01960] Michael K. -H. Kiessling, Eric Ling, A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh: The point spectrum of the Dirac Hamiltonian on the zero-gravity Kerr-Newman spacetime
[2111.02381] Boris A. Khoruzhenko, Serhii Lysychkin: Truncations of random symplectic unitary matrices
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in math-ph on Thu, 4 Nov 21","img":""}
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