Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 3 Dec 21
[2112.00732] Christian Hirsch, Matthias Neumann, Volker Schmidt: Asymptotic properties of one-layer artificial neural networks with sparse connectivity
[2112.00742] Michael A. DeMarco, Ethan Lake, Xiao-Gang Wen: Topological Mott Insulators and Discontinuous $U(1)$ $θ$-Terms
[2112.00745] Hugo Aramberri, Natalya S. Fedorova, Jorge Íñiguez: Ferroelectric/paraelectric superlattices for energy storage
[2112.00754] Yichen Hu, Biao Lian: Integrability of the $ν=4/3$ fractional quantum Hall edge states
[2112.00756] Tomohiro Hashizume, Jad C. Halimeh, Philipp Hauke et al.: Ground-state phase diagram of quantum link electrodynamics in $(2+1)$-d
[2112.00757] Pasquale Marra, Angela Nigro: Majorana/Andreev crossover and the fate of the topological phase transition in inhomogeneous nanowires
[2112.00761] Di Zhu, Bo-Xuan Li, Zhongbo Yan: Sublattice-sensitive Majorana Modes
[2112.00781] P. O. Sukhachov, Björn Trauzettel: Anomalous Gurzhi effect
[2112.00784] Yashraj Bhosale, Nicholas Weiner, Alex Butler et al.: Micromechanical origin of plasticity and hysteresis in nest-like packings
[2112.00801] Van Dong Pham, Yi Pan, Steven C. Erwin et al.: Topological States in Dimerized Quantum-Dot Chains Created by Atom Manipulation
[2112.00805] Md Rafique Un Nabi, Aaron Wegner, Fei Wang et al.: Giant topological Hall effect in centrosymmetric tetragonal Mn2-xZnxSb
[2112.00808] M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush: Phase behavior of a cell model with Curie-Weiss interaction
[2112.00813] Annika F. Möslein, Jin-Chong Tan: Vibrational Modes and Terahertz Physical Phenomena Underpinning ZIF-71 Metal-Organic Framework
[2112.00836] Q.-P. Ding, N. S. Sangeetha, Abhishek Pandey et al.: Incommensurate and commensurate antiferromagnetic states in CaMn2As2 and SrMn2As2 revealed by 75As NMR
[2112.00844] D. A. Mikhaylov, E. A. Potanina, V. A. Orlova et al.: Immobilization of the rare earth fraction in lanthanide phosphates LnPO4. Radiation and hydrolytic resistance of the matrix
[2112.00850] Asimanshu Das, Matthew Styslinger, Daniel M. Harris et al.: Force and torque-free helical tail robot to study low Reynolds number microorganism swimming
[2112.00851] Stephon Alexander, Sarah Bawabe, Batia Friedman-Shaw et al.: The Physics of Machine Learning: An Intuitive Introduction for the Physical Scientist
[2112.00865] E. Lorin, F. Fillion-Gourdeau, S. Maclean: Inverse design of strained graphene surfaces for electron control
[2112.00876] Samuel J. Hall, Benedikt P. Klein, Reinhard J. Maurer: Self-interaction error induces spurious charge transfer artefacts in core-level simulations of x-ray photoemission and absorption spectr...
[2112.00886] C. A. Aguirre, Julian Faundez, J. Barba-Ortega: Vortex state in a superconducting mesoscopic irregular octagon
[2112.00889] V. G. Ibarra-Sierra, J. C. Sandoval-Santana, A. Kunold et al.: Dirac materials under linear polarized light: quantum wave function evolution and topological Berry phases as classical charged ...
[2112.00892] Ken-ichi Sasaki: Band Structures of Edge Magnetoplasmon Crystals
[2112.00909] Megumi Kurosu, Daiki Hatanaka, Hajime Okamoto et al.: Buckling-induced quadratic nonlinearity in silicon phonon waveguide structures
[2112.00916] Hiroshige Onoda, Hiroaki Sukegawa, Jun-ichiro Inoue et al.: Strain Engineering of Magnetic Anisotropy in Epitaxial Films of Cobalt Ferrite
[2112.00920] Shunsuke A. Sato: Two-step Brillouin zone sampling for efficient computation of electron dynamics in solids
[2112.00924] Gyuho Myeong, Wongil Shin, Seungho Kim et al.: Dirac-Source Diode with Sub-unity Ideality Factor
[2112.00934] Mutsuki Saito, Ryunosuke Takagishi, Nobuyuki Kurita et al.: Structures of magnetic excitations in spin-1/2 kagome-lattice antiferromagnets Cs$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ and Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$
[2112.00951] Lisi Li, Liangliang Zheng, Benjamin A. Frandsen et al.: Spin dynamics of the spin chain antiferromagnet RbFeS$_2$
[2112.00968] Satyajit Mojumder, Lei Tao, Ying Li et al.: Mechanistic Data Science for Modeling and Design of Aerospace Composite Materials
[2112.00990] Ming-Wei Ma, Binbin Ruan, Menghu Zhou et al.: Large CaFeAsF single crystals of high quality grown by the oscillating temperature technique
[2112.00997] R. Ricca, V. Boureau, Y. Bellouard: Ultrafast laser interaction with transparent multi-layer SiO2/Si3N4 films
[2112.01009] Daijiro Takagi, Maria Teresa Mercaldo, Yukio Tanaka et al.: Odd-frequency pairing in a nonunitary p-wave superconductor with multiple Majorana fermions
[2112.01017] Qizhang Li, Qun Chen, Bai Song: Giant radiative thermal rectification using an intrinsic semiconductor film
[2112.01022] V.S. Gurin, A.V. Rutkauskas, Yu.E. Gorshkova et al.: Structural studies of the sol-gel glasses with copper selenide nanoparticles by SANS technique
[2112.01052] R. Matthias Geilhufe: Quantum buckling in metal-organic framework materials
[2112.01065] Domenico Truzzolillo: Mixing-demixing transition and void formation in quasi-2D binary mixtures on a sphere
[2112.01086] Long Zhang, Xiong-Jun Liu: Unconventional Floquet topological phases from a new bulk-boundary correspondence
[2112.01100] J. Paul, H. Rose, E. Swagel et al.: Coherent Contributions to Population Dynamics in a Semiconductor Microcavity
[2112.01102] Juuso Manninen, Antti Laitinen, Francesco Massel et al.: De Haas-van Alphen effect in graphene
[2112.01111] Adam B. Cahaya: Antiferromagnetic spin pumping via hyperfine interaction
[2112.01123] R. Carmina Monreal: Electron-phonon interaction in the dynamics of trap filling in quantum dots
[2112.01172] T.W.J. Kwok, K.M. Rahman, V.A. Vorontsov et al.: Strengthening $κ$-carbide steels using residual dislocation content
[2112.01179] C. A. Aguirre, Julian Faundez, S. G. Magalhaes et al.: Vortex matter in a two-band SQUID-shaped superconducting film
[2112.01185] Yu Su, Zi-Fan Zhu, Hong Gong et al.: Temperature-dependence of the subdivision potential in nanothermodynamics
[2112.01191] Michael Bley, Pablo I. Hurtado, Joachim Dzubiella et al.: Active interaction switching controls the dynamic heterogeneity of soft colloidal dispersions
[2112.01286] Julien Garaud, Egor Babaev: Skyrmions and effective model of the resistive electron quadrupling state
[2112.01291] Wayne M. Saslow, Chen Sun, Shenglong Xu: Spin Accumulation and Longitudinal Spin Diffusion of Magnets
[2112.01294] Shaopeng Jiang, Siddharth G. Chatterjee: A surface-renewal model for constant flux cross-flow microfiltration
[2112.01307] G. J. Ferreira, D. R. Candido, F. G. G. Hernandez et al.: Engineering topological phases in triple HgTe/CdTe quantum wells
[2112.01343] Peter Olsson: Relaxation times, rheology, and finite size effects
[2112.01344] Stefano Musacchio, Victor Steinberg, Dario Vincenzi: Polymer stretching in laminar and random flows: entropic characterization
[2112.01356] Ivan Nekrashevich, Xiaxin Ding, Fedor Balakirev et al.: Reaching the equilibrium state of frustrated triangular Ising magnet Ca3Co2O6
[2112.01362] Ankur Dhar, Ludovic D. C. Jaubert, Cathal Cassidy et al.: Observing Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice using Electron Holography
[2112.01370] Zheng-Chuan Wang: Thermal Spin-Orbit Torque in Spintronics
[2112.01373] Madhav Ramesh, Amit Verma, Arvind Ajoy: Kramers escape problem for white noise driven switching in ferroelectrics
[2112.01393] Ryan Keogh, Santhan Chandragiri, Benjamin Loewe et al.: Helical Flow States in Active Nematics
[2112.01428] Arvin Shadravan, Mahmood Amani: Recent Advances of Nanomaterials in Membranes for Osmotic Energy Harvesting by Pressure Retarded Osmosis
[2112.01431] V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch: Spreading processes in "post-epidemic" environments. II. Safety patterns on scale-free networks
[2112.01480] Carlos Floyd, Haoran Ni, Ravinda Gunaratne et al.: On Stretching, Bending, Shearing and Twisting of Actin Filaments I: Variational Models
[2112.01482] Elena Ferrari, Francesco Mezzadri, Matteo Masino: Temperature induced Neutral to Ionic phase Transition of the charge transfer crystal Tetrathiafulvalene-Fluoranil
[2112.01507] Bram Vanhecke, David Devoogdt, Frank Verstraete et al.: Simulating thermal density operators with cluster expansions and tensor networks
[2112.01519] Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ryan Thorngren, Ashvin Vishwanath et al.: Long-range entanglement from measuring symmetry-protected topological phases
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 3 Dec 21","img":""}
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