Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 22 Nov 21
[2111.09892] Malte Buschmann, Christopher Dessert, Joshua W. Foster et al.: Upper Limit on the QCD Axion Mass from Isolated Neutron Star Cooling
[2111.09895] Timothy Cohen, Joel Doss, Xiaochuan Lu: Unitarity Bounds on Effective Field Theories at the LHC
[2111.09909] Ruben Sandapen: Two Schrödinger-like Equations for hadrons
[2111.09968] Patrick L.S. Connor, Radek Žlebčík: Step: a tool to perform tests of smoothness on differential distributions based on Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind
[2111.09994] Adolfo Guevara, Gabriel López Castro, Pablo Roig: Improved description of di-lepton production in $τ^-\toν_τP^-$ decays
[2111.10008] Li Yang, Xin-Jian Wen: The compressibility of quark matter under strong magnetic field in the NJL model
[2111.10116] Pietro Colangelo, Fulvia De Fazio, Francesco Loparco: Probing New Physics with heavy hadron decays
[2111.10197] Markus Q. Huber, Christian S. Fischer, Hèlios Sanchis-Alepuz: Quenched glueball spectrum from functional equations
[2111.10199] Jordan Bernigaud, Adam K. Forster, Björn Herrmann et al.: Data-driven analysis of a SUSY GUT of flavour
[2111.10230] L. R. Dai, E. Oset, L. S. Geng: The $D_s^+ \to π^+ K_s^0 K_s^0 $ reaction \\and the $I=1$ partner of the $f_0(1710)$ state
[2111.10239] Wolfgang Lucha, Dmitri Melikhov, Hagop Sazdjian: Cluster Reducibility of Multiquark Operators and Tetraquark-Adequate QCD Sum Rules
[2111.10263] G. Montana: Thermal modification of open heavy-flavor mesons from an effective hadronic theory
[2111.10341] Bichitra Bijay Boruah, Mrinal Kumar Das: Neutrinoless double-beta decay and lepton flavor violation in discrete flavor symmetric left-right symmetric model
[2111.10343] Brian Batell, Jonathan L. Feng, Max Fieg et al.: Hadrophilic Dark Sectors at the Forward Physics Facility
[2111.10359] C. A. Argüelles, I. Esteban, M. Hostert et al.: MicroBooNE and the $ν_e$ Interpretation of the MiniBooNE Low-Energy Excess
[2111.10360] Yang Bai, Sida Lu, Nicholas Orlofsky: Q-Monopole-Ball: A Topological and Nontopological Soliton
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 22 Nov 21","img":""}