Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 27 Oct 21
[2110.13143] Ian R. Edmonds: Evidence that 1.6-year solar quasi-biennial oscillations are synchronous with maximum Sun-planet alignments
[2110.13149] Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski, Marc Kamionkowski, Bei Zhou: AGN variability in the age of VRO
[2110.13150] Michael Zhang, Heather A. Knutson, Lile Wang et al.: Escaping Helium from TOI 560.01, a Young Mini Neptune
[2110.13151] George Stein, Peter Harrington, Jacqueline Blaum et al.: Self-supervised similarity search for large scientific datasets
[2110.13152] Mark A. Siebert, Kin Long Kelvin Lee, Anthony J. Remijan et al.: CH3-Terminated Carbon Chains in the GOTHAM Survey of TMC-1: Evidence of Interstellar CH3C7N
[2110.13155] Ward S. Howard, Meredith A. MacGregor: No Such Thing as a Simple Flare: Substructure and QPPs Observed in a Statistical Sample of 20 Second Cadence TESS Flares
[2110.13160] Brant E. Robertson: Galaxy Formation and Reionization: Key Unknowns and Expected Breakthroughs by the James Webb Space Telescope
[2110.13161] Nashwan Sabti, Julian B. Muñoz, Diego Blas: New Roads to the Small-Scale Universe: Measurements of the Clustering of Matter with the High-Redshift UV Galaxy Luminosity Function
[2110.13165] Floor van Donkelaar, Oscar Agertz, Florent Renaud: From giant clumps to clouds -- II. The emergence of thick disc kinematics from the conditions of star formation in high redshift gas rich galaxies
[2110.13167] K. Tchernyshyov, J. K. Werk, M. C. Wilde et al.: The CGM$^2$ Survey: Circumgalactic O VI from dwarf to massive star-forming galaxies
[2110.13168] Nashwan Sabti, Julian B. Muñoz, Diego Blas: GALLUMI: A Galaxy Luminosity Function Pipeline for Cosmology and Astrophysics
[2110.13169] Arka Ghosh, Doron Kushnir: Double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar models provide no natural explanation for the low-luminosity suppression of Type Ia supernovae
[2110.13171] Agnès Ferté, Shoubaneh Hemmati, Daniel Masters et al.: Categorizing models using Self-Organizing Maps: an application to modified gravity theories probed by cosmic shear
[2110.13172] Ling Zhu, Annalisa Pillepich, Glenn van de Ven et al.: The mass of the dynamically-hot inner stellar halo predicts the ancient accreted satellite(s) mass
[2110.13173] Trent J. Dupuy, G. Mirek Brandt, Timothy D. Brandt: Limits on the Mass and Initial Entropy of 51 Eri b from Gaia EDR3 Astrometry
[2110.13175] R. Pascale, F. Annibali, M. Tosi et al.: Dancing in the void: hydrodynamical N-body simulations of the extremely metal poor galaxy DDO 68
[2110.13177] P. A. Ondratschek, F. K. Roepke, F. R. N. Schneider et al.: Bipolar planetary nebulae from common envelope evolution of binary stars
[2110.13181] C. B. Adams, J. Batshoun, W. Benbow et al.: Variability and Spectral Characteristics of Three Flaring Gamma-ray Quasars Observed by VERITAS and Fermi-LAT
[2110.13182] Dhruv Muley, Ruobing Dong: CI Tau: A controlled experiment in disk-planet interaction
[2110.13184] S. Chen, R. N. Caballero, Y. J. Guo et al.: Common-red-signal analysis with 24-yr high-precision timing of the European Pulsar Timing Array: Inferences in the stochastic gravitational-wave backgrou...
[2110.13190] Ivelin Georgiev, Garrelt Mellema, Sambit K. Giri et al.: The large-scale 21-cm power spectrum from reionization
[2110.13208] Andrew R. Inglis, Jack Ireland, Albert Y. Shih et al.: Evaluating Pointing Strategies for Future Solar Flare Missions
[2110.13253] Kylie Y. Hansen, Kishalay De, Michael C. B. Ashley et al.: Second Timescale Photometry of the Very Fast Nova V1674 Her with Palomar Gattini-IR
[2110.13281] Guido Granda-Muñoz, Enrique Vázquez-Semadeni, Gilberto C. Gómez et al.: A resolution criterion based on characteristic timescales for MHD simulations of molecular clouds
[2110.13284] Gibor Basri, Tristan Streichenberger, Connor McWard et al.: A New Method for Estimating Starspot Lifetimes Based on Autocorrelation Functions
[2110.13304] Hiromasa Suzuki, Aya Bamba, Ryo Yamazaki et al.: Observational constraints on the maximum energies of accelerated particles in supernova remnants: low maximum energies and a large variety
[2110.13327] Mark R. Giovinazzi, Cullen H. Blake, Pedro H. Bernardinelli: Enhancing Ground-Based Observations of Trans-Neptunian Objects using a Single-Epoch Parallax Measurement from L2
[2110.13329] J. Santander-Vela, M. Bartoliniand, M. Miccolis et al.: From SKA to SKAO: Early Progress in the SKAO Construction
[2110.13332] Kwan Chuen Chan, Ismael Ferrero, Santiago Avila et al.: Clustering with general photo-$z$ uncertainties: Application to Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
[2110.13339] Atul Mohan, Sven Wedemeyer, Sneha Pandit et al.: EMISSA -- Exploring Millimeter Indicators of Solar-Stellar Activity I. The Initial mm-cm Main Sequence Star Sample
[2110.13353] DaveZ Besson, Ilya Kravchenko, Krishna Nivedita: Angular Dependence of Vertically Propagating Radio-Frequency Signals in South Polar Ice
[2110.13382] Andrej Prsa, Angela Kochoska, Kyle E. Conroy et al.: TESS Eclipsing Binary Stars. I. Short cadence observations of 4584 eclipsing binaries in Sectors 1-26
[2110.13396] Alex J. Kemp, Amanda I. Karakas, Andrew R. Casey et al.: The impact of metallicity on nova populations
[2110.13404] Matthew Richardson, Andrés A. Plazas Malagón, Larry A. Lebofsky et al.: The CosmoQuest Moon Mappers Community Science Project: The Effect of Incidence Angle on the Lunar Surface Crater Distribution
[2110.13419] S. Kotecha, C. Welker, Z. Zhou et al.: Cosmic filaments delay quenching inside clusters
[2110.13443] Yui Kawashima, Michiel Min: Implementation of disequilibrium chemistry to spectral retrieval code ARCiS and application to sixteen exoplanet transmission spectra: Indication of disequilibrium chemi...
[2110.13461] Abhishek Paswan, Kanak Saha, Claus Leitherer et al.: SDSS-IV MaNGA: an observational evidence of density bounded region in a Lyman-$α$ emitter
[2110.13483] Qishan Wang, Shengbang Qian, Liying Zhu: Revisiting the X-ray Emission of the Asynchronous Polar V1432 Aql
[2110.13545] Odysse Halim, Claudio Casentini, Marco Drago et al.: Core-Collapse Supernova Search Strategy: GravitationalWaves and Low-Energy Neutrinos
[2110.13548] Giuseppe Morello, Núria Casasayas-Barris, Jaume Orell-Miquel et al.: The strange case of Na I in the atmosphere of HD209458 b: Reconciling low- and high-resolution spectroscopic observations G
[2110.13582] S. Czesla, M. Lampón, J. Sanz-Forcada et al.: H$α$ and He I absorption in HAT-P-32 b observed with CARMENES -- Detection of Roche lobe overflow and mass loss
[2110.13591] S.A. Balashev, K.N. Telikova, P. Noterdaeme: CII*/CII ratio in high-redshift DLAs: ISM phase separation drives the observed bimodality of [CII] cooling rates
[2110.13594] Tao-Zhi Yang, Zhao-Yu Zuo, Xin-Yue Wang et al.: A catalogue of double-mode high amplitude $δ$ Scuti stars in the Galaxy and their statistical properties
[2110.13602] Marco Calzà, John March-Russell, João G. Rosa: Evaporating primordial black holes, the string axiverse, and hot dark radiation
[2110.13636] Hai-Jun Li, Xiao-Jun Bi, Peng-Fei Yin: Searching for Axion-Like Particles with MAGIC and Fermi-LAT Data
[2110.13676] Yi Hua Lam, Zi Xin Liu, Alexander Heger et al.: The Impact of the New $^{65\!}$As(p,$γ$)$^{66\!}$Se Reaction Rate on the Two-Proton Sequential Capture of $^{64}\!$Ge, Weak GeAs Cycles, and Type-I X...
[2110.13712] A. L. Mesquita, D. Rodgers-Lee, A. A. Vidotto et al.: Galactic cosmic ray propagation through M dwarf planetary systems
[2110.13733] Lawrence Rudnick: Radio Galaxy Classification: #Tags, not Boxes
[2110.13736] A. Grazian, E. Giallongo, K. Boutsia et al.: The space density of ultra-luminous QSOs at the end of reionization epoch by the QUBRICS Survey and the AGN contribution to the hydrogen ionizing backgr...
[2110.13754] Jorge Fernandez Fernandez, Peter J. Wheatley: X-ray irradiation of three planets around Hyades star K2-136
[2110.13783] Ariane Lançon, S. Larsen, K. Voggel et al.: Extragalactic globular clusters with Euclid and other wide surveys
[2110.13797] G. Castignani, B. Vulcani, R. A. Finn et al.: Virgo Filaments II: Catalog and First Results on the Effect of Filaments on galaxy properties
[2110.13810] J. Wang, W. K. Zheng, D. W. Xu et al.: B3\,0749+460A: A New "Changing-Look" Active Galactic Nucleus Associated with X-ray Spectral Slope Variations
[2110.13820] A. Garufi, L. Podio, C. Codella et al.: ALMA-DOT VI: Accretion shocks in the disk of DG Tau and HL Tau
[2110.13835] L.-A. Hühn, G. Pichierri, B. Bitsch et al.: The Kepler-223 resonance holds information on turbulence during the gas disk phase
[2110.13838] Melvyn Wright, John Baly, Tomoya Hirota et al.: Structure of the Source I disk in Orion-KL
[2110.13848] D. G. Yakovlev: A Simple Model of Radiation from a Magnetized Neutron Star: Accreted Matter and Polar Hotspots
[2110.13856] K. Ganga, M. Maris, M. Remazeillesfor the LiteBIRD Collaboration: Interplanetary Dust as a Foreground for the LiteBIRD CMB Satellite Mission
[2110.13863] A. Kokori, A. Tsiaras, B. Edwards et al.: ExoClock project II: A large-scale integrated study with 180 updated exoplanet ephemerides
[2110.13885] Zhijie Xu: Inverse and direct cascade of kinetic and potential energy for self-gravitating collisionless dark matter flow and effects of halo shape on energy cascade
[2110.13887] Macy J. Huston, Jason T. Wright: Evolutionary and Observational Consequences of Dyson Sphere Feedback
[2110.13894] Avdeeva Aleksandra, Kovaleva Dana, Malkov Oleg et al.: Fitting procedure for estimating interstellar extinction at high galactic latitudes
[2110.13901] E. V. R. Lima, L. Sodré Jr., C. R. Bom et al.: Photometric redshifts for the S-PLUS Survey: is machine learning up to the task?
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 27 Oct 21","img":""}
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