Forelæsnings quiz

Bacteria regulate their gene expresion
In response to changes their growth enviroment
So that they do not exhaust the nutrients
Because there would sufficient space in the cell
Helix - turn - helix motifis are commonly found in
DNA bindings proteins
RNA polymerases
An operon usually consists of
Promoter and terminator sequences
Inhibitor and structural genes
Promotor, operator and structural genes
Human genome contains:
Approximately 3 234 bases in the genome
Approximately 20 000-25 000 human protein-coding genes
Approximately 100 000 human protein-coding genes
Southern blotting technique is used to determine:
If a particular base sequence is present in a given DNA sample
If a particular base sequence is present in a given RNA sample
If a particular base sequence is present in a given protein sample
Bacterial plasmids can be used for
De novo synthesis of RNA
Insertion and replication of DNA fragments
Creation of mobile genetic elements
Complementary DNA is
DNA complementary to an mRNA sequence
DNA created from complementary introns and exons
DNA created using ribosomal RNA as template
Sanger dideoxy DNA sequencing method is based on
Addition of synthetic DNA linker to the DNA fragment
Controlled termination of replication by implementation of ddNTP’s
High temperature stabile DNA polymerases
Restriction enzymes cleave both strands of the duplex DNA at characteristic place which is
Restriction digest DNA fragments
Fingerprint of a DNA molecule
Specific palindromic sequences of four to eight base pairs
{"name":"Forelæsnings quiz", "url":"","txt":"Bacteria regulate their gene expresion, Helix - turn - helix motifis are commonly found in, An operon usually consists of","img":""}
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