Which Minor Star Trek Woman (that I know) are you?

Which Minor Star Trek Woman Are You?
Take this fun quiz to discover which minor female character from the Star Trek universe you relate to the most! Answer a series of engaging questions about your personality, preferences, and values as you explore your inner Star Trek character.
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- Thought-provoking questions
- Personalized results
- Fun and engaging content
How do you handle being reprimanded?
Listen carefully and try to consider and understand what I'm being told. I may have follow up questions.
If I'm upset I'll make it known that I'm upset. Maybe I did something wrong but I also have feelings.
I can already tell what they're going to say. I will listen with a bemused expression. I know exactly how I'll respond but I'll let them finish speaking first.
Badly. If I don't start yelling I am working very hard to contain my anger.
If it's unfair then I'm doing to speak up. I will be heard and I will interrupt someone if they're making the wrong assumptions.
I do not enjoy it but I will try to be reasonable and consider what is being said. However if I think someone is out of line I will shut them down. I don't have time for that shit.
I will start talking over them loudly and distractingly. I think we can all agree that this isn't really my fault.
I don't appreciate it. I will respond emotionally whatever those emotions may be. If I realised my behaviour was unreasonable I will apologise later though.
I keep my composure while I mentally prepare a scathing reponse I can calmly respond with.
What do you look for in an outfit?
I to wear things that show that I'm stylish and respectable without appearing out of place.
I like to communicate something with my clothes and I care about my appearance, but I also value comfort.
I don't think a lot about it. I like to wear practical and comfortable clothing, I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty. I do dress up for special occassions though.
I don't think about it a lot, but I'm not opposed to trying new things.
It depends on the occassion. Sometimes I go for more casual outfits, but when I need to be formal I like to make sure I'm well dressed. But I always put in effort.
I need to turn heads or I don't really feel like myself.
I like to dress nicely and put some effort into what I wear but I follow the requirements of the situation more than trying to stand out in a distinct way. I'm not opposed to embellishments though.
I don't think about it a lot. I like to be practical, but I wouldn't be caught dead in something embarrassing.
I like to have fun with what I wear and try fun and new styles. I don't really like to dress in formal and business-like clothes. I prefer to dress up for a special occasion or wear something cute and casual.
How do you approach a potential partner?
I will tell them my feelings with composure and confidence. If I am rejected however, it will be a huge blow to my ego even if I try to brush it off.
I will tease them a bit to get to know them and see where we go from there. I like to keep them on their toes.
Depends, when I'm in the mood I'll approach them. But I'll guage their reaction and respond accordingly. I'm up for whatever but if I'm rejected it's no big deal.
I will loudly tell them exactly what I want to say! Why waste time? You have to seize opportunities whenever you find them!
I will throw myself at them and see what happens? I don't know.
I will feel things out and then make a move when we're comfortable with each other.
I will get to know them casually and then make my feelings known. I will probably tease them and flirt a bit before we have a big conversation about it.
I will flirt and make my feelings be known to the best of my abilities, but let them make the next move.
I don't know if I will approach them. I would rather sit with my feelings than show my vulnerability if I didn't think they felt the same way. Otherwise I will try to be discreet and direct.
How do you treat family? (This doesn't have to be biological, but more people you love and consider like your family)
I respect my family and like to keep our tradition. When we have conflict I prefer to keep it private.
Sometimes my family makes me roll my eyes, but I do my best to be consistently loving and feel and I will always fight for them.
I like to have fun with them and be there for them, but also make sure they know where I stand. I will not hesitate to give advice even when they don't want it. I am always working to make sure my family functions well and that I'm helping support them and their lives.
I like to make sure that they know how much I love them. I never hesistate to show open affection. I also like to make sure they know I have time for them.
I am very loving and loud. I don't care who sees it. I will kiss and hug and compliment them loudly, and I will argue with them in front of anyone. Sometimes I can get lost in myself but at the end of the day I want what's best for my family.
I always want to make sure they feel comfortable and know they are loved with me. I will always make sure I give them whatever I can even if we don't see each other for a while.
I love my family and appreciate everything they have taught me.
I like to make sure I'm there for them and that we can openly disagree with each other, and make healthy compromises.
I will fight for them when they need me too even if I struggle to express myself otherwise.
How do you dance?
I have experience with various styles but I'm willing to try whatever. Depending on my mood, I'm down for just about anything, and dancing with anyone.
I'm a bit awkward but I will try and I will have fun!
I like to dance at parties and events where it's called for, I have fun dressing up and dancing with anyone who seems like fun. I'm not super talented but I know what I'm doing for basic dances.
I like to be in the spotlight and drag people in to dance with me! I want everyone to have fun, and I like to dance wildly!
In public I only dance if I have practised and know I will pull it off flawlessly. I will not make a fool of myself.
I like to dance with my loved ones more than dancing in public or for show. I don't mind looking silly though if I'm having fun with people I care about.
I'm not super experienced but I will dance with someone I care about at a fun event. I'm not really that interested in it personally.
I'm not necessarily very good at dancing but I love it a lot! I love to dance for fun, to dance at parties, to dance in my house... anywhere!
I'm not really interested in dancing, and I will not make a fool of myself. I will maybe do something simple at a more relaxed event. But I would rather decline than look ridiculous in front of people I don't know very well.
Do you consider yourself intelligent?
Yes, I am very well educated.
Of course, in all the ways that matter!
I'd like to think so, but I know there's always more to learn.
I am intelligent compared to the average person, but I am aware of my limits.
While I can admit I have knowledge and understanding based on my life experiences so far, I also recognise that there are many things I have yet to learn about and understand.
Yes, definitely.
Yes, though I may lack some academic knowledge I value and am comfortable with the intelligence and understanding I have.
I do, even though I often find others fail to see or appreciate it, which frustrates me.
Sometimes I'm not sure, but then I look at the people around me and I'm reassured.
Do you drink? (if you can't relate to any then just click the one you connect with personality-wise)
I do socially like at parties sometimes... I find I tend to drink when I'm bonding with a group of people more than any other time.
Yes!!!!! It's fun to celebrate with others, or just have fun if you're in the mood.
I am willing to try a bit but I've never been drunk.
Yes, for celebrations or with loved ones!
Only if it is very good and high quality in the privacy of my own home, or for formal events.
Maybe a little for special occassions. Not often though.
Yes, when I feel like it. I know exactly what I like when I want it.
Yes, sometimes at the end of the day to take the edge off.
Yes. Generally alone or socially after a hard day.
Feelings about Capiltalism?
When you break it down, it's flawed.
I don't like how it distances people from one another.
From everything I have learned and can understand about it, it seems that it does not function well.
I have seen and experienced the way it has hurt people. It's entirely motivated by selfishness and greed.
It is entirely unecessary and I can't understand how people can care more about capital than human lives.
The ignorance perpetuated and the way people are blind to the harm within this flawed system really concerns me.
The system is horrible. We need to work together to overthrow it or it will never end.
It's bad.
Fuck capitalism. Let's guillotine the rich now.
How do you feel about children?
I may not rush to hug any child I see but, I can enjoy spending time with kids one on one. I'm kind to them.
They are necessary to continue to populate the world.
They're very cute!
I can respect them but I am not someone who would be considered 'good with kids.'
They can be very amusing and endearing. I like to play with them and tease them.
I adore them! I think we should all be a bit more like children.
I think children are not often given the understanding or patience they need to grow.
I enjoy seeing them learn!
They can be exhausting but I love them.
How do you deal with being injured?
I will ignore it. I hate being injured. If people try to help me when I don't want them to I will yell at them. Taking bedrest will make me grumpy.
I will take the opportunity to be dramatic and ask for people to wait on me.
I'll take the opportunity to rest and take a break from things. If people want to do a little bit extra for me, who am I to complain?
I will keep a sense of humour about it and try to treat it well, but if I feel restless I might ignore some of the doctor's orders.
I might hide it if I want to get away with doing something I shouldn't, or use it to guilt someone into helping me out if I feel like it. Though not unkindly.
I despise it. I do not like to feel vulnerable.
I will ask for help and follow instructions given to me. I will try to stay positive.
I will ignore it as much as possible. I hate being injured. I may hide it if I'm supposed to be resting.
I will take the time to rest properly and be cheerful through it though I might ask for some more favours than usual.
Is it gay to kiss your homies?
Maybe, but there isn't anything wrong with that.
Depends, do you want it to be?
I wouldn't know. I'm very deliberate about who I kiss.
Regardless of the answer... I think we should all kiss each other more.
Let's kiss and you can tell me.
I'm not certain, I'll do a poll.
I don't think it matters.
Yes, and that's why I do it.
If there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?
Perhaps. It depends on their motivations.
Yes, yes it would. Why would compell him to do that?
One's concept of what is 'fucked up' is pretty subjective. We don't know the context.
Depending on the context, most likely.
Yes, I don't think that would be good.
Yeah. That's sad.
Depends on if the guy he killed was really annoying. You never know.
How do you feel about the concept of First Contact?
It would be very interesting to study, I would be happy to welcome a new species into our world.
Why do people assume that it is the aliens who are superior to us?
I would like to fuck some aliens.
I wonder how humans would react and the political implications. I think we would need to be ready and united in respecting each other and new beings.
Exciting. I'd love to learn about new cultures and also fuck some aliens.
I would love to learn more about another culture. It seems exciting.
I don't know how well we as a species would handle it. We need to turn inwards first.
I would be thrilled to see it happen, I'd love to be on the front lines, seeing how it unfolds.
I think it would be fascinating and exciting! I would like to see it!
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