High School Popularity Quiz

How popular do you think you are?
REALLY Popular!
Pretty popular
Kind of popular
Not really popular
What year of high school are you in right now?
How many students do you know at your school?
Some I guess
Maybe one or two
How many of these students would you consider your friend?
All of them
About half
Not that many
How many cheerleaders or football players have you talked to?
More than 10
Between 5-10 so far
Maybe 1 or 2 so far
Do people ever come up to talk to you or say hi when you're walking through the halls?
Yeah, ever passing period
Yes, every other passing period maybe
Every now and then
Not really
Have you had a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?
Do you do any sports or activities?
Yes, more than 2
One activity
No not really
How are you socially?
I talk all the time
I talk but prefer to be quiet from time to time
I only talk when somebody talks to me
I really don't talk much...
{"name":"High School Popularity Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How popular do you think you are?, What year of high school are you in right now?, How many students do you know at your school?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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