METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT 1 - Venture Creation: Introduction, Business Environment, & the Entrepreneurial Organization

This assessment test contains 20 multiple-choice questions. The passing score is 80 percent.
Read each question or statement. Select the best answer or completion from the options provided.
This assessment test contains 20 multiple-choice questions. The passing score is 80 percent.
Read each question or statement. Select the best answer or completion from the options provided.
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Since we view the Globalstratos / Afribiz companies as a/an _____________________ economy, we set ourselves up to do business in much the same way as we believe the new economy should work – by regarding community needs and inclusion, as well as other environmental factors, to be the key components of a venture, project, or business. This allows us to model our vision of the new economy to our customers, partners, and other stakeholders.
One important mission of the Globalstratos / Afribiz companies is to help individuals, communities, and organizations develop entrepreneurial enterprises that can ____________________________________________________________.
Allow foreign interests to have greater economic influence.
Create ground-level capacity to take on new opportunities.
Enrich governments leaders and those in the upper class.
Provide increased political leverage for regime change.
A key differentiator for the Globalstratos / Afribiz model is that we not only build capacity, but we also address how to plug people, organizations, and communities into opportunities that we create by ________________________________________________________________________________________.
Bringing in more experts from developed nations, international groups, and charities.
Encouraging large multi-national firms to invest in resource extraction and exporting.
Helping national governments strengthen civil governance and security operations.
Supporting local and regional infrastructure, energy, agribusiness, and similar projects.
In the modern business context, “your business” is at the center and includes yourself as well as _____________________________________________________________________.
Competitors, lobbyists, and other industries in the ecosystem.
Employees, contractors, direct partners, and products/services.
Governments, investors/funders, supply chains, and value chains.
Political, economic, sociocultural/spiritual, and technology impacts.
The “ecosystem” is the part of your business context that includes those actors who are involved in _______________________________________.
Competition with your business.
The latest technological trends.
Your industry or value chain.
Your internal business operations.
The larger “business environment” aspect of your business context consists of factors that may influence or impact your business, but you have ____________ control over them.
The latest innovations in technology are one example of the ____________________________ aspect of the business context.
€�Business Environment”
€�Your Business”
How do chaos, complexity, continual change, and speed affect the business context?
They are elements that are only found in unstable business contexts; you must avoid them.
They are the dynamics of modern business; you must navigate, influence, and adapt to them.
They serve as static conditions of the business context; they will have little impact on you.
You can always benefit from these elements to disrupt markets and be more competitive.
An economic community that is supported by a foundation of interacting organizations and individuals (the organisms of the business world), and which produces goods and services of value to other members (customers, suppliers, lead producers, competitors, other stakeholders, etc.) is the definition of ________________________________.
A business ecosystem.
A trade alliance.
An industrial cluster.
The business environment.
No business can exist without a/an _________________________.
Angel investor.
Over time, ecosystems co-evolve their capabilities and roles, and tend to align themselves with the directions set by __________________________________________.
Global economists and experts.
Local and national governments.
One or more central companies.
Your organization’s investors.
Why is the function of ecosystem leader valued by the community?
It creates chaos and disruption in the overall business environment for ecosystem members with fewer resources.
It enables ecosystem members to find and target the leader more easily for aggressive competition and hostile takeovers.
It helps ecosystem members move toward shared visions, align investments, and find mutually supportive roles.
The leader might be able to dominate all the other ecosystem members and thus create monopoly and stagnation.
Every venture, project, and organization should be able to identify a unique niche or “sweet spot” in their business model, and then occupy that space in their ecosystem where there is little or no ________________________ to get customers.
If a venture, project, or organization is able to find and occupy a unique space in its ecosystem, it is easier for them to turn their competitors into ________________________.
When an enterprise is structured like a “living” system, this is called a/an _______________ organizational structure.
When an enterprise focuses on creating mutual value in its ecosystem instead of on creating value only for itself, this is called a/an _______________ organizational structure.
An organism, or enterprise, in a business ecosystem should be able to maintain a/an _______________ state to remain healthy and growing.
The business strategy of an entrepreneurial organization should be reflected in _____________________________________.
Government regulations.
The business environment.
The competition’s approach.
The firm’s business model.
The ability of an entrepreneurial organization to respond rapidly to changes in the business context and to make change a routine part of the organization is known as ________________.
In the central rectangle of the Stratos Business Model Canvas, you can identify key aspects of the business model itself. Outside of the business model portion of the canvas are elements of the business context, including ____________________________________________________________________________.
The business’ revenue, unique value proposition, and expected impact.
The ecosystem and environmental factors existing around the business.
The problem(s) to be solved and the solution(s) to be implemented.
The key activities, resources, and costs of implementing the solutions.
{"name":"METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT 1 - Venture Creation: Introduction, Business Environment, & the Entrepreneurial Organization", "url":"","txt":"Since we view the Globalstratos \/ Afribiz companies as a\/an _____________________ economy, we set ourselves up to do business in much the same way as we believe the new economy should work – by regarding community needs and inclusion, as well as other environmental factors, to be the key components of a venture, project, or business. This allows us to model our vision of the new economy to our customers, partners, and other stakeholders., One important mission of the Globalstratos \/ Afribiz companies is to help individuals, communities, and organizations develop entrepreneurial enterprises that can ____________________________________________________________., A key differentiator for the Globalstratos \/ Afribiz model is that we not only build capacity, but we also address how to plug people, organizations, and communities into opportunities that we create by ____________________________________________________________________.","img":""}
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