US History

The event that touched off the first declaration of war in World War I was
Germany invasion of neighboring country
United States declaring war
Assassination of Archduke in Austria
Assassination of United States President
At the start of World War I, the Triple Alliance included
All of the above
Criticism of the war at home was effectively silenced by
Espionage Act
Alien Act
Sedition Act
Both A and C
In World War I, airplanes were first used to
Attack enemies
Observe enemies
All of the above
None of the above
According to President Wilson, why should war be declared?
So that the world could be made safe for democracy
Because the United States had been threatened
For fun
So they could destroy Britain
During World War I, a group called the _____ took power in Russia and established a Communist government.
War Fighters
Henry Ford’s system for making cars increased efficiency by
Torturing his workers to make them work harder
Dividing the operations into simple tasks
Killing workers who did not work hard enough
All of the above
Many people viewed Sacco and Vanzetti with suspicion because
They were bank robbers
They were murderers
They were Italian immigrants and anarchists
They hated Britain
In the early 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan added to its membership by
Kidnapping people
Running for public office
Promoting the Klan by hiring public relations people
Killing people
The new morality of the 1920s glorified
Youth and personal freedom
Old people
Rich people
The flowering of African American arts in the 1920s became known as the
Brooklyn Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance
New York Renaissance
New Jersey Renaissance
After World War I, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by
Joining the United Nations
Putting troops in Europe
Staying out of European affairs
Taking over European countries
Henry Ford’s business philosophy was to increase sales by
Making commercials
Selling his company
Lowering the cost per car
Loaning out cars
Stock prices first began to decline in late 1929 because
People bought too many stocks
Investors began to sell their stocks
People stopped buying stocks
People never used banks
Farmers on the Great Plains began to lose their crops during the Depression because
They stopped working their land
There was no more seeds to make crops with
It was too wet
There was a drought that led to the Dust Bowl
Thousands of World War I veterans came to Washington in 1932 to lobby Congress t
Lobby for the government to give everyone money
Lobby for the government to give veterans their war bonuses early
Lobby for all banks to be closed forever
Lobby for a new president
Most economists agree that a key cause of the Depression was
The Revolutionary War
Farmers not making enough goods
Overproduction of goods
People stop buying stocks
N search of work or a better life during the Depression, many unemployed people
Robbed Banks
Road the Rails in search of jobs
Killed people and took what they had
Went back to school
To pay for public works, the government would
Raise Taxes
Borrow From Banks
Print more money
Both A and B
Buying on margin was a method of buying stocks
With mostly borrowed money
With your own money
By stealing money
Both B and C
The Hawley-Smoot Tariff dampened commerce
Increased hope that the depression would end
Increased happiness in the United States
Increased the negative effects of the depression
All of the above
When the Senate voted down the bonus bill that promised $1,000 to each veteran, some veterans
Attacked the Senate and White House
Camped out in New York
Camped out in Washington D.C.
Demanded a new President
A long period of rising stock prices is known as a
Bison Rush
Stock Rise
Stock Risk
Bull Market
During the Depression, charities set up _____ to give poor people a meal.
Money Handouts
Fishing trips
Bread Bakeries
Soup Kitchens
President Hoover wanted state and city governments rather than the federal government to provide _______, or money given directly to impoverished families.
Programs, such as The Guiding Light, that carried over their story lines from day to day were nicknamed
News Shows
Sporting Events
Entertainment Facilities
Soap Operas
As governor of New York, Franklin Roosevelt oversaw the creation of the first state relief agency to aid
Soup Kitchens
Soap Operas
State-run Homeless Shelters
State-run food stores
During the Depression, many state governors declared “bank holidays” to
Prevent too much money being put into banks
In an attempt to destroy banks
To prevent too many stocks from being bought
To prevent "bank-runs"
To fight the Depression, the first thing Roosevelt set out to do was to
Destroy the banks
Restore confidence in banks
Force people to keep their money
All of the above
To regulate the stock market, Congress created the
Securities Commission
Exchange Commission
War Commission
Both A and B
Franklin Roosevelt’s “court-packing plan” was a serious mistake because
It violated the Constitution's separation of powers
It made him a dictator
It cost him a chance to be President
He was kicked out of the country
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration tried to help farmers by
Paying them to grow more crops
Paying them to not grow crops
Giving them supplies to grow more crops
Forcing people to buy their crops
Senator Huey Long wanted the government to
Destroy all the banks
Give the rich more wealth
Let him become President
Share the wealth of the rich
Ranklin Roosevelt’s policies for ending the Depression became known as the
Old Deal
New Constitution
New Bill of Rights
New Deal
To inform and reassure citizens, Franklin Roosevelt addressed them directly by radio in what were called
American Chats
White House Chats
Radio Chats
Fireside Chats
Adolf Hitler blamed Germany’s defeat in World War I on the
German People themselves
The Nazis’ “final solution” referred to their plans to
Take over all of Europe
Destroy America
Exterminate all the European Jews
Destroy the Soviet Union
The first area that Hitler “unified” with Germany was
In the Battle of Britain
The Royal Air Force saved Britain from invasion
The Royal Air Force was destroyed by the Germans
Britain was lost to the Germans
Britain was taken over by the Soviet Union
At Auschwitz, elderly or disabled people, the sick, and mothers and children were immediately
Set free
Put to work
Sent to the gas chambers
Given easier jobs
At first, Britain and France gave in to Hitler’s demands, a policy known as
Japan’s goal in attacking Midway was to
Destroy the British Fleet
Kill as many Americans as possible
Destroy Germany and the Nazi's
Destroy the American fleet
The Allies placed inflated rubber tanks, empty tents, and dummy landing craft along the coast of Britain to convince the Germans that
They were not really a part of the war
They were planning to invade from a false location
They were going to surrender
The President himself was in the area
In the case Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that relocation of Japanese Americans was
Unconstitutional because it violated their rights at US citizens
Constitutional because it was based on military emergency
Unconstitutional because it destroyed their lives
Both A and C
During World War II, women were recruited into the military to
Be in the Women's Army Corps
Provide Naval support stateside
Women's Air Force Service Pilots (WASPS)
All of the above
The secret American program to build an atomic bomb was called
New York Project
Atomic Project
Manhattan Project
Brooklyn Project
Rosie the Riveter was a symbol of
Women in the war
Working women stateside during World War 2
Both A and C
The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to
Aide Americans still suffering from the depression
Aide European Communists in need
Help Communism Grow
Aide Western Europe against Communism
Iwo Jima was an important objective for the American military because
Airplanes could bomb Japan from there
United States wanted to expand
There were useful Oil Supplies there
All of the above
The Bataan Death March occurred in
NATO formed for the purpose of
Spreading communism
Mutual defense against Communism
Working together to create Nuclear Weapons
Working together to destroy Germany once and for all
The “iron curtain” of which Churchill speaks is a symbol of
Divisions between Northern US and Southern US
Division between Democrats and Republicans
Division between Communist Eastern Europe and Western Democracies
All of the Above
Sputnik was a
Space satellite launched by the Soviet Union
American Space shuttle
German Space Shuttle
Space shuttle that spied on Asia for America
African Americans who lived in urban centers in the 1950s often
Prospered and became wealthy
Got more jobs than white people
Were well respected
Remained stuck in low paying jobs
One of the most popular shows ever to air on television was a situation comedy called
American Stories
I Love Lucy
Modern Family
The Middle
For most Americans, the 1950s was a decade of incredible
Who were Chuck Berry and Little Richard?
White singers
African American Singers
During the 1960 election campaign, television aired its first
Football Game
Fireside Chat
Presidential Debate
All of the above
The Republican nominee for president in the 1960 election was
John F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
Barack Obama
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Kennedy convinced Congress to invest more funds in
Agressive Wars
Defense and Space Exploration
Which event contributed to Nikita Khrushchev’s fall from power in 1964?
World War 2
Vietnam War
Korean War
Cuban Missile Crisis
Who was the first American to orbit Earth?
John Glenn
John Adams
Brett Favre
Both A and B
Although Congress blocked many of Kennedy’s legislative initiatives, they did agree to
Lower Minimum Wage
Create more jobs
Raise Minimum Wage
Destroy Nuclear Weapons
In response to the arrest of Rosa Parks, African Americans
Rioted in the streets
Attacked the Police Station
Boycotted the buses
CORE successfully integrated many restaurants by using
Both A and C
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., drew on the philosophy and techniques of
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Martin Luther
Malcolm X
Mohammed Gandhi
In Little Rock, Arkansas, the governor tried to prevent African American students from entering a white high school by
Deploying the National Guard
Canceling school that day
Quitting his job
Threatening to have his school leave the United States and make their own country
The purpose of the Selma March was to campaign for
White voting rights
Disrespecting African Americans
African Americans voting rights
More jobs
The Kerner Commission blamed the problems of inner cities on
African Americans
Not enough jobs
White people and white racism
The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 had established
Separate but not equal
Separate but equal
Both A and B
The Freedom Riders were organized to draw attention to the South’s refusal to
Create more jobs for African Americans
Integrate schools
Integrate bus terminals
None of the above
After his pilgrimage to Makkah, Malcolm X concluded that
African Americans were better than white people
An integrated society could never be achieved
An integrated society was possible
Both A and B
The bus boycott in Montgomery lasted for
500 days
10 years
359 days
381 days
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