Respiratory System- Quiz 2

Anatomy diagram of the human respiratory system with labels, educational and clear, vibrant colors, infographic style

Respiratory System Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of the respiratory system with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers a wide range of topics, including gas exchange, respiratory diseases, and the anatomy of the respiratory tract.

Challenge yourself to:

  • Identify key functions of the respiratory organs
  • Recognize symptoms of respiratory conditions
  • Understand the processes of respiration
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by BreathingBrain42
Decompression sickness (bends) is the result of?
A) Rapid N2 diffusion and slow ascension
B) Rapid N2 diffusion and quick ascension
C) Rapid N2 diffusion and slow descent
D) Rapid N2 diffusion and quick descent
Which gas comprises the greatest percentage of atmospheric air?
A) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
B) Oxygen (O2)
C) Nitrogen (N2)
D) Water Vapour (H20)
Which of the following is a function of the external nose?
A) Modifying speech vibrations
B) Detecting gustatory sensations
C) Cooling and drying air entering the respiratory system
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.
Sinusitis is caused by
A)viral infection
B)bacterial infection
C)increase in pressure
D)all of the above
Internal respiration is also known as?
A) Pulmonary gas exchange
B) Pulmonary gas transport
C) Systemic gas exchange
D) Systemic gas transport
The quantity of gas dissolved in solution is?
A) Proportional to temperature and PH levels?
B) Proportional to partial pressure and solubility?
C) Inversely proportional to partial pressure and solubility?
D) Measurable by the amount of bubbles
COPD includes the following conditions:
A) Bronchitis
B) Emphysema
C) Asthma
D) all of the above
E) A&B only
The______________is a flap of elastic cartilage covered with a mucus membrane, attached to the root of the tongue.
A) glottis
B) epiglottis
C) larynx
D) pharynx
The upper respiratory tract is made up of:
A) nasal cavity
B) pharynx
C) associated structures
D) B &C only
E) A&C only
F) A, B &C
External respiration is:
A) also called systemic exchange
B) the exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood
C) moves O2 out of the blood and CO2 into the blood
D) A&B only
E) all of the above
Which is not part of the lower respiratory system?
A) Larynx
B) Pharynx
C) Trachea
D) Lungs
Which is not process of respiration?
A) Intubation
B) External respiration
C) Internal respiration
D) Ventilation
The exchange of O2 and CO2 requires which systems?
A) Respiratory
B) Cardiovascular
C) Digestive
D) Both A and B
Respiratory infections causing inflammation of the voice box is called?
A) Bronchitis
B) Atelectasis
C) Laryngitis
D) Pleuritis
How is the basic rhythm of quiet respiration set?
A) By pacemaker cells in the diaphragm
B) By the apneustic area of the pons
C) By the inspiratory area of the medulla oblongata
D) By the expiratory area of the medulla oblongata
{"name":"Respiratory System- Quiz 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and understanding of the respiratory system with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers a wide range of topics, including gas exchange, respiratory diseases, and the anatomy of the respiratory tract.Challenge yourself to:Identify key functions of the respiratory organsRecognize symptoms of respiratory conditionsUnderstand the processes of respiration","img":""}
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