Laundry Room Etiquette

A cozy and organized laundry room with clear signage for etiquette, freshly folded laundry, and a friendly atmosphere.

Laundry Room Etiquette Quiz

Test your knowledge of proper laundry room etiquette with this engaging quiz! Whether you're a college student or just someone looking to brush up on laundry manners, this quiz will help you understand the dos and don’ts of shared laundry facilities.

  • Learn how to respect others' time and belongings.
  • Discover best practices for keeping shared spaces clean.
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by WashingWizard327
When done using the dryer you...
Empty the lint filter
Forget to get your laundry
Leave the lint filter for the next person to empty
Fold your laundry in the laundry room while blocking the dryer
When you need the washer/dryer but notice it is in use do you...
Stop the washer/dryer
Empty the washer/dryer early for your turn
Wait your turn or go to a different building
Tell the person using the washer/dryer that your laundry needs to get done first
When my laundry is not fully dried after using the dryer, what should I do next time?
Do the same thing, it was probably the dryer not working properly
Refuse to use that particular dryer ever again
Use more dryer sheets
Lighten the load of laundry next time and maybe use a higher setting on the dryer
If I spill detergent or make a mess in the laundry room I...
Leave it for someone else
Pretend it wasn't me
Clean the mess myself or put in a work order
Blame it on someone else
If I see someone stopping my load early or moving my laundry right after the washer/dryer ended I...
Ask politely for the person to not touch your laundry
Be petty and stop their load early or move their laundry
Yell at the person and get into an argument
Wait even longer to get your laundry next time
You notice someone's load in the washer/dryer is done and you need to use the washer/dryer do you...
Remove their laundry and leave it on top of the washer/dryer for them
Wait 5-10 minutes for the person to switch/get their load then if they don't return try checking a different building's washer/dryer
Wait for the person to come down and lecture them about how long they took
Find the person responsible
When transferring laundry from my dorm to the laundry room I...
Carry all my laundry with my hands
Use a bag/hamper to carry my laundry
How often should I wash my bed sheets
Once a semester
Once every two months
Only once I notice they smell
Every 2-3 weeks
How do you remember to get your laundry after its done in the washer/dryer?
Nap until you randomly wake up and then go get your laundry
Ask one of your roommates or suitemates to remind you
Set a timer/alarm clock
Wait until someone finds you and tells you your laundry is done
When in the laundry room you...
Answer a phone call and speak loudly to them
Put loud music on speaker and have a dance party
Wear a mask and possibly put on some headphones and listen to music
I don't do laundry, who does that anymore?
{"name":"Laundry Room Etiquette", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of proper laundry room etiquette with this engaging quiz! Whether you're a college student or just someone looking to brush up on laundry manners, this quiz will help you understand the dos and don’ts of shared laundry facilities.Learn how to respect others' time and belongings.Discover best practices for keeping shared spaces clean.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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