Dental research

1. What is the smallest sample size you should consider when interviewing?
Please Specify:
2. What should be the content of an abstract?
σ� The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study, a brief résumé of the conclusions
σ� The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives and a brief résumé of the conclusions
σ� The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study
σ� The topic and the research question or hypothesis
3. In the definition of epidemiology, determinants generally includes:
Risk factors
σ� Sources
σ� Causes
σ� Agents 
 All of the above
4. The "M" in DMFT stands for missing for what reason?   Deciduous teeth exfoliated
Congenitally missing teeth
 Indicated for Extraction due to Caries
σ� Indicated for Extraction for Ortho
5. The"S" in DMFS stands for what?
 Sealants
σ� Surfaces
σ� Standard
σ� Sulcus Depth
6. To put ideas together to form a new whole is:
σ� Synthesis
σ� Application
σ� Evaluation
 Analysis
7. Which is not true about projects:
σ� It is proceeded in social environment
σ� It is teacher centred activity
 It is accomplished in real life
 It is a purposeful activity
8. How many stages are there to the research process?
9. What would not be a consideration during the research design stage?:
 The type of methods that would be used
 The type of analysis that would take place
σ� The availability of literature
σ� The availability of participants
10. Your conceptual framework is normally developed?:
σ� During your literature review
σ� After data analysis
 Before your literature review
 After data collection
11. What should not be included in a research proposal?:
σ� The results that will be obtained
σ� An acknowledgement of any ethical issues
σ� A summary of existing work in the area
σ� The proposed methods to collect data
12. Which of the following is NOT a function of referencing?:
 To ensure a sufficiently long reference list
σ� To justify your approach
σ� To demonstrate breadth of reading
σ� To attribute a quotation
13. A literature review should include material that is:
σ� Closely related to your research question only
 From the wider sports literature, but not from non-sports literaturez
σ� Directly related to your research question only
σ� From any available discipline if relevant
12. Which of the following is NOT a function of referencing?:
σ� To demonstrate breadth of reading  To attribute a quotation  To ensure a sufficiently long reference list  To justify your approach
13. A literature review should include material that is:
σ� Directly related to your research question only  Closely related to your research question only  From the wider sports literature, but not from non-sports literature  From any available discipline if relevant
14. Identifying someones age is an example of:
σ� Ratio measurement
σ� Nominal measurement
 Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
15. When interviewing children, you should try to:
 None of the above
σ� Avoid being seen as an authority figure
σ� Take them out of the classroom if interviewing them at school
16. Field notes should be:
σ� Focus on a single element of the research
σ� As brief as possible
σ� Descriptive
 Made after the fieldwork
17. What will normally be the last of the following sections to be written?:
 Results
 Conclusion
σ� Abstract
 Literature review
18. What should not be included in the introduction?:
 An outline of the structure of the report
σ� The aim of the research
σ� A statement justifying the importance of the research
 An indication of the key findings
19. Which of the following do we recommend as ways to build your general knowledge of a topic area?:
 Read a good recent textbook chapter, Find and use a reader on the topic in question
σ� Read a good recent textbook chapter.
σ� Look for the most recent in press publication before reading.
σ� Find and use a reader on the topic in question.
20. Why do you need to review the existing literature?:
 To make sure you have a long list of references.
σ� You enjoy reading the academic research on your topic.
σ� Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count.
σ� To find out what is already known about your area of interest
21. To read the literature critically means:
σ� Being negative about something before you read it.
σ� To suggest the previous research was always poorly conducted.
 Skimming through the material because most of it is just padding.
σ� Evaluating what you read in terms of your own research questions
22. What can a researcher use the literature to achieve?:
.  All of the above
σ� They can demonstrate their competence by referring to prominent writings in the field.
 They develop their version of the literature in such a way as to show and to lead up to the contribution they will be making in their own project or article
23. When accessing the internet, which of these steps is the most essential?
 All of the above
σ� Recording the full URL
 Noting the access dates
σ� Downloading material to be referenced
24. An inductive theory is one that:
σ� Allows theory to emerge out of the data
σ� Involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis
σ� Does not allow for findings to feed back into the stock of knowledge
σ� Uses quantitative methods whenever possible
25. Which of the following requirements for a dissertation may depend on your institution?:
 All of the above
σ� Whether an abstract should be included
σ� The format for referencing
 The word limit
26. You can manage your time and resources best, by:
 All of the above
σ� Working out a timetable
σ� Finding out what resources are readily available to you
 Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
27. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?:
 All of the above
σ� If they guide your literature search
 If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
σ� If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
28. Which of the following should you think about when preparing your research?:
 All of the above
σ� Your sample frame and sampling strategy
σ� The ethical issues that might arise
σ� Negotiating access to the setting
29. What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?:
 All of the above
σ� Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a dissertation
σ� Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan to use
 Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics committee
30. A systematic literature review is:
 A responsible, professional process of time-management for research
σ� One which starts in your own library, then goes to on-line databases and, finally, to the internet
σ� A replicable, scientific and transparent process
σ� One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area
31. The final paper of a critical review of literature contains:
 Your analysis of each piece of literature
σ� A summary of each author's work you have read
σ� A description of the findings in each piece of research
σ� A synthesis of the analysis of the information in the reviewed papers
32. The “tool” function of theory is to:
 Suggest new theories
σ� Summarize existing knowledge
σ� Summarize existing hypotheses
σ� Suggest new relationships and make new predictions
33. According to the text, which of the following orders is the recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research idea? :
,  Research topic, hypothesis, research question
σ� Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis
σ� Research purpose, research problem and hypothesis
σ� Research topic, research purpose, research question
34. Sources of researchable problems can include:
 All of the above
σ� Researchers’ own experiences as educators
σ� Practical issues that require solutions
 Theory and past research
35. Which of the following is a function of theory? :
 All of the above
σ� Integrating and summarizing current knowledge
σ� Making predictions
 Explaining phenomena
36. A review of the literature prior to formulating research questions allows the researcher to do which of the following?
 All of the above
σ� To become familiar with prior research on the phenomenon of interest
σ� To identify potential methodological problems in the research area
σ� To develop a list of pertinent problems relative to the phenomenon of interest
37. Computer database searches can be done
σ� All of the above
σ� With a computer with CD-ROM drive
σ� At the library
 Online
38. According to your text, which of the following is not a source of research ideas? :
 All of the above
σ� Everyday life
 Practical issues
 Past research
 Theory
39. What can you do to ensure your physical safety during your research?:
σ� All of the above
σ� Be alert to the possibility of exposure to danger
σ� Avoid interviewing alone in the respondent's residence
σ� Make sure someone knows where you are and how you can contact them in an emergency
40. An open question is one that:
 All of the above
σ� Allows respondents to answer in their own terms
σ� Does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses
σ� Can help to generate answers for closed questions
41. The section/sentence that includes the aim or purpose of the study is found in the:
 Theoretical framework
σ� Literature review
 Methodology
σ� Introduction
42. A research plan:
 All of the above
σ� Should be detailed
σ� Should be given to others for review and comments
 Sets out the rationale for a research study
43. The Method section of the research plan typically specifies
 All of the above
σ� The research participants
σ� The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study
σ� The planned research procedures
44. The Introduction section of the research plan:
 All of the above
σ� Gives an overview of prior relevant studies
σ� Contains a statement of the purpose of the study
σ� Concludes with a statement of the research questions and, for quantitative research, it includes the research hypothesis
45. The most critical areas of an article to read is:
 Limitations
σ� Results section
σ� Introduction
 Abstract
46. How can you write a literature review?
 All are corrects
σ� First organize your resources chronologically,
 Historically, thematically
σ� An order that applies to the project
47. How do you write a research proposal?:
 All are corrects
σ� An abstract, a statement regarding the importance of the research,
 A literature review,
σ� Research methodology and statistic
48. How do you write a research design paper?:
 All are corrects
σ� Describes the methodology used in the research project
σ� Discusses literature written about the problem,
σ� Identifies a problem,
49. The two main kinds of academic literature are:
 All are corrects
σ� Primary literature and secondary literature
σ� Original research articles and review articles
σ� Literature review and systematic review
50. A literature review is a critical assessment of:
 All are corrects
σ� All existing published material on the topic
σ� All existing published and unpublished material on the topic
σ� Relevant studies selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria
51. An original research article cannot be published if :
 All are corrects
σ� The research results are not novel
σ� The research results are not reported
σ� The research results are negative
52. Research is:
 None of the above
σ� Searching again and again
σ� Finding solution to any problem
σ� Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
53. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?:
 Searching for solutions to the problem
σ� Searching sources of information to locate problem.
σ� Survey of related literature
σ� Identification of problem
54. Action research means:
σ� A research with socioeconomic objective
σ� A longitudinal research
 An applied research
σ� A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
55. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?:
 Professional Attitude
σ� Socio-economic Status
σ� Marital Status
σ� Numerical Aptitude
56. The essential qualities of a researcher are:
 ) All the above
σ� Spirit of free enquiry
 Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
σ� Reliance on observation and evidence
57. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on:
σ� None of the above
σ� Primary Data only
σ� Secondary Data only
σ� Primary and Secondary Data
58. Reading centre’s, story hours, exhibitions and reading to literature are forms of …:
σ� None
σ� Extension service
σ� Service of a public library
 Extension service and Service of a public library
59. Informal self education is possible in what kind of library?:
σ� College Library
σ� National Library
σ� Public Library
 Specific Library
60. What is the collection of terms or records in MARC called?:
 Database
σ� System
 Network
 Website
61. Conference proceedings are considered as..................documents.:
 Tertiary
σ� Conventional
 Primary
σ� Secondary
62. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is.........:
 Dictionary
σ� Bibliography
 Directory
σ� Encyclopedia
63. Questionnaire is a :
 Data analysis technique
σ� Research method
 Measurement technique
 Tool for data collection
64. A periodical evaluation of an employee is done through.........:
 Work guide
σ� Job rotation
 Performance appraisal
σ� Refresher course
65. Controlled Group is a term used in...........:
 Experimental research  Descriptive research
σ� Survey research
 Historical research
66. Which of the following is not a “Graphic representation”?:
 Histogram
 Historical research
σ� Pie Chart
σ� Bar Chart
σ� Table
67. The transmission of receiver’s reaction back to the sender is known as.............:
 Source
σ� Noise
 Feedback
 Medium
68. A set of rules that govern overall data communications system is popularly known as...............:
 Memorandum
σ� Protocol
σ� Agreement
 Pact
69. Staffing is concerned with providing and maintaining................resources.:
σ� Financial
σ� Physical
 Technical
 Human
70. Which of the following is not true about e journals?:
σ� They are always free of cost
σ� They are distributed through digital methods
σ� They also have editors or editorial boards
 They are publications of serial nature
71. Whether Library is a system?:
 It is quite impossible
 Library is separate from a system
σ� Yes, it has various sections as sub-systems coordinating each other forming a system
σ� No, it cannot be a system
72. Which of the following do we recommend as ways to build your general knowledge of a topic area?
 Read a good recent textbook chapter and Find and use a reader on the topic in question.
σ� Read a good recent textbook chapter.
 Look for the most recent ‘in press’ publication before reading any other material.
σ� Find and use a reader on the topic in question
73. Which of the following are relevant databases for most psychology dissertation topics?
 PsycINFO and Web Of Science
σ� PsycINFO
σ� Web Of Science
74. Which of the following is the sequence in which you should use a database?
 No answer
σ� Limit dates of papers; print out full text papers; read abstracts; enter search terms
σ� Print out papers; read abstracts; limit dates; think of search terms
σ� Think of search terms; enter terms into database; limit dates of papers; read abstracts; print out full text papers
75. Which of the following are top tips we offer to help you improve your use of the literature?
Keep a research notebook
σ� All are corrects
σ� Sort your references in a spreadsheet
σ� Apply Fisher’s notation to the arguments you encounter
76. Which of these describes our advice on using internet search engines?
 All are corrects
σ� Engines such as Yahoo and Google are much more efficient and effective than databases such as PsycINFO
σ� Web addresses ending in, or .edu are generally bona fide academic sources
σ� Wiki entries are more up to date and accurate than journal articles
77. Which of the following are ways in which we suggest you might maximize your marks?
Using the internet to find key researchers
σ� All are corrects
 Be as critically evaluative of your own study as you were of other people’s
 Review notes you made on editorial and overview papers and chapters.
78. To be original a study must be:
 All are corrects
σ� Radically different from previous research
σ� Conducted with a sample that has never been studied before
σ� Addressing a gap in the existing research literature
79. Which of the following requirements for a dissertation may depend on your institution?:
 All are corrects
σ� Whether an abstract should be included
σ� The format for referencing
σ� The word limit
80. The role of a project supervisor is to:
 Give you a reading list
σ� Make sure you keep to your schedule and deadlines
σ� Provide intellectual support, guidance and critical feedback
σ� Negotiate access to the research setting on the student's behalf
81. You can manage your time and resources best, by:
σ� All are corrects
σ� Working out a timetable
σ� Finding out what resources are readily available to you
σ� Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
82. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
 All are corrects
σ� If they guide your literature search
σ� If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
σ� If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
83. Which of the following should you think about when preparing your research?
 All are corrects
σ� Your sample frame and sampling strategy
σ� The ethical issues that might arise
σ� Negotiating access to the setting
84. Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting your project?
 It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit
σ� To give you something to do in the early stages of your research when nothing is happening
σ� Because funding councils generally demand to see written evidence that you were working every day during the period of the research
σ� To keep a record of what you did and what happened throughout the research process
85. What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?
 All are corrects
σ� Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a dissertation
σ� Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan to use
σ� Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics committee
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