ARCH 531 Practice

Soil feature that consists of consolidated pieces of calcium carbonate
None of the above
Trees in tropical savannas are adapted to drought by
Storing water in their trunks
Being facultatively deciduous (leaves drop when it is dry)
Having water conserving leaves
Developing deep root systems
All of the above
Parent material has a greate influence on soil characteristics in the tropical rain forest
A plant that grows quickly after disturbance then is displaced by more competitive species is known as a
Mast species
Harbinger species
Fugitive species
Climax species
None of the above
In which of these biomes would C4 grasses likely dominate?
Tropical rain forest
Temperate forests
Laurel forest
Seasonally waterlogged soils in tropical zones usually favor
None of the above
You are digging a 2 foot deep hole in the middle of a tropical grassland that is dominated by grasses. What type of roots are you expected to encounter?
Thin, dense, fibrous roots
Widely spaced roots that are thick in diameter
A single taproot under each bunch of grass
Branching roots that continue below depth
None of the above
What is a meristem
Production of flowers on the trunk of a tree
The tissue in a plant that forms new cells (new growth)
Well-developed stem of a plant
Sensitive light sensor in plant tissue
The tissue that causes a tree leaf to fall off when it gets cold
All else being equal, net primary producitivity
Increases with rainfall
Increases with temperature
Is limited by nutrient availability
Two of the above
In which pair of continents will plants be most closely related
North and South America
Africa and Australia
Antarctica and South America
North America and Eurasia
Australia and South America
What characteristic does the climate at the location representated by this climate diagram have:
Based on similar characteristics of two unrelated plants, what evolutionary phenomenon does that represent?
In general, sandy soils have _________ water available to plants compared with loamy soils
The same
Biogeographic realms are defined on the basis of _____ while biomes are defined by
Evolutionary history, climate
Climate, species
Species, elevation
Evolutionary history, genetics
Harsh environments tend to have:
More species with smaller ranges
Fewer species with smaller ranges
More species with larger ranges
Fewer species with larger ranges
None of the above
Hadley cells result in semi permanent high pressure systems at
30 degrees north and south
The equator
60 degrees north and south
45 degrees north and south
Soil with about half of the pores between the particles filled with water is said to be at
Field capacity
Particle size at a stream is greates in _______ order streams
1st to 3rd
3rd to 5th
5th to 10th
Greater than 10th
What might you do to encourage animal movement across an edge between two habitats
Add curves to it
Make it straight
Make sure the understory of the vegetation is open
Increase the structural differences between the vegetation types
A stream section with stream order 3 is most likely to be experiencing
More deposition than erosion
More erosion than deposition
The same amount of erosion as deposition
The increased number of species in an elongated patch that is perpendicular to the flow of species is an example of the ________ effect
Drift force
Which are potential functions of a corridor? (multiple right answers)
What is a stepping stone design
Connects larger patches with smaller collection of patches
Stones to step on
What are two considerations for determining the adequate width of a corridor
Type of speces
Longer corridors need to be wider
Species need to survive on the way through
Weather patterns
Stream in the upper portion of a watershed are generally ______ than the lower portions of a watershed
More meandering
Less steep
In a pool-riffle sequence in a stream, water runs faster in the
The turnover in species between two samples areas is known as
Alpha diversity
Beta diversity
Gamma diversity
None of the above
The number of species found in a system of patches increases with
Additional number of patches
Increased area of patches
Increased habitat diversity
All of the above
The _____ is an is to/from a source area, the greater the ______- rate (more than one answer)
Closer, extinction
Farther, extinction
Closer, colonization
Farther, colonization
The shape on the right is more _____ than the one on the left.
All else being equal, patch with many lobes will have ____ interior than a patch of the same area with fewer lobes
The same
An organism that has two different alleles for a trait is said to be _____ for the trait
None of the above
A genetic bottleneck does not occur when
A population gets very small
A new population is founded with few individuals
Genetic diversity increases
Genetic diversity increases
When locally adapted plant is bred with the same species of plant from a distant and different environment, the resulting decrease in fitness is known as
Distance depression
Genetic drift
Demographic bottleneck
Outbreeding depression
The number of species of a particular group found within a designated study area is known as
Species diversity
Species richness
Beta diversity
Species turnover
Fragmentation of habitat results in
Loss of habitat areas
Increased edge habitat
Isolation of patches
All of the above
The climate diagram is from which zonobiome
Temperate deciduous forest
Sclerophyllic woodland
Laurel forest
Within sclerophyllic woodlands and scrublands, plants growing in drier areas tend to have __________ compared with those in moister areas
Deeper roots
Shallower roots
Waxier leaves
Larger leaves
None of the above
A typical laurelphyllic tree will have
Shiny green leaves
Leaves with some water conserving attributes
Evergreen leaves
All of the above
When deciduous trees “harden off” they
Increase sap concentration
Weaken cell walls
Develop thicker bark
None of the above
New growth of deciduous trees in the spring occurs in response to
Lunar cycle
Moisture levels
None of the above
What is the best time to be successful finding annual wildflowers in a temperate deciduous forest?
Right after the leaves of the trees turn color in the fall
In the middle of the summer
Early in the spring
Only during years with lots of rain
Any time is the best time
. If you were in the sclerophyllic woodland zonobiome and provided ample summer water for plants, what would be the equivalent zonobiome from a climate perspective
Tropical grassland
Tropical forest
Deciduous forest
Laurel forest
Temperate grassland
What is a pyrophyte endemics
Plants that regenerate only after a fire
Plants abudndant after fires, stimulated by smoke
Shrubs that are not present in mature shurbland
{"name":"ARCH 531 Practice", "url":"","txt":"Soil feature that consists of consolidated pieces of calcium carbonate, trees in tropical savannas are adapted to drought by, Parent material has a greate influence on soil characteristics in the tropical rain forest","img":""}
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