Which of the following IS NOT an example of questions that can be answered with spatial analysis?
A. What are the time differences of these particular events?
What objects are next to objects having certain combinations of attributes?
Which polygons are occupied by a particular land use or variable.
Where are all of the steeper slopes?
What is the path of least cost, resistance, or distance along the ground from X to Y along pathway P?
What is at points X1, X2,...?
Typical data input or data capture functional capabilities for GIS DOES NOT include
File compression
A personal geodatabase is
Stored on a computer's C drive
stored in a RDBMS
May not be visible to others in a corporate environment
A raster grid of slope values has what raster cell type?
Floating point
A raster grid of land use values is usually what raster cell type?
Floating point
Which raster analysis approach(s) are likely to be used to answer the following question: How far does the impact of feral animal grazing extend from a water point?
Map algebra
Euclidean distance
Focal minimum
(a) and (b) above
Which statement is TRUE?
GIS functional capabilities are completely independent of their particular data structure
GIS is best used in biology, terrain analysis & hydrology
Raster systems work best for land parcels, census data, precise positional data and networks
All GIS data can be held in a corporate RDBMS
What are the two primary spatial data representations used in GIS?
Raster and vector data
Vector and attribute data
Raster and cell value data
Discrete and discontinuous data
While maybe true, which of the following IS NOT a key concept that is part of the definition of GIS?
GIS technologies include GPS and remote sensing
People are an important part of GIS.
GIS can be used in all areas of modern science.
GIS includes both computer systems (hardware) and computer programs (software).
The Global Positioning System satellites form part of one specific brand of Global Navigation Satellite System service.
How does Map Algebra operate in a GIS?
It uses Boolean logic to model associations
It uses algebraic or numeric functions to model associations
All of the above.
Cell values in a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) would contain what type of data?
compass bearings
Slope as a %
Distance in metres
Altitude in metres
You are involved in a study to determine an appropriate location of a industrial site. Which of the following functions would be best used to identify areas where the slope of the terrain is between 0 and 10% grade.
A local function
A global function
A focal function
Map algebra function
Relief displacement has a large effect on an image's precision. This is a term used to describe
The effects that undulating terrain can have on image distortion.
The effects of the movement (displacement) in the aircraft at the time the image was collected.
The effects of relief distortion in the image lense.
The vector data model is based on which of the following?
Pixels or grid cells
Cartesian coordinate system
Polar coordinate system
Points, polylines or polygons
The following are critical parts of GIS capability EXCEPT:
Data capture
Data storage and management
Data Analysis
Data display
What is GIS?
Computer aided analysis
Layers of topographic maps
A geospatial system used to capture, store, manipulate and analyse spatial data
Digtial Elevation Models (DEMs) can be created by digitising from a hard copy topographic map and interpolating
What is the primary advantage of a raster data representation?
It provides an excellent cartographical representation of geographic phenomena
Its ability to represent complex continuous surfaces
Its ability to represent complex discontinuous surfaces
Its ability to store floating point data
Vector data attributes
Contain floating point values
Contain integer values
Contain text
Have one record per entity
(a),(b) and (c) above
All of the above
What could last return laser pulses from LIDAR systems be used to generate?
Slope information
A digital elevation model
A digital surface model
Universal Transverse Mercator zones
Reduce distortion around the equator
Increase in distortion away from the cental meridian
Is the best projection near the equator
Is based on a geoscentric datum
What type of result can you get from a focal maximum function in GIS?
A maximum value of centre and surrounding cells
A maximum value of all cells
A maximum value of a zone of cells
Which of the circumstances below would you use spatial interpolation?
finding the distance from A to B
Finding the best route between two points
Finding the raster cell values between points having a floating point value
Finding the location where two or more favourable conditions coincide
Continuous values in a raster grid cannot be reclassified into categorical data.
ArcGIS can manage the following in an RDBMS
CAD data
Feature datasets
Raster data
All of the above
DGPS employing pseudo-range corrections in the main
Can correct PDOP, ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris, clock and multi-pathing errors
Can correct PDOP, ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris and clock errors
Can correct Ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris, clock and multi-pathing errors
Can correct Ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris and clock errors
An ellipsoid is
A general fit of the shape of the geoid
A distorted circle
All of the above
The GPS source errors are exacerbated by
Only using L1
Ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris, clock errors
L2C and L5 GPS frequencies in the main
can correct PDOP, ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris, clock and multi-pathing errors
Can correct PDOP, ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris and clock errors
Can correct Ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris, clock and multi-pathing errors
Can correct Ionosphere, troposphere, ephemeris and clock errors
Route topology in a Geodatabase
Has polylines connected to points with turning tables
Is called connectivity
Can consist of polylines with speed/time attributes connected to nodes with speed/time turning attributes
Raster data is usually coarser than vector data
You have available suburb boundaries with the total number of people living in each suburb stored as an attribute of each polygon. You also have the area of each polygon, stored as an attribute. Assume the density of the population in each polygon is homogeneous across each suburb. You also have available a separate polygon layer describing the boundary of a 1 in 100 year flood across all of these suburbs. Approximately 10% of the total area of all of these suburbs looks to be affected but in order to measure the total amount of people likely to be affected, you conduct
A buffer analysis followed by the identity function.� Then a recalculation of new polygon areas, divided by the original suburb polygon areas and multiplied by the original population in each suburb polygon.
A clip function, followed by a recalculation of new polygon areas, divided by the original suburb polygon areas and multiplied by the population in each suburb polygon
An intersect function, followed by the clip function, then a recalculation of new polygon areas, divided by the original suburb polygon areas and multiplied by the population in each suburb polygon.
The L1 frequency
Holds pseudo range data
Holds the satellite ephemeris data
Holds the satellite ephemeris and trajectory data
Holds the satellite ephemeris, trajectory and timestamp data
All of the above
A and D
According to ArcGIS help, the select by location functions in ArcGIS include:
Are within a distance of the source layer feature
Contain the source layer feature
Completely contain the source layer feature
Are completely within the source layer feature
Touch the boundary of the source layer feature
(a), (b) and (d)
(a), (c) and (d)
All of the above
The 'Select' command in SQL
Selects the input tables required
selects the input records required
Selects the input fields required
Nominates the output columns to be displayed.
The vector Clip function has the effect of
Biscuit cutting the input layer with all of the polygons in the overlay layer.
Biscuit cutting the overlay layer with all of the polygons in the input layer.
Biscuit cutting the input layer with the outer boundary of the polygons in the overlay layer
Biscuit cutting the overlay layer with the outer boundary of the polygons in the input layer.
The vector Identity function
Maintains the area covered by the input layer
Maintains the area covered by the overlay layer
Maintains the area covered by both layers
The vector Intersect function has the effect of
Biscuit cutting the input layer with all of the polygons in the overlay layer
Biscuit cutting the overlay layer with all of the polygons in the input layer.
Biscuit cutting both layers with all polygons of both layers.
Biscuit cutting the input layer with the outer boundary of the polygons in the overlay layer.
The vector Union function has the effect of
Maintaining the area covered by the input layer
Maintaining the area covered by the overlay layer
Maintaining an area covered by either layer
The 'Where' command in SQL
Filters out unwanted data
nominates the tables being used
Can relate tables to each other with a foreign and primary key
A and B above
A and C above
Topology's shared geometry feature
Includes connectivity and contiguity
Ensures the data are clean, connected and contiguous
The Transverse Mercator Projection
Is a datum invented by Gerhadus Mercator in 1569
involves a mathematical cylinder wrapped around the equator on which latitude and longitude are projected
Consists of 60 zones, each with its own Central Meridian
All of the above
What are the two important features of a RDBMS?
All of the above.
A and C
A and B.
The geoid separation is h - N
Joining two tables in ArcGIS is only a temporary merging of attributes in the current project.
Joining two tables in ArcGIS requires a common field to be present in both tables.
When polygons are overlayed the attribute tables are only temporarily joined.
When polygons are overlayed using the Union function, a null (blank) appears in any text field of the overlay polygons attributes where the overlay polygon did not cover that area on the ground the the input polygon did cover.
A many-to-one relationship in and RDBMS means
Many tables can be accessed by a user
Many tables can link to a single table
Many records in one table can be related to a unique record in another
Many fields in one table can be related to unique fields in another
{"name":"GIS", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following IS NOT an example of questions that can be answered with spatial analysis?, Typical data input or data capture functional capabilities for GIS DOES NOT include, A personal geodatabase is","img":""}
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