How "Horse Crazy" Are You?

Do you like horses?
Yes, l love them!
L guess l do
No, not at all
Do you own a horse?
Yes, obvouisly
Yes, but he/she died, so sad
No, but l want one
No way, l hate horses!
Do you go to a riding center?
Yes, l'm the best rider there
Yes, but l'm not really the best
No, but l want to
No, l will never go to one!
If you have a horse, or go to a riding center, how often do you ride?
Every day!
Once a week or twice
Every month or year
Never!! And l don't have a horse!
Do you have a favorite horse?
Yes, do you know him/her?
Yes, but he/she died, so tragic
No, l love them all equally
No, l hate horses
Which one is a breed ( of a horse )?
What three things are most important?
My horse, family, and friends
Food, my horse, and toys
My three horses
Candy, popcorn, me!
Have you ever fell when you were riding?
No, never
Yes, 1 time
Yes, a couple of times
No, l never ridden a horse
{"name":"How \"Horse Crazy\" Are You?", "url":"","txt":"Do you like horses?, Do you own a horse?, Do you go to a riding center?","img":""}
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