History ch 20

All of the following were causes of the French Revolution except...
Desire for a stronger ruler
Support for enlightenment ideas
Social inequalities
Economic problems
Why did french citizens storm the bastille prison in paris?
To acquire weapons to use in the revolution
To look for the king and his loyal soldiers
To establish a new capitol building
To release prisoners being held for protesting
What even caused the great fear?
The fall of the bastille
The tennis court oath
The assassination of jean-paul marat
The execution of louis XIV
Why did King Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates General to be held in spring 1789?
To get approval for new taxes on the third estate
To get approval to rescind tax exemptions for the first estate
To press for reform in the legislative process
To begin the process of writing a new constitution for france
The rights outlined in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen did not extend to
The workers
The first estate
The bourgeoisie
Which of the following was one of the first acts of the National Convention?
A. The declaration that France was a republic
B. A declaration of war against Austria
C. Convening of a Constitutional Convention
D. A declaration of war against England
Why was the Revolutionary Tribunal created?
A. To eliminate people who threatened the Revolution from within
B. To write and approve laws
C. To manage the country's military defense against foreign forces
D. To write a democratic constitution
Europeans outside of France reacted to the execution of Louis XVI with
A. relief.
B. grief.
C. horror.
D. glee.
The Reign of Terror resulted in
A. Increased foreign opposition to the French Revolution
B. A strengthened National Assembly.
C. The election of Robespierre to the presidency.
D. Peace throughout France.
Which of the following legislative bodies ended the monarchy and proclaimed France a republic?
A. the Directory
B. the National Convention
C. the National Assembly
D. the Legislative Assembly
To avoid a counterrevolution, leaders took drastic actions known as...
A. the National Convention
B. the Reign of Terror
C. the Committee of Public Safety
D. the Vendee
During the French Revolution France went from an Absolute Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy to a/an _____________________.
A. Republic
B. Absolute Monarchy again
C. Tribunal
D. Dictatorship
Napoleon performed a coup d'etat which means...
A. A forced transfer of power
B. The creation of a strong sense of unity
C. A vote placed before the people
D. Banning ships from trading
The French people welcomed Napoleon because
A. They hoped he would help the collapsing French economy.
B. He completely disavowed the ideals of the Revolution.
C. He was the grandson of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
D. He promised order after the chaos of the Revolution.
Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
A. He wanted to keep the territory out of the hands of the British.
B. His expedition east of the Mississippi River had failed miserably to incite rebellion.
C. His failure to take back Saint Domingue led him to abandon his dream of empire in the Americas.
D. He needed money to fund the Napoleonic Wars.
How long did French excitement last after Napoleon returned from exile the first time?
10 days
7 years
1 year
100 days
What caused Napoleon to pull his troops from Spain?
A. The harsh winter of 1808
B. The guerrilla war raged by Spanish people
C. Portugal's neutrality
D. the British navy's support of the Spanish revolt
The Continental System restricted
A. The rights of women.
B. Trade with French possessions in Asia.
C. Freedom of speech and of the press.
D. Trade with Great Britain.
Which European campaign was a disaster for Napoleon?
A. the Peninsular War
B. the Saint Domingue Expedition
C. the Continental System
D. the Russian Campaign
All of the following were dangers French soldiers faced when fighting Russia except...
A. The Orthodox Church sent troops to aide Russia
B. Russian peasants attacked the French
C. A lack of food
D. The severe cold
What battle ended Napoleon's military career?
A. Battle of Elba
B. Battle of Vienna
C. Battle of Waterloo
D. 100 Years War
The Congress of Vienna
A. Outlawed monarchies.
B. rewarded Napoleon's supporters with large tracts of land.
C. made France a colony of Great Britain.
D. Strengthened nations surrounding France.
After the Napoleonic Wars, France was forced to pay compensation to other countries for war damages. This is called...
A. Indemnity
B. Exile
C. Redistricting
D. Reactionary
Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria...
A. Pushed for a stronger French economy
B. Pushed to take over France
C. wanted France to return to an Absolute Monarchy
D. Wanted to restore Napoleon's power
Part of the legacy of the French Revolution is that
A. all European monarchies became democracies.
B. It has inspired people to fight for their rights in other parts of the world.
C. Citizens' rights in Europe were never again restricted.
D. It has discouraged revolutions worldwide for 200 years.
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