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How to help when things get tough
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What percentage of Australians experience moderate to severe problems caused by excessive gambling/gaming with a flow on effect impacting their significant others?
Who can help and provide advice to a friend that might be experiencing gambling harm?
Anyone, provided they have done some research and have a trusted relationship with the person
Only a qualified medical practitioner
No one
People dont need advice, they can sort it out themselves
People can refer themselves to Gamblers Help support
Why do people sometimes choose not to seek help for gambling harm?
Guilt and shame
They dont know how to take the first step
Feeling embarrassed
Because they don't want to
If you have a conversation with someone about their gambling what SHOULD you say?
Tell them they should stop
Let them know you’re asking because you care about them
Let them know how much money/time they have lost
Be patient. This is a process that can take weeks or months
If you have a conversation with someone about their gambling what SHOULDN'T you say?
Label the person as the problem
Tell them what they should do
Come to a solution and way forward together
Get them to talk about what might be good about gambling less
What are some of the useful tips you can use when talking to someone about their gambling?
Listen to what they have to say
Ask about potential difficulties with managing money
Provide information about support options
Encourage the take up of alternative activities they enjoy away from gambling
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