Mainstage H&S Quiz

A vibrant and engaging illustration of a live event setup, with staff members practicing health and safety protocols, such as wearing PPE and sanitizing work areas, set in an outdoor festival environment.

Mainstage Health & Safety Awareness Quiz

Test your knowledge and ensure you're up-to-date on health and safety practices! This quiz is designed to help you understand essential safety measures related to manual handling, hazardous substances, and workplace safety. It's perfect for anyone working in event management or related fields.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Covering key safety topics
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by SafetyGuru725
What must you do before starting any task involving substances covered by COSHH (Liquids, Gases, Dust, Biological agents)
Wash your hands
Check the label ingredients
Check the required levels of Personal Protective Equipment on the label
Make sure the working area is secure
There are multiple symbols that warn the user to a hazard, What does this symbol mean?
During the pandemic, We are on site @The Drive In. You have used a desk space and a radio. When you are finished you should;
Tell people not to use the desk for 72 hours
Disinfect the radio, table and any other areas you’ve touched
Put your mask In the bin
Leave site safely
On entering a site or a building, what should all staff do?
Report to their line manager
Sign In
Immediately wash hands or use hand sanitiser
Take a Covid-19 test
Whats the first thing you should do if you see a fire?
Report to event control or management via radio
Find a fire extinguisher
Run Away
Evacuate the area
If we had an electrical equipment fire on a stage, which fire extinguishers could you use?
Water or CO2
Foam or Water Mist
Dry Powder or CO2
CO2 or Foam
Which of the below is good workstation practice
Laptop on stand and wrists tilted up to type on laptop keyboard
Working from the sofa or bed with your laptop
Sitting cross legged on your chair
Screen at eye level, looking straight ahead
When should I wash my hands?
After touching a pet
After using the bathroom
After sneezing into my hands
All of the above
Which kind of injury is the most common when manual handling?
Broken Limbs
Musculoskeletal disorders
When you manually lift an item you must:
Make sure the lighter side of the load is closest to your body
Make sure there is two people to lift the load
Keep your back straight and use the strength in your legs muscles to lift
Keep feet one foot in-front of the other
You witness an incident or near miss, what should you do?
Call the emergency services
Report to event control/ production manager and ask all witnesses to stay where they are for a report to be taken
Report the incident via RIDDOR
Continue your work tasks
Just one night of sleep deprivation results in fatigue, irritability, difficulty focusing and remembering things and lower immunity. How many hours sleep should you be aiming for each night?
At least 5 Hours
At least 6 hours
At Least 7 hours
At least 9 Hours
A member of the team has broken their leg, what should you do?
Call an ambulance
Report to event control to deploy the necessary resource
Use the first aid kit
Take them to the medical tent
You need to install something at ladder height, but you’re on your own and don’t have a ladder, what should you do?
Stand on a chair or get a leg up
Borrow a ladder
Climb on infrastructure already in place
Ask production or event control to arrange for it to be safely installed
{"name":"Mainstage H&S Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and ensure you're up-to-date on health and safety practices! This quiz is designed to help you understand essential safety measures related to manual handling, hazardous substances, and workplace safety. It's perfect for anyone working in event management or related fields.Multiple-choice questionsCovering key safety topicsImmediate feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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