Nutrigene Educators' Teaching Style Questionnaire

Question 1
I am passionate about adventures and discovering new experiences. 我富有冒险精神,喜欢探索新事物。
I'm highly energetic and often express myself with gestures and facial expressions. 我精力充沛,有用不完的精力,交流中喜欢通过肢体语言或丰富的表情来表达。
I adapt swiftly to new environments. 我拥有强大的适应力,能迅速融入新环境中。
I value deep thinking and strive for understanding. 我是一个喜欢思考分析的人,总是喜欢分析研究事物的本质与联系。
Question 2
I prioritize completing one task before embarking on another. 我喜欢先专心地完成原有事物,再去开启新的任务。
I value humor and seek activities that bring joy. 我希望生活中充满欢乐和幽默的,喜欢各种各样的娱乐来让自己的生活充满乐趣。
I desire a peaceful life without confrontations. 我不喜欢与人发生冲突矛盾,我一直向往平静平和的生活。
I persuade others through examples rather than being authoritative. 我很擅长说服别人,用事实举例而不是用威严和权利迫使别人相信我。
Question 3
Once I have made a decision, I am committed to it. 我做决定不会被人轻易影响,一旦作出选择,就会坚持到底。
Engaging in conversations rejuvenates and uplifts me. 我喜欢社交,与人交流能让我获得精神上的能量,让我感到放松自在。
I desire a peaceful life withoutWhen there's a conflict between colleagues or friends, I help mediate. 同事或朋友间有矛盾冲突时,我会协助他们协调。 confrontations. 我不喜欢与人发生冲突矛盾,我一直向往平静平和的生活。
I'm easily persuaded and often change my opinions to match others. 我很容易被人说服,很难坚持自己的看法, 并接受他人的观点。
Question 4
I am driven to excel, whether at work or in academic pursuits. 我的好胜心很强,无论是工作还是学习上,我都希望能成为Number 1。
Many find me personable and charming. 旁人都很喜欢我、信服我,他们说我的性格很好或是拥有人格魅力。
I'm attentive to others' feelings and needs. 我总是很体贴关心别人,也容易关注到旁人的需求和感受。
I tend to keep my emotions private. 我性情内敛,不喜欢将自己的情绪表露出来,让旁人察觉到我的情感。
Question 5
In challenging situations, I swiftly identify solutions. 我在面对危机,我能够迅速做出应对。
I excel at uplifting and motivating others. 我很擅长激励别人,总是能让团队或是朋友振作起来。
I am honest and treat others with respect. 我尊重他人,会对别人坦诚相待。
I maintain composure and control over my emotions. 我比较含蓄,会约束自己的情感和情绪。
Question 6
I rely on my personal experiences and trust my methods. 我很独立,做事不易受到旁人的影响,更多的都是凭借自己的经验和能力去判断。
I maintain a vivacious outlook and find joy in life. 我精力充沛,觉得生活充满了乐趣。
I easily empathize with those around me and care about their opinions. 我对周围人容易共情,会在乎他们的看法。
I am content and appreciate the status quo. 我很容易满足于现状。
Question 7
I have a strong leadership ability and motivate others to collaborate. 我的领导力强,擅长鼓励和推动别人来和我一起做事。
I remain optimistic, believing in positive outcomes. 我相信桥到船头自然直,心态乐观积极。
I'm thoughtful, like to help and remember friends' birthdays.. 我是个善解人意的人,喜欢帮助别人,也会记得朋友们的生日。
I am methodical and appreciate structured plans. 我是一个喜欢计划的人,做事前必须制定计划,按照计划步步进行。
Question 8
I keep every aspect of my life organized and well-coordinated. 我的生活安排得井井有条,每一步都在我的掌握之中。
I like to talk or joke to avoid the awkwardness silence brings. 我喜欢说话或是开玩笑,用这种方式来避免沉默带来的尴尬。
I remain hopeful, believing in resolutions to challenges. 我心态乐观,我觉得事情总会找到解决的方法。
If necessary, I am willing to adapt to others' preferences. 如有需要,我会为了他人妥协,按照他们的要求做事。
Question 9
I prefer tasks, whether at work or home, to be executed my way. 我希望别人都能按照我的想法去做,无论是工作还是生活中。
I am known for my humor and am considered pleasant company. 他人都觉得我是个幽默风趣的人,是人群中的开心果。
I'm a good listener, willing to hear people out. 我是个聆听者,愿意听人倾诉。
I always emphasize and remind about assigned tasks to ensure they are completed. 我总是会把所交代的事情反复地强调和叮嘱,确保任务的完成。
Question 10
I face challenges head-on and find fulfillment in resolving them. 我面对困难,不会畏惧,接受挑战并战胜,会让我觉得很有成就感。
Friends appreciate our conversations and find them enjoyable. 朋友们很喜欢与我聊天,觉得和我聊天很开心。
Friends often commend my empathetic nature and approach me with concerns. 朋友都说我是个体贴的人,总是愿意和我诉说烦恼。
I have a keen eye for details that might elude others. 我是个注重细节的人,总是能观察到别人注意不到。
{"name":"Nutrigene Educators' Teaching Style Questionnaire", "url":"","txt":"Question 1, Question 2, Question 3","img":""}
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