Which Member of the Disaster Cabaret Are You?

A vibrant, whimsical illustration featuring characters in a cabaret setting with various exaggerated roles and styles, emphasizing diversity and playful chaos.

Discover Your Disaster Cabaret Persona

Curious about which role you play in the vibrant world of the Disaster Cabaret? This fun and engaging quiz will guide you through a series of insightful questions to reveal your unique character. Are you the nurturing Team Mom, the rebellious Ice Queen, or perhaps the wily Anarcho-Communist Hippie?

Join us to explore your persona and understand how you fit into this chaotic tapestry of colorful characters!

14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DancingSunflower257
How old are you?
Over 40/Time flows differently here
I don't know! :(
Gender is a construct
*withering stare*
Why are you so intent on knowing?
Yes, please
No, thank you
What high school stereotype best sums up your role?
The Team Mom
The Slut
The Big Guy
The Dad Friend
The Nerd
The Ice Queen
The Rebel
Weapon of choice in combat?
Whatever's to hand
The Proletariat
Weapon of choice outside of combat?
My wit and charm ("wit" is the left one; "charm" is the right)
My capacity for drink
My genuine smile and positive attitude
My conviction
My expense account
The arcane secrets at my command
My library card
What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Greet the dawn with a smile!
Pray for spells and/or patience
Say thanks and head home
Check for threats
Feed my pets
Have a cigarette
Coffee, then a nap
Favorite color?
Red as in fire
Red as in the blood of the ruling classes
The rainbow of friendship
Do you have a steady romantic partner?
On no, please no, thank you but no
It's complicated.
Love should be unfettered!
Yes, and we're exclusive.
Yes, but we're not exclusive.
Yes, and we're very loud.
How would you describe your style?
Sun's Out, Buns Out
Executive Goth
Punky Dirtbag Goth
Practical and Minimalist
Thanks, It Has Pockets
High Victorian Goth
Anarcho-Communist Hippie Chic
What is your greatest fear?
Dreams where I have what I lost
Losing what I have left
Having feelings
The continuation of the monarchy
*blank stare*
Any children?
Just my horse
I have a teenager
My family is dead, and thank you very much for bringing it up
Does Jiggly Pete count?
My pet is my child
*horrified sputter*
I'm a teacher, but I have no children of my own
What do you bring to a potluck?
A meat dish, and very large cups
A large and hearty vegetable dish, prepared with everyone's allergies and sensitivities in mind
Homemade cupcakes, and some extra cash to slip to the host
Complete the sentence: "The bigger they are..."
€�...the bigger they are.”
€�...the better my size bonus to attack.”
“...the better my size bonus to defense.”
€�...the more tentacles I need.”
€�...the longer they burn.”
€�...the more likely their wealth comes from the exploitation of the masses.”
Please assume...
I have dignity
I am straight
I can hear you whispering
I am being as quiet as I can
I know what I'm doing
I know what I'm talking about
I know what's going on
{"name":"Which Member of the Disaster Cabaret Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Curious about which role you play in the vibrant world of the Disaster Cabaret? This fun and engaging quiz will guide you through a series of insightful questions to reveal your unique character. Are you the nurturing Team Mom, the rebellious Ice Queen, or perhaps the wily Anarcho-Communist Hippie? Join us to explore your persona and understand how you fit into this chaotic tapestry of colorful characters!","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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