Small Buildings 2012 BCIN Exam Free Assessment

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The foundation for a 3 storey building has been designed to be constructed on engineered fill. During construction what must occur to ensure the fill is placed properly?
A) A field review must be carried out while excavating
B) All pertinent information is recorded for each foundation unit
C) Field review carried out on a continuous basis during placement of the fill
D) A field review carried out by the designer or another suitably qualified person during backfilling operations
The wall framing for the first storey in a two storey office building and is stamped Grade no. 3. The wall stud framing is considered;
A) Acceptable
B) Not acceptable
C) Acceptable if idendified by a grade stamp
D) Not acceptable unless approved by a qualified person
A two storey unsprinklered office building with a building area of 500 m² and equipped with an elevator that accesses the 2nd storey is:
A) not required to have a barrier-free path of travel on the 2nd floor.
B) is required to have a barrier-free path of travel on the 2nd floor.
C) is required to conform to Article
D) b) and c)
A two storey insurance office building with a building area of 550 m2 has access to the 2nd floor by stairs only. What are the requirements for the protection of persons with disabilities on the 2nd floor?
A) the floor must be served by an elevator
B) the floor must be served by an elevator conforming to Article
C) there are no protection measures required
D) None of the above
A 6 m dead end public corridor is:
A) permitted in an office building with an occupant load of 31.
B) permitted in a retail building with an occupant load of 29.
C) permitted in a residential building containing 5 suties.
D) All of the above.
How many water closets are required in an industrial building where the occupant load is twenty-four persons?
A) one per sex
B) two per sex
C) three per sex
D) None of the above
What is the maximum flame-spread rating of a wall in an exit stair?
A) 25
B) 25 over 90% of the ceiling
C) 25 over 50% of the ceiling
D) None of the above.
Motion sensors controlling lighting installed in a building with a building area of 550 m2 containing two dwelling units and one retail unit may be installed in;
A) the exit as long as it does not control the emergency lighting
B) the public corridor serving the two dwelling units
C) the exit with a minimum 15 minute duration timer
D) none of the above
Where two exterior walls meet at an angle of 140° and the walls are in two separate fire compartments:
A) the openings shall be separated by at least 1 200 mm.
B) the openings are not required to be separated by 1 200 mm.
C) the openings must be protected.
D) None of the above.
A 3 storey building will be used as an office, however on the weekends the 3rd floor will be used for retail purposes. What is the occupant load area per person that the 3rd floor must be designed for?
A) 9.30 m2
B) 5.60 m2
C) 4.60 m2
D) Both a) and b)
{"name":"Small Buildings 2012 BCIN Exam Free Assessment", "url":"","txt":"Enter your email address* and click on Next to start your quiz!   *Your email will not be sold, shared or used with the exception of Orderline sending you additional information on study aids and courses available to assist in your educational and career goals., The foundation for a 3 storey building has been designed to be constructed on engineered fill. During construction what must occur to ensure the fill is placed properly?, The wall framing for the first storey in a two storey office building and is stamped Grade no. 3. The wall stud framing is considered;","img":""}
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