Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In

It's finals season, and you're in the middle of taking your hardest exams yet. You look over and see a friend cheating, but the professor has not noticed. What would you do?
Continue to take your exam, but confront your friend afterwards about their actions
Nothing. You gave your friend the cheat sheet and are currently hiding one of your own
It does not matter. You've already studied your ass off for this exam and know you can pass with or without a cheat sheet
You are somewhat disappointed in your friend for cheating, but continue on with your exam
Find a way to alert your professor to the cheating without letting your friend know it was you. You really can't have them knocking your ranking down can you?
You are finally getting home after a long day of work/school. You are absolutely exhausted and the moment you fall into bed you get a phone call from a friend saying they are stranded an hour away and need a ride home. What do you do?
Call another friend. They owe you a favor and it is a great way of helping without leaving bed
Keep your friend on the phone and try to walk them through fixing their car. This could be a great learning experience for both of you in car maintenance
You are tired but you roll out of bed anyways. What are friends for?
You decide to pick them up. Your friend will feel pretty grateful for the help and you will have done a good deed for the day!
This friend helped you out in similar situations so it is only fair that you help them now
You and a friend are walking down the street one night after a movie. From down an alley you can hear the sounds of a fight and someone calling for help. What do you do?
You are very hesitant to run down the alley yourself, but if your friend went you would not let them go alone
Even though your brain may be warning you to stop, you run down the alley anyways. Someone needs your help
Run away and get help. It would be wise to keep yourself out of danger while saving the person in the alley
Have you friend get help while you asses the situation to find a way to diffuse the danger without putting anyone in harms way
Communicate with your friend to come up with the best course of action, using your previous experiences to help guide you through this one
A girl/guy you have had a crush on for years invites you to a party, and it is private so you cannot bring guest. Unfortunately you and a close friend have been planning for weeks to go out that same night. What do you do?
Just bring your friend to the party anyway. What are they going to do kick them out?
Sneak your friend into the party through the back door while everyone is distracted
Let your crush know that you already have plans that night. Sorry!
Tell your crush straight up that you and your friend are a package deal
Either way you are sure to have a good time. Choose the situation where you think you will gain the most life experience
You wake up in a room with a friend, empty except for two identical vials and an intercom. A voice over the intercom tells you that one vial is filled with poison and one is harmless. You both must drink one within the next 10 seconds or you'd :suffer the consequences"
Refuse to drink either vial and challenge the voice
Quickly start examining the vials. There has to be a way to tell them apart even if you run out of time.
Both of you and your friend take half of each vial. It's only fair that you both have an equal chance of surviving.
Grab both vials and make a quick decisions as to which one you're going to take and hand off the other
{"name":"Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"It's finals season, and you're in the middle of taking your hardest exams yet. You look over and see a friend cheating, but the professor has not noticed. What would you do?, You are finally getting home after a long day of work\/school. You are absolutely exhausted and the moment you fall into bed you get a phone call from a friend saying they are stranded an hour away and need a ride home. What do you do?, You and a friend are walking down the street one night after a movie. From down an alley you can hear the sounds of a fight and someone calling for help. What do you do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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