Which Diet is Right For Your Body Type?

How often do you eat?
Three meals a day
Five or more small meals throughout the day
Irregularly, skipping meals occasionally
I graze all day
How much protein do you consume daily? (peanut butter doesn't count)
A lot - protein with every meal
Some, I don't really pay attention though
Sometimes at dinner?
No idea
How active are you?
Sedentary (little to no exercise)
Moderately active (exercise 2-3 times a week)
Very active (exercise more than 4 times a week)
I sweat every day, sometimes more than once
Do you eat breakfast?
Yes, always
Sometimes, depending on the day
No, rarely or never
Do you experience cravings or get tired between meals?
Rarely or never
When I have cravings I usually want...
Something sweet
Something Salty
Something Crunchy
I don't get cravings
What's Your Main Goal right now?
Lose weight (40lbs or more)
Lose the last bit of fat (30lbs or less)
Gain Muscle
Improve athletic ability
How do you handle dietary restrictions?
I need flexibility in my diet
I can follow specific rules
I'm okay with hard limitations
I need boundaries or I can get out of control
How often do you dine out or order takeout?
Rarely (1 or less times)
Occasionally (2-3x per week)
Frequently (4-6x per week)
It's a big part of my life (7+ per week)
{"name":"Which Diet is Right For Your Body Type?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QTD259AQT","txt":"How often do you eat?, How much protein do you consume daily? (peanut butter doesn't count), How active are you?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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