Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in nucl-th on Fri, 29 Jan 21
[2101.11826] M. S. Martin, S. R. Stroberg, J. D. Holt et al.: Ab initio isospin symmetry breaking corrections to superallowed Fermi $β$-decays
[2101.11867] Steven Gardiner: Simulating low-energy neutrino interactions with MARLEY
[2101.11903] Isaac Vidana: Low-density neutron matter and the unitary limit
[2101.12117] Esra Yüksel, Derya Soydaner, Hüseyin Bahtiyar: Nuclear mass predictions using neural networks: application of the multilayer perceptron
[2101.12133] Peter O. Hess, Leonardo J. Chavez-Nuñez: A Semimicroscopic Algebraic Cluster Model for Heavy Nuclei
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nucl-th on Fri, 29 Jan 21","img":""}