Which of the following is not a function of the CSR position?
Answer phones
Send quotes
Follow up with outsourced vendor jobs
Pack up finished jobs
Get payment info for COD (non Net 30) clients
CSRs should be familiar with which of the following?
Outsourced job vendors
Paper options
Printers Plan
The Curry Customer Service Process
All of the above
When working with outside vendors, which of the following should CSRs do?
Get estimates in writing whenever possible
Send purchase orders with job details
Follow up on order status
Track jobs once they’ve shipped to Curry
All of the above
When is internal approval required on quotes? Select all that apply.
When the job has more than five items
When the order is over $500
When the client is in a hurry for the quote
When the job is going to an outsourced vendor
Whenever Paula is in the office
What job notes should be included with every order? Select all that apply.
Whether or not the job has been quoted
Whether or not the client is nice
Whether or not the job has been promised
Whether or not a particular designer should work on the job
None of the above
What should CSRs do if a job is a reorder or we’ve previously done a similar job?
Tell the client they already ordered this and ask if they’re sure they want to proceed
Print the work order on green
Tell production there’s no need to quality check the job
Pull the previous work order and put it in the job jacket
All of the above
Which of the following are part of the customer proofing process? Select all that apply.
Pull PDF proofs for reorders from the previous order’s proof folder on the drive and send that to the client for approval
Send any questionable artwork to outside vendors for approval prior to sending the client the proof
Confirm with client when you need approval by in order to meet their deadline
Stamp the proof APPROVED if the client doesn’t respond in a timely manner so we don’t miss the deadline
Changes should be given to the graphic designer or outside vendor for an updated proof
{"name":"QUIZ 5 CSR PROCESS", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which of the following is not a function of the CSR position?, CSRs should be familiar with which of the following?, When working with outside vendors, which of the following should CSRs do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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