Wildlife Tech II

What are differnet bird traps
Traps, Lights, Mist nets, Drive and drift traps, Decoys, Snares, Nest traps
What are some mammal traps
Traps Snares Net gun Oral drugs Other methods
What are some example and scent and bait
Alfalfa and rotten eggs for scent
What is the trap most commonly used for live trapping and reduce injury
Padded jaw leg-hold traps
What are the 6 stage testing
Mechanical test (mechanical properties of the trap; size, mass, forces, etc.), Strike location test (SS or DS on animal), Approach test, Pre-selection (anaesthetized) test (loss of papebral eye reflex), Compound test ,Field test
What is a Bailey or Hancock live traps used for
Capture beavers and otters
What is Museum Special snap traps
What is Aldrich leg snares used for.
What is another method of capturing bear.
Culvert trap
Box trap and what else is used to capture deer.
Clover traps
Corral trap
Drive and drift trap
Bal-chatri trap
What are the pros of a aerial survey
Census not sample, complete count, takes less time
What are the pros of an trail camera survey
Cheaper, recruistment, buck:doe ratio can both be estimated, detect small scale population changes
Best time for trail camera survey?
What do marking techniques aid in determining
Population dynamics, movement patterns, behaviour
3 types of markinG?
Temporary, semi-permanent, permanent
Where do you place an ear tag?
Place on lower inner region where cartilage is heavier. This protects the tag and reduces chance of tearing the ear or tag
What is hot banding and freeze banding
Hot branding for horns of mountain sheep, pelts of seals (not used much today as they caused wounds and infection). Freeze [cryo] branding: more humane. Irons are supercooled in dry ice and methanol or liquid nitrogen, then applied to a shaved, washed area of hide. Process destroys pigment forming parts of hair follicles and regrowth is white hair.
What chemical shows up in feces and organs when comsumed.
Rhodamine B
What chemical is used to mark bones.
How do you age a fawn by its hoof?
-2.5mm from hoof length, then ever 0.45mm is a day
Two techniques for locating fawns?
Grid search, spotlighting
What is break point for tracks
Break point” where the rounded pad turns upward = edge of minimum outline
What is the stride and what is the straddle of a track?
Stride is the distance between tracks on the same side, straddle is the distance between the right and left side tracks.
4-legged animal gaits include what
Walk, trot, lope, gallop, bound, and pronk [stot]
Who is who
Left feline right canine
Which is Bobcat which is Lynx
Left Lynx, right bobcat
Latin for Lyme disease
Lyme borreliosis
What are the usual vectors of lyme
"Ixodes" ticks
Latin for rabies
How is Hantavirus transmitted to humans
Kciked up in dust while sweeping rodent feces and urine
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis is latin for what
Brain worm
Winter tick latin?
Dermacentor albipictus
Papillomas, Fibromas are..
Warts, skin tumours
Main symptom of canine distemper
Crusty nose
Latin for tape worms?
Taenia krabbei, Taenia hydatigena
Latin for Mange?
Sarcoptes scabei
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