Hanapin si Jumbo Rat Reviewer

This document shows whether the materials incorporated Into the works are conforming to the standard specifications
Statement of Work Accomplished
Materials Test Reports
Certificate of Quality Control Assurance (CQCA)
Program of Work
As applied to various stages of project lmplementation is viewed and considered as the Contractor's responsibility
Quality Policy
Quality Control
Quality Assurance
Quality Control Plan
Give the overall view of the works to be done or accomplished during the implementation of the project. These documents also help in the evaluation of the stability and quality of the projects.
Project Documents
Notice to Proceed
Statement of Works Accomplished
Materials Test Reports
This document is a written instruction in a form of memorandum/letter pertaining to the noted discrepancies in project implementation.
Site Instructions
Notice to Proceed
Materials Test Reports
Suspension Order
Based on the limits of assignment as stated in Department Order No. 95, Series of 2021, what is the cost limit assignment for an accredited Project Engineer III - District Engineering Office?
One (1) Projects implemented simultaneously do not exceed 50 Million Pesos
Eighteen (18) Projects implemented simultaneously do not exceed 250 Million Pesos
Five (5) Projects implemented simultaneously do not exceed 150 million Pesos
No limit
What is the highest rating that can be given to a DPWH Laboratories based on Department Order No. 12'6, Series of 2016?
One Star
Two Star
Three Star
Four Star
It is defined as written contract documents that include materials and workmanship requirements, inspection and testing procedures, and procedures for the measurement and payment of the work
____ is the selection of a representat ive portion of a material using a standard method to ascertain its characteristics. The process involves taking a part (sample) to judge the whole (lot).
A method that is used to address a problem or nonconformance to get to the root cause, for it to be eliminated thus, preventing the problem/nonconformance from recurring.
Root cause analysis
It Is the legally executed agreement between the contractor and the government for the performance for the performance of the works covered by the contract
Contract Documents
Project Documents
Quality Control Plan
Program of Work
This document Is prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Head of the Implementing Office to ensure that the minimum testing requirements for each Item of work are being compiled with.
Program of Work
Quality Control Program
Materials Test Reports
Latest Status of Test
This report is prepared by the Project Engineer and Materials Engineer as attestation that the materials and works correspond 10 the quantity accomplished and conforming to the approved plans and specifications.
Statement of Work Accomplished
Materials Test Reports
Certificate of Quality Control Assurance (COCA)
Program of Work
Refers to the responsibility/obligation of the. DPWH to ensure strict compliance to existing standards/specifications and other pertinent DPWH Issuances relative to project Implementation
Quality Polley
Quality Control
Quality Assurance
Quality Control Plan
This document shows whether the materials incorporated into the works are conforming to the standard specifications
Statement of Work Accomplished
Materials Test Reports
Certificate of Quality Control Assurance (CQCA)
Program of Work
The beam sample from the road construction failed to reach the minimum required strength using the UTM. What can the contractor opt to do?
Go to the nearest ATM "Testing Laboratory"
Get a core sample from the road project to test the actual concrete strength
Give the DPWH Project Engineer a thick envelope... "of evidence of conduct of testing"
Call a friend on high places... "and ask for another retesting of beam sample"
Aggregates for concrete mixes are classified as either fine or coarse aggregates. Which sieve is used to seperate fine from coarse aggregates.
None of the above
In slip-form construction, what is the slump of the concrete used?
50 mm to not more than 75 mm
Between 75mm to 100mm
Almost zero to not more than 40mm
None of the above
When the result of the second test differs from that of the first test on a sample respresenting the same lot of materials, a third test is done. This reffered to as:
Tertiary Test
Verdict Test
Referee Test
Final Test
The required strength of a concrete beam sample is at least ____ when tested by the mid-point at 14 days:
550 psi
650 psi
3,000 psi
3,500 psi
In item 405, delivery of concrete shall be regulated so that placing is at a continuous rate unless delayed by the placing operations. The intervals between delivery of batches shall not be so great as to allow the concrete in-place to harden partially, and in no case shall such an interval exceed:
10 min
20 min
30 min
90 min
How many cores shall be taken for the thickness determination on a two-lane, three-kilometer PCCP?
15 cores
30 cores
45 cores
40 cores
For grouted riprap, stones shall be laid close and shall be firmly bedded into slope and against the adjoining stones. Each stone shall be laid on what orientation?
Longest axis parallel to the slope
Longest faces perpendicular to the mortar bed
Longest faces horizontal to the mortar bed
Longest axis perpendicular to the slope
For pipe culverts and storm drains, the minimum test is 1 - Pipe for every 50 pipes. What is the alternative requirement?
1-set consistjng of 3 concrete cylinder samples for not more than 35 pipes cast in the field and 1-inspection report for each size for not more than 35 pipes cast in the field.
1-set consisting bf 3 concrete cylinder samples for not more than 25 pipes cast in the field and 1-inspection report for each size for not more than 25 pipes cast in the field
1-set consisting of 3 concrete cylinder samples for not more than 15 pipes cast in the field and 1-inspection report for each size for not more than 15 pipes cast in the field.
Mill Certificate
It is prescribed in each project based on estimated quantities and specifies the kind and number of test for each item of work.
Minimum number of work
Minimum Testing Requirement
Work Schedule
Quality COntrol Program
Embankment materials delivered at the job site was about 12,000 cu.m. The minimum test required for the given volume of embankment materials is ______.
10 - G.P.C.
8 - G.P.C.
6 - G.P.C.
4 - G.P.C.
The minimum testing recquirement for every project is indicated in a duly approved___.
Quality Control Program prepared by the Contractors Materials Engineer
Quality Control Program prepared by the DPWH Materials Engineer
Program of Work
Work Schedule
For small project where quantity of steel bars is 10,000 kg. or less, what is the basis for acceptance of material
No testing
Thick Envelope not less that 10mm.
P.E. Certificate
Mill Certificate
Submission of sample for testing for cement is ____.
The minimum percent compaction for embankment is ______
The minimum percent compaction for the base of the road is _____
As the Materials Engineer what will you do with the materials that fails to meet specs requirements?
Reject the sample
Recomends the PE for the rejection of materials
Perform a retest for verification
Both B and C
It shall be plain round bars Where one-half of the length shall be painted with one coat of approved lead or tar paint and shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M31 or M42.
Tie Bars
Dowel Bars
Cue bars
It shall be deformed bars that are to bent and re-straightened during construction and shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 31 or M 42.
Dowel Bars
Tie Bars
Cue bars
It shall be mixed asphalt or rubber filler conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 173.
Poured joint fillers
Tack Coat
Cute Coat
Bitumen Asphalt
If specified or permitted as a mineral admixture and as 20 % partial replacement of Portland Cement in concrete mix, it shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 618.
Fly Ash
Carbon mineralization
Portland Limestone Cements
Which type of chart is used by the Project Engineer to ensure that the Contractor is maintaining the minimum number of equipment required/committed to the project?
Equipment Utilization Schedule
Manpower Schedule
Weather Chart
What Is the limit of assignment for Project Engineer III based on Department Order No. 08, series of 2013?
No limit
Projects being Implemented simultaneously do not exceed P1OOM in cost
Projects being Implemented Simultaneously do not exceed P5OM in cost
Two (2) projects located within the same province for simultaneous assignments, with an aggregate cost of not more than P15OM
Who is Jumbo Rat?
Who is Jumbo Rat?
D.O. 56, s. 2022
D.O. 57, s. 2022
D.O. 54, s. 2022
D.O. 58, s. 2022
______ is one of tile primary responsibllltfes of lhe proJect Inspectors under the supervision of the Project Engineer. This Includes the measurement of the area, thickness, width and/or other measurements.
Construction Scheduling
Manpower and Equipment Utilization Monitoring
Quantity Control
Monthly Progress Reporting
Which type of chart is used by the Project Engineer to ensure that the Contractor is maintaining the minimum number of equipment required/committed to the project?
Equipment utilization SChedule
Manpower Schedule
Weather Chart
What is the limit of assignment for Project Engineer III based on Department Order No. 08, series of 2013?
No limit
Projects being Implemented simultaneously do not exceed P1OOM in cost
Projects being Implemented Simultaneously do not exceed P5OM in cost
Two (2) projects located within the same province for simultaneous assignments, with an aggregate cost of not more than Pl50M
The Project Engineer shall require the COntractor to submit ____ of all permanent works that have been executed under the contract.
Original plan
AS-staked plan
As- built plan
Revised plan
What D.O. states the Revised Guidelines on the Installation of Project Billboards?
D.O. 3 s. 2017
D.O. 21 s. 2022
D.O. 22 s. 2019
D.O. 21 s. 2017
Once the project reaches an accomplishment of ___ %, the Project Engineer shall faciliate the conduct of a pre-final inspection with the Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit a _____ to the Head or Implementing Office through the Project Engineer for lhe Final Inspection of the project.
As-built plan
Letter request for payment
Contractors Affidavit
Written request for lnspection
The _______ shall monitor the conduct or joint as-stake survey, which includes the establishment of project limits, horizontal and vertical ground control points in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
DPWH Materials Engineer
DPWH Profect Inspector
contractors ProJect Engineer
DPWH Project Engineer
The _____ shall prepare and submit to the Project Engineer a Monthly Materials Report containing the tests conducted and their results on the materials placed or Incorporated based on the Quality control Program.
DPWH Materials Engineer
DPWH Project Inspector
Contractors Project Engineer
Contractors Materials Engineer
_________ is done to ensure that the malerials and workmanship provided by the Contractor comply with the requirements of the Project
Selection or Materials
___________ shall be taken on the same location at the same angle before, during and after the completion of each major component of the works and at other times and places as required and directed by the Project Engineer
Photographs for Progress Billings
Progress Video
Construction Progress Report
Daily Inspection Report and Request for Inspection
What is the capacity(Liters) of the Jar used for FDT?
What do you call the method of determining stream discharge by measuring the cross-sectional area of the stream and its velocity with a current meter?
Velocity – Area Method
Float Velocity Method
Direct Volumetric Method
Indirect Method
In order to attain the minimum percentage design strength of concrete for sides of concrete beams and girders, the minimum time before forms and supports are removed should be:
In the calculation of total project duration in an infrastructure project (equipment oriented), which of the following is the most important consideration?
right-of way acquisition
local manpower capability
climatic condition in the area
availability of funds
Your total approved accomplishment on a project including those to be covered by an extra work is equivalent to 75% but only 65% is covered under the approved original contract. Up to what level of progress billing would you allow?
up to the total 75% accomplishment
below 75% but more than 65% accomplishment
up to the documented value not more than 50%
up to the documented value not more than 65%
Item 201 materials with CBR value of 75% (which is 5% less than the minimum requirements) can still be used in the design of a concrete pavement provided that the following are considered except one:
adequate compaction is applied during construction
increase the thickness requirement of base course
the design is only intended for a barangay road project
the foundation contains unsuitable materials
Per program of work, the estimated volume of Item 201 materials is 7,500 cubic meter. How many Grading and Plasticity tests are required based on the DPWH minimum testing requirement?
Which of the following is not a field test in road construction?
Density Test
Core Boring Test
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test
If after fifty percent (50%) completion the work is satisfactorily undertaken and on schedule, no additional retention should be made otherwise the progress payment should be imposed a retention rate of:
When will the Certificate of Final Inspection be issued?
after the supervision team has conducted final inspection
after the inter-bureau committee has conducted inspection
after the contractor has submitted the final completion request
after the one-year warranty period
Settlement of right-of-way problems should be done
Program of Works
Statement of Work Accomplished
Certificate of Availability of Funds
Certificate of Quality Control Assurance
Defective works in a project should be brought to the attention of the contractor by the Project Inspector thru:
logbook entry
progress billing deduction
inspection report
site instruction
How much percentage is withheld on the general items until the final acceptance of the project?
Which of the following is not a construction safety procedure?
The sides of deep excavations must be properly shored
All openings above ground level must be guarded
Operators and mechanics must be required to log-in when operating equipment
Workers engaged in clearing must be protected from hazardous plants
Which of the following is not a cause of delay in project implementation?
revision in plans
inadequacy of contractor’s resources
non-availability of construction materials
rainy months pre-determined in the area
The bar chart is also called a:
Precedence Diagram
Gantt Chart
CPM Diagram
PERT Chart
Who assists the Project Engineer in the overall direction and supervision of field operations?
Contractor’s Engineer
Resident Engineer
Materials Engineer
Project Inspector
Who prepares daily reports on work accomplishment for review of the Project Engineer?
Resident Engineer
Materials Engineer
Project Inspector
Contractor’s Engineer
Unless otherwise specified, all materials below subgrade level in earth should be cut to a depth of:
Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, mortar for masonry walls should be composed of one part Portland Cement and:
1 part fine aggregates by volume
1 inch part fine aggregates by volume
2 parts fine aggregates by volume
2 inches parts fine aggregates by volume
The depth of weakened plane joints should not be less than:
The Item No. for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in the DPWH Standard Specification is:
Under Item 310, the asphalt content of bituminous mix on the basis of total dry aggregate should be between:
4 % to 8 %
5 % to 8 %
3 % to 5 %
5 % to 7 %
For testing reinforcing steel bars, the sample for every 10 tons should be:
0.5 meter long
1.0 meter long
5.0 meter long
2 meter long
The particle size distribution of coarse-grained soil is determined by:
sieve analysis
hydrometer analysis
shaking test
stripping test
Which of the following is not a component of an economic evaluation of flood control projects?
determination of flood discharges
determination of estimated amount of damage
subsurface investigation
economic impact evaluation
Which of the following items is not a structure of a dam?
impervious fill
random fill
outlet protection works
distribution canal
Driving heads of piles are provided to:
ensure lateral support to the pile
provide a driving surface normal to the pile
avoid swaying
splice piles
What is the maximum allowable variation at the butt end of a pile in any direction from its location shown in the approved plans?
Which of the following is not categorized as a type of steel deck used on bridges?
steel jack arches
open panel
stiffened steel
close through panel
Which of the following is not included in the types of bridge foundations?
spread footing
bearing shelf
What is the minimum length requirement for longitudinal reinforcement of the piles that should be embedded in the bridge structure?
30 times the diameter of main reinforcing deformed bars
40 times the diameter of main reinforcing deformed bars
50 times the diameter of main reinforcing deformed bars
20 times the diameter of main reinforcing deformed bars
What do you call the road near or abutting a bridge?
What can be done on corners of concrete hollow block walls where no reinforced concrete column or wall stiffener is required/specified to join them?
epoxy binding
The presence of excessive amount of sulfuric and alkalic materials in water used in reinforced concrete construction will result to:
increase in volume of mix
early hardening of concrete
corrosion of steel reinforcement
whitening of finished surface of concrete
In patching works using cold mix (Emulsified Asphalt SS-1 Aggregate Mix), what color of the mix indicates that it is ready for application?
dark brown
What do you call the process of cutting the branches around a tree on the roadside to make them denser and grow straight?
In riprapping, masonry works and concrete slope protection on side slope, revetment, etc., which of the following are provided to serve as water outlet and lateral pressure reliever on the structure?
cut-off wall
gravel filter
What do you call the strengthening of an old existing asphalt or concrete pavement by providing additional adequate thickness over it?
Concrete mix not in place within _____ minutes from the time ingredients were charged into the mixing drum or has developed initial set, should not be used.
The time elapsed from the time water is added to the concrete mix and transported by a truck mixer up to the time said mix is deposited in place at the site should not exceed:
15 minutes
45 minutes
30 minutes
20 minutes
What is the most appropriate filling material if you encounter unsuitable roadway foundation?
fine aggregates
coarse aggregates
broken concrete
granular materials
Before placing concrete, the base of a roadway for concreting should be kept in moist condition and saturated with water for at least:
6 hrs.
1.5 hrs.
2 hrs.
3 hrs.
Since highways cross many natural drainage channels, provision of cross drainage as given below is necessary. The one not falling under cross drainage is:
For curve alignment of an internal open waterways (rectangular channel), the wall height must be at least 0.30 m above the super-elevated water surface for velocities of 10 meter/second or less. This means that if the super-elevated water level is at elevation 44.30 m, the top of the channel wall will be at least at elevation:
44.0 m
44.3 m
44.6 m
44.9 m
Which of the following is not a flood damage mitigation measure?
reduction of peak flow by reservoirs
confinement of the flow by levees, floodwalls
flood plain management
highway drainage
Lateral forces on building frames can be analyzed by approximate analytical methods given below with the exception of:
Moment-Distribution Method
Portal Method
Factor Method
Cantilever Method
Gravity loads usually refer to dead load and live load. Which of the following is not included in this classification?
weight of all permanent components
architectural components
occupants, furniture, etc.
wind load
The maximum value of impact applied to the superstructure of a bridge should be:
15.24/ (L+38); where L = portion of the span loaded for maximum
50/ (L+125)
Bearings for bridges are designed to provide free movement of girders. Which of the following is not used to allow such movement?
Expansion joints
Sliding plates
The most common hourly volume count used for roadway design is:
30th highest hourly volume
Service Flow
Highest 15 minute volume
For any proposed bridge site, the topographic and river surveys should be extended from the centerline of the bridge at least
100 to 200 m upstream only
100 to 200 m upstream only
100 to 200 m upstream and downstream
300 m upstream and downstream
What is the simplest type of superstructure of a concrete bridge with a limited span of 8 meters?
Reinforced concrete slab
Concrete plank deck
Girder and slab superstructure
Beam or plank bridge
Which of the following is not classified as a type of caisson foundation?
Pneumatic foundation
Box caisson
Open caisson
Hydraulic caisson
Which of the following documents is not necessary at the project site?
Bill of Quantities
General Specifications
Feasibility Study
An asphalt cement can be a good bituminous binder material for item:
The following reasons may cause the granting of contract time extension with the exception of one:
Exceptionally adverse climate conditions
Excusable failure of contractor to provide equipment and manpower
Causes beyond the control of contractor
Causes of which government is not directly responsible
For purposes of pavement design, the varying axle loads are converted to a common denominator which is in terms of:
5,000 lb (22 KN) wheel load
10,000 lb (44 KN) single axle load
32,000 lb (142 KN) tandem axle load
32,000 lb (142 KN) tandem axle load
Which of the following modifies specific work items relative to increases/decreases in the quantities provided for in the original contract?
Extra Work Order
Change Order
Resume Order
Suspension Order
An equation where BK (Back) is greater than AH (Ahead) means:
A deductive distance
An additive (plus) distance
No increase in distance
The road length
In identifying project location intended for asphalt pavement, which of the following criteria is not appropriate to recommend?
Drainage facilities is well – maintained
Location is not in a typhoon belt area
Existing base course is stable
Flood-prone road section
If the type of soil in Item 200 material is non-plastic, what Atterberg Limit Test can be performed?
Plastic Limit
Liquid Limit
Shrinkage Limit
Both a and b
In underpinning a pier the following methods may be undertaken before the repair work starts, with the exception of:
earth-filled wood cofferdaming
water diversion thru dikes of rock and earth
use of steel sheet piles
What do you call a record or book compiled to contain the data information and history in the implementation of a project from start to completion?
Blue Book
History Book
Log Book
Statement of Work Accomplished (SWA)
If the required thickness of Item 200 is 300 mm, the material may be spread and compacted in _______ layer (s).
If the good and hard soil is available within 2 to 3 m below the bed level of a river, the design will generally require:
spread foundations
raft foundations
pile foundations
caisson foundations
The amount withheld by the agency equivalent to 10% of the amount due to a contractor is referred to as:
Seed Money
Withholding Tax
Retention Money
Contractor Tax
Measurement of concrete materials for concrete structures shall be by:
The catch-up schedule reflects:
Financial expenditures
Accomplishment-duration relationship
The advance accomplishment
Preliminary engineering activities
After a pre-final inspection is conducted on a project and having verified an accomplishment of 95% or more, which of the following is issued?
Final Inspection Certificate
Acceptance Certificate
Punch List
Turnover Certificate
In a PERT/CPM network, what is the latest allowable point in time that any event can occur, and still be on schedule for the scheduled completion of a project?
Early start
Early finish
Late start
Late finish
In a CPM diagram, these are points in time representing the start or completion of particular activities:
The system of protecting land area from ocean waves is called:
River protection works
Coastal protection works
Slope protection works
Erosion control works
Which of the following is a bank protection structure?
Drainage ditch
Retaining wall
Lateral works
Pier resting on piles
What do you call the structure, typically less than 5.0 m that is built across or spanning a river or waterway?
Bridge (any type)
Culvert (pipe or box)
Which of the following is not a function of a groin?
It decreases the flow velocity
It regulates the flow direction
It stabilizes the mountain grade
It decreases the scouring effect
Which of the following is not a flood prevention/mitigation measure?
Channel improvement
What is the method of measurement for determining the depth of a river channel?
After a typhoon, a dam measuring 250 meters suffered a 40-meter breach equivalent to P 4.8 million. You found out that it is impossible to close the gap before the onset of rainy months, which may result in total collapse of the dam. If you are the new Project Engineer, what will you do?
Risk 3-shift operation to attain maximum accomplishment
Suspend the project and resume after the rainy months
Armor the breached section with gabion-mattress and spur dike, to utilize gap as diversion channel
Introduce a crash program sacrificing quality
Proper storage of cement especially for big quantities stored at the jobsite must satisfy the following requirement with the exception of:
Flooring of warehouse should be well above the ground
Cement sacks should be stacked close together
Warehouse doors and windows should be closed except when cement is taken out for use
Warehouse should be located in an elevated place
The depth of corrugation and roughened finish by brooming on the surface of a newly set concrete pavement should not be more than:
6.0 mm
1.5 mm
3.0 mm
2.5 mm
What kind of reinforcing steel is used for tie bars of a PCCP?
Plain square bars
Plain round bars
Deformed square bars
Deformed round bars
When a contract is mutually terminated, the contractor is:
Blacklisted by the agency
Required to pay liquidated damages
Allowed to submit bids
Disallowed to submit bids
What is the Item 505 in the DPWH Standard Specification?
Structural Concrete
Prestressed Concrete
Riprap and Grouted Riprap
Stone Masonry
Unless other sizes are shown in the plans, stones for stone masonry should have a minimum thickness of:
How many core samples should be taken for thickness determination of a 2-kilometer, 2-lane concrete road pavement?
To avoid hitting a waterfall, realignment of the route must be done. Being a new road that will pass through loose or heterogeneous strata, auger borings should be made on the proposed alignment at an average interval of:
What is the single vertical datum to which elevation for all infrastructure projects should be referred to?
Mean Sea Level
10.47 m below mean Sea Level
10.00 below mean Lower Low Water
Mean Lower Low Water
Clay can be distinguished from silt by performing:
Sieve Analysis Test
Hydrometer Test
Plastic Limit Test
Liquid Limit Test
The Atterberg limit tests are performed on the soil fraction passing sieve no.:
4 (4.75 mm)
16 (1.18 mm)
40 (0.425 mm)
200 (0.075 mm)
How often can progress payment be requested by a contractor?
once a month
twice a month
as soon as an item of work is completed
as often as he desires
Whose engineering judgement will prevail in the overall field implementation of a project?
Project Inspector
Resident Engineer
Project Engineer
Materials Engineer
A variation order may be in the form of extra work order or change order. What is the maximum allowable percentage of the change order?
The process of maintaining sufficient moisture and favorable temperature in concrete is called:
The flexural strength of concrete is considered satisfactory when the average strength of all sets of 3 consecutive strength test results equal or exceed the specified strength and when no individual strength test result is deficient by more than:
10 % of 550 psi
15 % of 550 psi
20 % of 550 psi
25 % of 550 psi
Before an asphalt pavement or asphalt surface treatment is placed on a granular base, what liquid asphalt is applied?
Seal Coat
Tack Coat
Prime Coat
Epoxy Coat
Sub-grade soil is well compacted under the controlled condition of:
Over saturation with water
Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density
Dry soil
Cold weather
Camber on gravel roads is provided to:
Establish a smooth riding surface
Prevent water from stagnating on the carriageway
Provide boundary line for the two lanes
Plant grass for sodding
The rate of application of emulsified asphalt used as tack coat, should be within the range of:
0.2 – 0.5 l/m2
0.2 – 0.7 l/m2
0.15 – 0.7 l/m2
0.15 – 0.5 l/m2
In the compaction of sub-base, the compacted dry density of each layer should not be less than what value of the maximum dry density, determined according to the AASHTO method?
95 %
96 %
98 %
100 %
In the compaction of sub-base, the compacted dry density of each layer should not be less than what value of the maximum dry density, determined according to the AASHTO method?
Camber on gravel roads is provided to:
Establish a smooth riding surface.
Prevent water from stagnating on the carriageway.
Provide boundary line for the two lanes.
Plant grass for sodding.
Before an asphalt pavement or asphalt surface treatment is placed on a granular base, what liquid asphalt is applied?
seal coat
tack coat
prime coat
epoxy coat
{"name":"Hanapin si Jumbo Rat Reviewer", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QTET59MHT","txt":"This document shows whether the materials incorporated Into the works are conforming to the standard specifications, As applied to various stages of project lmplementation is viewed and considered as the Contractor's responsibility, Give the overall view of the works to be done or accomplished during the implementation of the project. These documents also help in the evaluation of the stability and quality of the projects.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/93-4545599/jumbo-rat.png?sz=1200"}
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