US History Exam

Who was the first European to discover America? (not Colombus)
John Cabot
Leif Erikson
Who was the conquistador of the Aztecs and the Incas? What Indian ruler did he conquer?
Hernandez Cortez (conquistador) conquered John Cabot
Montezuma (conquistador) conquered Hernandez Cortez
Hernandez Cortez (conquistador) conquered Montezuma
John Cabot (conquistador) conquered Montezuma
What were the "three G's" of Spanish exploration?
How were the British and the French different in their approach to colonization & the native Americans?
English treated well French treated bad
English treated bad French treated well
While the Spanish were motivated by solely by gold, what else were the French and later English looking for?
What is the difference between being English and being British?
What is the British flag?
What is the English flag?
How did England make up for its naval inferiority?
They paid people to join
Guerilla warfare
Queen Elizabeth forced people to do training
Founded the Sea Dogges
What were the Sea Dogges
Dogs who attacked people
Ship makers
What event led to the beginning of the English overtaking the Spanish as a world power?
While Spain came for gold and France set up trading companies, why did England want to start colonies?
They wanted to beat Spain and France
The three G's
They wanted credit
They wanted to make revenue from the colonies
Why did their people want to leave England? (choose the best answer)
They left for new life and religion
They wanted to get away from KG3
They were forced to leave
They were criminals wanting to escape
Under which female monarch did England really start to grow its colonies?
Marie Antionette
Selena Gomez
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Mary
Where was the first English colony? Where was the first successful English colony?
What were some of the ways the English citizens used to finance their passage? What about groups of businessmen?
In terms of government What were the 3 types of colonies started by the English?
Who led the Protestant Reformation in England?
King George 3
King John
King Henry 8
King Phillipe 12
What was a blueblood? (not needed to know)
What was Mercantilism?
A cash crop?
An apprentice?
What were the three regions of the English Colonies?
When did the Salem Witch Trials start?
Who led the Salem Witch Trials?
How did it end?
The governors wife was accused of witchcraft
King George 3 ordered them to stop
The leaders were executed
They realized what they were doing
What was spectral evidence and what role did it play in the Salem trials?
How is mass hysteria involved today?
Why should we admire Giles Corey?
Who was Massasoit?
The leader of the pilgrims
One of the leaders of the Revolution
The maker of houses in colonial times
The leader of the Wompanogs
What was Masssasoit's tribe’s role in the first New England Thanksgiving?
What is historically special about Metacomet (King Philip’s) war?
Tell of Bacon’s Rebellion and how it led to a rise in African slavery.
Talk of John Peter Zenger and his trial and its role in the First Amendment and of jury nullification
What was the Albany Plan?
A plan made by Alexander Hamilton
A plan that made one government for the 13 colonies.
A strategy during the revolution
King Georges plan to settle the colonies
Who thought of it?
Alexander Hamilton
King George 3
Ben Franklin
George Washington
What animal’s pelt helped to cause the war? What region populated by these animals was a major reason that the French and Indian War was fought?
How did the French and Indian War help the colonists?
How did the results of the war hurt the relationship between England and the American colonists?
What was Salutary Neglect?
It was the fact that the English couldn't move into the land that they fought for.
It was a strategy of attack in which you surprise the opponent otherwise a surprise attack.
The reason King George 3 started Parliament.
Salutary Neglect was the relax of enforcement on regulations on things such as trade. Also, it was basically the fact that the British did not enforce the laws that they created.
This ended because the British were in debt after the French and Indian War, and so they needed to stop having people not follow the rules.
What truly happened at the Boston Massacre?
Colonists fired into a crowd of British soldiers
The British fired into a crowd of colonists.
How were both the Adams cousins involved?
John Adams was the intense brother.
Sam Adams was the intense brother.
How did the Americans feel about their representation within the English government?
What was the British response to the Americans’ complaints of their lack of representation in Parliament?
The Proclomation Act
The Sugar Act
The Declaratory Act
The Stamp Act
Talk of British enforcement of mercantilism and the series of British actions that led to war (Proclamation of 1763, The Sugar Act, The Tea Act, etc).
Who were some of the leaders of colonial resistance? Give some ways that they protested the English.
How did the 1st Continental Congress deal with the growing turmoil between England and the colonists?
What did the Second Continental Congress do?
How did Thomas Paine inspire rebels?
He said a speech
He travelled from city to city with messages from George Washington
He freed slaves
He wrote a book called Common Sense.
Talk of the Declaration of Independence - Why did we need it? What does it state? Who wrote it? Why?
What were the American advantages in the war?
What were the British advantages in the war?
Who were the 3 major foreign countries that came to America’s aid in terms of national support?
France, Spain, Netherlands
Spain, England, Italy
England, France, Greenland
Dutch, Spain, France
Explain the terms: “Pyrrhic Victory” “War of Attrition” “Hubris”
What were the key points of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
Tell of the major differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
What were the problems & successes of the Articles of Confederation. Tell of Shays’ Rebellion.
3/5ths Compromise
2nd Constitutional Congress was deciding how to split up representation in the Legislative Branch. The smaller states wanted equal representation and got it with the Senate and many of the larger states wanted proportional representation which resulted in the House of Reps.
The compromise in which each slave counts as ⅗ of a person in the electoral college.
This compromise dealt with the tax on trade. The Southern states wanted no tax on trade as that was better for their farmers while the North wanted taxes on trade because that helped them. Imports would end up being taxed, but there was to be no tax on exports and that there would be no restriction on the Slave Trade for 20 years.
Great Compromise
2nd Constitutional Congress was deciding how to split up representation in the Legislative Branch. The smaller states wanted equal representation and got it with the Senate and many of the larger states wanted proportional representation which resulted in the House of Reps.
The compromise in which each slave counts as ⅗ of a person in the electoral college.
This compromise dealt with the tax on trade. The Southern states wanted no tax on trade as that was better for their farmers while the North wanted taxes on trade because that helped them. Imports would end up being taxed, but there was to be no tax on exports and that there would be no restriction on the Slave Trade for 20 years.
Commerce Compromise
2nd Constitutional Congress was deciding how to split up representation in the Legislative Branch. The smaller states wanted equal representation and got it with the Senate and many of the larger states wanted proportional representation which resulted in the House of Reps.
The compromise in which each slave counts as ⅗ of a person in the electoral college.
This compromise dealt with the tax on trade. The Southern states wanted no tax on trade as that was better for their farmers while the North wanted taxes on trade because that helped them. Imports would end up being taxed, but there was to be no tax on exports and that there would be no restriction on the Slave Trade for 20 years.
Which of these is NOT part of the 7 basic principles of the constitution.
Popular Sovereignty (the people are king)
Limited Government (Govt. Only has the power the Constitution gives it).
School schedules (5 days, 7-8 hours)
Separation of Powers (3 branches of government).
Checks and Balances (Each branch has unique safeguards to check the power of the other 2 branches).
Federalism (Division of power between National & State governments)
Republicanism (Representative Democracy)
Individual Rights (protected by the Bill of Rights)
What was the necessary & proper clause (“elastic clause”)?
A strict constructionist is someone who enforces the law and doesn’t use the “elastic clause” as often.
A loose constructionist is someone who uses their rights so if no one says that they can’t do something, then they believe that they can, and will, do it.
What determined the number of representatives that each state gets in the House? The Senate?
What was the Electoral College? How did it filter the power of the people?
What were Washington’s precedents? (Hint: there's 4)
Who were Washington’s cabinet members?
James Madison and Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton nd Thomas Jefferson
Tell of the Whiskey Rebellion and how Washington handled it.
This is Hamilton's financial plan, study it: Hamilton’s Financial Plan – what would it pay for? Assume all debts Assumption of foreign debt (like what we owed the Dutch and French) - Paying this debt would make countries respect us and be more likely to work with us in the future. Assumption of state debt (Agreeing to pay off all remaining state debts) – Paying this debt would set the example that we are one country and the states would look to the federal (central) government for help. Assumption of private bond debt (Agreeing to pay off all the private bonds) – Paying this debt would make the private citizens have respect for the new government Hamilton’s Financial Plan – How would it pay Create Bank of U.S. With the elastic clause Issue new bonds Tariff on foreign goods (North liked/South disliked) Tax on Whiskey (Whiskey rebellion)
Explain Hamilton's financial plan
What was speculation? How did this have an effect Hamilton’s plan (paying off bonds)?
€�If I can be but the instrument of preserving one life, his blessing or tears of transport shall be sufficient consolation to me, for the contempt of all mankind”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
"I may not be a lion, but I am a lion's cub, and I have a lion's heart.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
More weight
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�We have always governed ourselves.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�They stand no longer in need of her protection. She will call on them to contribute towards supporting the burdens they have helped bring on to her, and they will answer by striking off all dependence.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
I would have been content to bring France to her knees, now I will not rest until I have laid her on her back.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�These are the times that try men’s souls...Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
To say that America, with some French aid, defeated England is like saying ‘Daddy and I killed the bear.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�Anyone who does not agree with me is both a traitor and a scoundrel.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�The die is now cast, the colonists must either submit or triumph.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
€�We have probably had too good an opinion of human nature in forming our confederation.”
John Adams quoting Marquis di Beccarri
American soldier giving reason why they fight
King George 111 again
French official at the end of the war
George Washington
Thomas Paine- The Crisis
Thomas Jefferson
King George 111
Giles Corey
William Prescott
William Pitt on the French
Queen Elizabeth 1
{"name":"US History Exam", "url":"","txt":"Who was the first European to discover America? (not Colombus), Who was the conquistador of the Aztecs and the Incas? What Indian ruler did he conquer?, What were the \"three G's\" of Spanish exploration?","img":""}
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