You find Her in a ditch and she’s drunk what do u do?
Give her more alcohol
Try. Stuck in the alcohol out of her blood
Bring her home
What do u do if she gets her period
Buy her food
Cuddle her + Netflix
Tell her she fat
She bumps her head
Give her weed
Give her a kiss
Sign a song/ pat her head like a dog
She developed a fetish for raw chicken
Bring her to counselling
Join her
Have sex with the raw chickens
Adopt the raw chicken
She develops a relationship with yo parents
Tell her to fuck off
Have a 4 some
Tell her to make out with them
Shoot a porno
Sit back and relax
She wants to shave her head
Support her
Pay her not to do so
Join her
Kill her and take her hair and make a doll
She asks to have sex on Friday but...... Yo dong it soar from fucking her fish the previous night. You?
Have sex and suffer pain
Tell her the truth
Run away with the fish
Take drugs
You cheat on her
Tell her
Lie and ask to have 3 some
She catches u cheating
Tell her the truth
Say she yo cousin
Ask for 3 some
{"name":"You find Her in a ditch and she’s drunk what do u do?", "url":"","txt":"You find Her in a ditch and she’s drunk what do u do?, What do u do if she gets her period, She bumps her head","img":""}
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