
I would rather study.....
By myself
In a group
After completing a test....
I usually go back over it to check my answers
I usually just turn it in
When studying a topic that does NOT interest me...
I try to get through it so I can be done with it
I put if off and work on things I enjoy more
In the classroom, I learn best by....
Sharing my ideas
Listening to others share their ideas
I would rather be complimented for being.....
School friends would describe me as....
When the teacher asks a question...
I am often one of the first to raise my hand
I like to think for a while before raising my hand
When a teacher closely follows the the schedule for the day...
I enjoy knowing what will be covered
I am bored by the predictability
I would rather....
Finish one assignment before moving on to another
Work on a number of assignments at the same time
When studying...
I need to take frequent breaks
I can concentrate for long periods of time
I would prefer....
Learn about things as they are
Dream about how things could be
I am likely to...
Arrive early for class
Be a little late or right on time
Giving a presentation in front of the class sounds....
I usually....
Fear the worst
Expect the best
I prefer a day....
That is well planned out
Where anything could happen
After a day at school....
I like to spend time with my friends
I like to be alone
I prefer....
Staying with the same schedule every week
Not knowing what the day will hold
When doing my homework...
I work steadily to get it completed
I work in spurts, times of concentration and times of losing focus
On the first day of school....
I introduce myself to people I don't know
I wait for others to introduce themselves to me
When completing an important school project...
I tend to do things the same way I have always done in the past
I like to explore new ways of working
My work area at school is....
Neat and orderly
A mess, but I know where to find what I need
I am more likely to....
Act without thinking
Think without acting
When asked to do very detailed work....
It comes easily to me
I lose interest quickly
I am more likely to...
Work first so I can play without worrying
Play first and work as the deadline gets closer
If I have a question about an assignment, I would most likely....
Ask the teacher or a classmate
Try to find the answer myself
I am more likely to rely on....
Facts and figures
Educated guesses
When organizing my school work...
I make written lists of what needs to be done
I keep lists in my head
I do my best work....
When I am able to bounce ideas off of friends
When I can work alone uninterrupted
A friend asks you what time it is. You would likely respond....
It is 2:57
It is about 3
The best day at school....
Follows a schedule laid out early in the day
Is full of unexpected twists and turns
When I meet a new person....
We often become friends quickly
We become friends only after I get to know and trust them
I prefer.....
True/False and multiple choice tests with one correct answer
Essay tests that allow me to explain my answer
Classroom rules....
Are to make sure that everyone is treated fairly
Should change and sift under special circumstances
When someone talks out of turn in class....
I am happy for the distraction
I am annoyed at being off track
Friends would probably say that....
I have a vivid imagination
I like to stick to the facts
Awards and recognition for being a good student...
Are important to me
Are NOT important to me
Friends would most likely describe me as....
Laid back
High energy
Studying art in school is....
A waste of time
Time well spent
I typically....
Finish all projects that I start
Start more projects than I finish
Which is more true of you....
I do NOT like talking about myself
I enjoy talking about myself
Which is more true of you....
I like surprises
I do NOT like surprises
When given an assignment...
I get started right away
I wait until the due date is approaching to begin
Which is more true of you....
I choose my words with care
I say what is on my mind
I prefer learning....
Facts that build on other things I have learned
Whether or not the information relates to other things that I have learned
When completing an assignment....
I first plan out my actions and then get started
I jump right in and see where it leads me
{"name":"GeniuStyle", "url":"","txt":"I would rather study....., After completing a test...., When studying a topic that does NOT interest me...","img":""}
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