Answer what you'd do in these situations and I'll tell you if you're a good friend or not

You walk into the bathroom and find your BFF sobbing, looking at her phone You . . .
Slowly back out of the room . . . awkward!! (You'll just use another washroom)
Say "I need to use the washroom!" because it's the truth. And shoo her away
Halfheartedly say "Are you OK?" So you can get it over with and use the bathroom
Ask her what's wrong and actually listen
Ask her if you need to whoop some butt for her
You see a nasty rumour about your bestie on Insta You . . .
You don't do anything.  It doesn't involve you and you certainly don't want it to. 
You join in on the gossip, but tell your bestie about it casually like it's NBD
You ask them to stop.  If they don't, whatever, you tried
You report the post and warn your bestie, but making sure to reassure her it's not true
You shut it down yourself.  You also plan to get revenge on the gossipers
Your friend wants to watch this new movie with you but you know you'll really hate it You . . .
Pretend to be sick and bail
Bluntly tell her how much you'll hate it and harshly critique her movie prefrances
Watch it but don't even try to hide how little you're enjoying it
You watch the movie and look at the bright side quality time with your friend!
You don't like your friends outfit and she asks you how she looks in it You . . .
Lie and tell her you love it
Don't try to sugar coat, tell her she looks badddd
Quite obviously lie about it
You say something like "You look beautiful but your outfit isn't my fave" and suggest an accessory or two
{"name":"Answer what you'd do in these situations and I'll tell you if you're a good friend or not", "url":"","txt":"You walk into the bathroom and find your BFF sobbing, looking at her phone You . . ., You see a nasty rumour about your bestie on Insta You . . ., Your friend wants to watch this new movie with you but you know you'll really hate it You . . .","img":""}
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