New Testament Survey: Mastery Test #2

Create an illustration that depicts the New Testament with key themes, such as early churches, the Apostle Paul, and significant biblical figures in a vibrant and educational style.

New Testament Survey Quiz

Test your knowledge of the New Testament with our comprehensive survey quiz! Dive into the teachings, cities, and key figures of early Christianity as you answer a series of multiple-choice and open-ended questions.

Key features:

  • Multiple-choice questions covering major themes and figures
  • Open-ended questions to explore your understanding
  • Engaging format suitable for all levels of knowledge
37 Questions9 MinutesCreated by ExploringFaith101
1. Which City was in the center of several churches Paul planted?
A. Jerusalem
B. Antioch
C. Ephesus
D. Corinth
2. Artemis was
A. A famous poet
B. An early believer.
C. A Greek goddess.
D. the Pastor at Ephesus
3. Philippi was in the province of
A. Galatia
B. Macedonia
C. Achaia
D. Asia Minor
4. The theme of Philippians is
A. Grace.
B. Joy.
C. Mercy.
D. Love.
5. In Philippians, having the same attitude as Christ is the key to
A. Unity.
B. Peace.
C. Salvation.
D. Rejoicing.
6. Paul’s reference to old clothes or the old self is to
A. Baptism.
B. Poverty.
C. Death
D. Sins
7. The slave whom Paul sent back to his master
A. Philemon
B. Trophimus
C. Onesimus
D. Epaphras
8. Philemon teaches us that the gospel
A. Supports the practice of slavery.
B. Improves our economic status.
C. Changes the rules of society.
D. Can change people’s heart and make people better.
9. Thessalonica was the capital of
A. Galatia.
B. Achaia.
C. Macedonia.
D. Asia Minor.
10. Paul wrote both epistles to the Thessalonians from
A. Rome.
B. Corinth.
C. Athens.
D. Philippi.
11. The theme of 1 and 2 Thessalonians is
A. Rejoicing in persecution.
B. Freedom from the Law.
C. Christ’s greatness
D. The second coming.
12. Eschatology is the study of
A. Church history.
B. False teachings.
C. The end-time.
D. Salvation.
13. The man of lawlessness refers to the
A. High priest.
B. Antichrist.
C. False prophet.
D. Devil.
14. Where did Timothy first learn the Scriptures?
A. At school
B. From Paul
C. At home
D. In a vision
15. Paul’s relationship to Timothy was like a
A. Brother to a brother.
B. Father to a son.
C. Teacher to a student
D. Pastor to a church member.
16. Timothy pastored in
A. Corinth.
B. Philippi.
C. Ephesus.
D. Antioch.
17. Paul teaches that a pastor must be one who
A. Is a servant-leader.
B. Speaks with great authority.
C. Has much education
D. Has many talents.
18. According to Titus, grace helps believers by
A. Giving them power to witness.
B. Keeping them from sinning.
C. Helping them understand the Bible.
D. Teaching them to live godly lives.
19. In 2 Timothy, Paul says a pastor is like an athlete because he must
A. Train himself.
B. Run against others.
C. Obey the rules.
D. Finish the race.
20. In 2 Timothy, Paul compares people in the days to
A. Euodia and Syntyche.
B. Jannes and Jambres.
C. Samson and Delilah.
D. Nadab and Abihu.
21. Describing the Scriptures as “God-breathed” means that God
A. Lives in and through the Scriptures.
B. Gave scripture the breath of Life.
C. Wrote the Scripture on His own.
D. Is the source of all Scripture.
22. The author of Hebrews was
A. Paul.
B. Barnabas.
C. Apollos.
D. Unknown.
23. The General Epistles were written
A. From different places.
B. For all the churches.
C. About all different topics.
D. Around the same time.
24. First Peter teaches that trials
A. Purify our faith.
B. Reveal a lack of faith.
C. Are the result of sin.
D. Are caused by Satan.
25. A primary theme in Hebrews, James and 1 Peter is
A. Unity.
B. Witnessing.
C. Suffering.
D. Spiritual gifts.
Enumeration: 26-29: Give the four books of the Letters from Prison.
30-31: Letter about the Future
32-34: Letters for Pastors
35-37: Letters to Suffering Believers
38-40: Some people believed that Paul wrote Hebrews. However, many biblical scholars do not agree with this for at least three reasons: What are these three reasons? Note: You may identify your own reasons, that was not part in our discussions, but as long as you can defend it, I might be able to consider your answers.
Essay: 41-45: Explain the contrasts between growing in grace and falling from grace found in 2 Peter.
46-50: In the book of 3 John, describe the spiritual character of Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius.
51-55: According to James, how has prayer been powerful and effective in your life?
56-60: According to 2 John, In what ways do false teachers penetrate churches today? What are some ways the church can guard itself against false teachers?
61-65: According to the context of 2 Peter, how does a believer partake of the divine nature?
66-70: In your opinion, if Jude quoted from an uninspired source (1 Enoch), does this create any problems with his message?
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