Lorkhanovo Znanje

Create an engaging and colorful fantasy-themed image featuring mystical landscapes, magical symbols, and characters from Elder Scrolls Online, focusing on buffs and debuffs in a battle scenario.

Lorkhanovo Znanje Quiz

Testirajte svoje znanje o buffovima i debuffovima u igri! Ovaj kviz se sastoji od 40 pitanja koja pokrivaju razliĝite aspekte akcionih i taktiĝkih mehanika igre. Obuhvata sve, od pasiva do specifiĝnih veština koje igraĝi koriste.

Pripremite se za izazov i saznajte koliko dobro poznajete svet Lorkhaja!

40 Questions10 MinutesCreated by BattlingSpirit725
Koje buffove daje Combat Prayer? (više odgovora)
Minor Slayer
Minor Berserk
Minor Ward
Minor Resolve
Minor Force
Minor Toughness
Minor Endurance
Minor Fortitude
Koji buff je opisan u ovom tekstu: "Increase Damage by 8%"?
Minor Berserk
Minor Force
Minor Slayer
Minor Brutality
Minor Savagery
Koji su mogući izvori Minor Toughness buffa? (više odgovora)
Assault ultimate: War Horn
Warden Green Balance pasiv: Maturation
Armor set: Warrior Poet
Templar Restoring Light skill: Restoring Aura
Armor set: Order of Diagna
Sorcerer Daedric Summoning pasiv: Expert Summoner
Koji su mogući izvori Minor Force buffa? (više odgovora)
Fighter's Guild skill: Beast Trap
Armor set: Twilight Remedy
Armor set: Medusa
Support skill: Stalwart Guard (morph od Guard)
Nightblade Assassination skill: Grim Focus
Assault ultimate: Aggressive Horn
Templar Dawn's Wrath skill: Solar Flare
Koji bonus daje Major Intellect buff?
Increase magica recovery by 20%
Increase spell damage by 20%)
Increase Spell Critical by 2191
Increase spell resistance by 5280
Increase healing done by 25%
Koji su mogući izvori Major Maim debuffa? (više odgovora)
Templar Dawn's Wrath ultimate: Nova
Warden Winter's Embrace skill: Frozen Device (morph od Frozen Gate)
Nightblade Assassination ultimate: Death Stroke
Armor Set: Daedric Trickery
Warden Animal Companion skill: Subterranean Assault (morph od Scorch
Destruction Staff skill: Weakness to Elements
Koji su mogući izvori Minor Magickasteal debuffa? (više odgovora)
Templar Restorning Light skill: Radiant Aura (morph od Restoring Aura)
Restoring Light Ability: Restoring Aura
Destruction Staff skill: Elemental Drain (morph od Weakness to Elements)
Restoration Staff skill: Siphon Spirit (morph od Force Siphon)
Warden Green Balance skill: Leeching Vines (morph od Living Vines)
Armor Set: Noble’s Conquest
Koji je debuff opisan u ovom tekstu: "Reduces Max health by 10%"?
Minor Mangle
Minor Vulnerability
Minor Enervation
Minor Defile
Minor Maim
Što radi Minor Uncertainty debuff?
Reduce Critical chance by 657
Reduces Critical damage done by 12%
Increase damage taken by 8%
Increases Ultimate cost by 60%
Decrease Healing taken and Health Recovery by 15%
Kako se zove ovaj boss?
Yokeda Rok’dun
Koji mob u Maw of Lorkhaj baca "Eclipse Field" skill?
Flesh Render
Koji mob u Aetherian Archive I Sanctum Ophidia trialima baca "Call Lightning" skill?
War Priest
Illusory Thundermaul
Illusory Battlemage
Koji buff Sorcererov Dark Magic pasiv: Exploitation daje grupi?
Minor Prophecy
Minor Brutality
Minor Sorcery
Minor Savagery
Minor Toughness
Koji buff Dragonknightov Earthen Heart pasiv: Mountain's Blessing daje grupi?
Minor Prophecy
Minor Brutality
Minor Sorcery
Minor Savagery
Minor Toughness
Koji buff Templarov Dawn's Wrath pasiv: Illuminate daje grupi?
Minor Prophecy
Minor Brutality
Minor Sorcery
Minor Savagery
Minor Toughness
Koji buff Nightbladeov Assassination pasiv: Hemorrhage daje grupi?
Minor Prophecy
Minor Brutality
Minor Sorcery
Minor Savagery
Minor Toughness
Na kojim platformama kod Rakkhata se pojavljuju Hulk addovi? (više odgovora)
Na kojim platformama kod Rakkhata se pojavljuju 6 Dro’mathra Shadows? (više odgovora)
Na kojim platformama kod Rakkhata se pojavljuju Stalker Orbs? (više odgovora)
Koje buffove daje Templarov Restoring Light skill: Restoring Aura? (više odgovora)
Minor Fortitude
Minor Endurance
Minor Intellect
Minor Ward
Minor Resolve
Minor Vitality
Minor Mending
Koji pasiv je opisan u ovom tekstu: "When you cast an Ultimate ability, you restore 46 Health, 46 Magicka, and 46 Stamina for each point of the Ultimate's cost."?
Earthen Heart: Battle Roar
Earthen Heart: Helping Hands
Draconic Power: Elder Dragon
Ardent Flame: Wold in Ruin
Draconinc Power: Burning Heart
Koji pasiv glasi: "Increases the amount of damage you can block by 10%"?
Dragonknight Draconic Power: Iron Skin
Templar Aedric Spear: Spear Wall
One Hand and Shield: Fortress
One Hand and Shield: Deflect Bolts
Frost Staff: Ancient Knowledge
One Hand and Shield: Sword and Board
Koji pasiv glasi: "Increases your Weapon Damage by 5% and the amount of damage you can block by 20%"?
Dragonknight Draconic Power: Iron Skin
Templar Aedric Spear: Spear Wall
One Hand and Shield: Fortress
One Hand and Shield: Deflect Bolts
Frost Staff: Ancient Knowledge
One Hand and Shield: Sword and Board
Koji pasiv glasi: "Increases the amount of damage you can block from projectiles and ranged attacks by 15%"?
Dragonknight Draconic Power: Iron Skin
Templar Aedric Spear: Spear Wall
One Hand and Shield: Fortress
One Hand and Shield: Deflect Bolts
Frost Staff: Ancient Knowledge
One Hand and Shield: Sword and Board
Koji pasiv glasi: "reduces the cost of blocking by 30% and increases the amount of damage you block by 20%"?
Dragonknight Draconic Power: Iron Skin
Templar Aedric Spear: Spear Wall
One Hand and Shield: Fortress
One Hand and Shield: Deflect Bolts
Frost Staff: Ancient Knowledge
One Hand and Shield: Sword and Board
Sa Twin Blade and Blunt pasivom otkljuĝanim, ako koristite maĝ I bodež, koje ćete bonuse dobiti? (više odgovora)
Increases your damage done by 2.5%
Increases your Weapon Critical rating by 5%
Gives your melee attacks a 8% chance to bleed enemies for 2308 Physical Damage over 6 seconds
Your attacks to ignore 10% of an enemy's Physical Resistance
Increases your Weapon Damage by 2.5%
Koji su mogući izvori Major Heroism buffa? (više odgovora)
Champion Point pasiv: Last Stand (The Ritual)
Warden Winter's Embrace skill: Shimmering Shield (morph od Crystallized Shield)
Armor Set: Daedric Trickery
Armor Set: Tava's Favor
Armor Set: Shalk Exoskeleton
Two Handed skill: Carve (morph od Cleave )
Gdje se dobiva Bone Pirate's Tatters set?
Blackheart Haven
Malabal Tor
Tempest Island
Crafted set
Gdje se dobiva Strength of the Automaton set?
Darkshade Caverns
Clockwork City
Crafted set
Koji buff daje Mages Guild pasiv: Might of the Guild?
Major Intellect
Major Sorcery
Major Prophecy
Minor Force
Koji setovi se mogu dobiti u Vault of Madness? (više odgovora)
Worm's Raiment
Oblivion's Edge
Shroud of the Lich
Oblivion's Foe
U kojem veteran dungeonu se dobiva Shadowrend glava?
Crypt of Hearts I
Elden Hollow I
Banished Cells I
Wayrest Sewers I
Fungal Grotto II
U kojem kovĝegu se mogu pronaći Troll King ramena?
Gilirion the Redbeard's reward chest
Maj al Ragath's reward chest
Urgarlag Chief Bane's reward chest
U kojem kovĝegu se mogu pronaći Sentinel of Rkugamz ramena?
Gilirion the Redbeard's reward chest
Maj al Ragath's reward chest
Urgarlag Chief Bane's reward chest
Unikatan bonus kojeg Monster (Undaunted) seta je opisan u ovom tekstu: "When you heal a friendly target, you have a 5% chance to summon a totem for 6 seconds that heals you and your allies in area for 3483 Health every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds"?
Sentinel of Rkugamz
Scourge Harverster
Unikatan bonus kojeg Monster (Undaunted) seta je opisan u ovom tekstu: "When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to create an earthquake under the enemy that errupts after 1.5 seconds, dealing 5030 Physical Damage to all enemies within 4 meters and stunning them for 3 seconds. This effect can occur once every 5.5 seconds"?
Šteta koje vrste može izazvati Concussed status effect I koji debuff je ukljuĝen u taj status? (više odgovora)
Shock damage
Minor Maim
Flame damage
Minor Vulnerability
Frost damage
Major Defile
Disease damage
Minor Breach
Šteta koje vrste može izazvati Befouled status effect I koji debuff je ukljuĝen u taj status? (više odgovora)
Shock damage
Minor Maim
Flame damage
Minor Vulnerability
Frost damage
Major Defile
Disease damage
Minor Breach
Koji je jedini naĝin kako protivniku zadati Blind status efekt?
Armor set: Blessing of Meridia
Templar Dawn's Wrath skill: Dark Flare (morph od Solar Flare)
Armor set: Hist Bark
Nightblade Shadow skill: Shadowy Disguise (morph od Shadow Cloak)
Armor set: Glorious Defender
Koji set vam omogućava da koristite dva mundus kamena istovremeno?
{"name":"Lorkhanovo Znanje", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Testirajte svoje znanje o buffovima i debuffovima u igri! Ovaj kviz se sastoji od 40 pitanja koja pokrivaju razliĝite aspekte akcionih i taktiĝkih mehanika igre. Obuhvata sve, od pasiva do specifiĝnih veština koje igraĝi koriste. Pripremite se za izazov i saznajte koliko dobro poznajete svet Lorkhaja!","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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